First set of questions, asked to almost all students
Q1: May I know your full name?
Ans: My full name is Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar. (Note: Full name means given name + middle name if any + surname. Mostly students will speak the name given in the passport, which may not have the surname. So, you must speak your full name in answer to this question)
Q2: May I see your ID?
Ans: Here is my passport. (Note: open the first page of the passport and show it to the examiner. You don’t need to say ‘Yes’)
Q3: How may I address you?
Ans: You may address me as Kiran. (Note 1: Here you may even speak your nickname. It just means that while asking the next questions, the examiner will call you by that name. Note 2: Many students start speaking their address here. Here, the word ‘address’ has been used as a verb, which means ‘call’. In other words, the question is - How may I call you?)
Q4: Where do you come from?
Ans: I come from Phagwara. It is a small town between Jalandhar and Ludhiana.
Q1: Let’s move on to talk about accommodation. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.
Ans: I live in an independent house which has proper fencing and a secure entrance. It has a nice front and a lavish green lawn decked with a variety of flowers. At the back side of the house, there is a parking space for two cars. Overall, it is a well-planned building.
Q2: Does the place you live in have many amenities?
Ans: Yes, the house has everything I need for my daily routines. There is a laundry room with a washing machine, a full kitchen with appliances, and my own bedroom where I keep all of my things. There’s also a 24-hour security guard attending the front gate to our neighbourhood.
Q3: Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?
Ans: Overall, my house is more than satisfactory. However, if I had to change something, I would probably add a garden or outdoor space. It would be nice if my family could grow some edible plants and vegetables, but unfortunately, there’s not a yard.
Q4: Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Ans: Even though I’ve lived here my whole life, I don’t think I will live in this house forever. At some point, I eventually plan to move out of my family’s house, most likely when I begin a university program abroad.
Q5: Do you live in a house or a flat?
Ans: Right now I’m renting a little flat just outside the city in order to keep my living expenses down.
Q6: Is it a big place?
Ans: It’s enough space to get by, although I wouldn’t describe it as big. There are 2 bedrooms in the flat, in addition to a common area, but the kitchen is so tiny you could hardly squeeze more than one person in.
Q7: How long have you lived there?
Ans: I’ve lived in my current apartment for about three years now. It’s not much, but it has everything I need and is in a convenient location to get to and from work. I’ll probably re-sign the lease and stay another year.
Q8: What do you like about living there?
Ans: Well, like I said, the apartment I live in now is nothing special, but its location is practical and convenient. I would say that the location is probably my favourite thing about it, because I don’t have to waste time commuting to work, and there are plenty of restaurants and shops in the neighbourhood.
Q9: Is there a garden in the place you live in?
Ans: No, since I live in a small flat near the city, there’s unfortunately no way for me to have a garden. We do have a few indoor plants, though. My flatmate grows some kitchen herbs like basil and thyme.
Cue Card
Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home.Y ou should say:
and explain why you want to have it in your home.
Ans: I’m not completely sure, as I haven’t thought much about this question, but I think I would want to have van Gogh’s “Starry Night” in my house. The style of art seen in this painting is known as “impressionism,” which I think is more interesting than more realistic art, while still being easier to understand than more abstract art. The painting shows a starry night sky over a town, with many shades of blue swirling together. I am not sure how I first came to know about this painting, but I have seen it many times in books, magazines, and on TV. It is probably one of the most famous paintings in the world, so it’s actually one of the ly paintings that I know by name. I think it is currently housed at a museum in New York, but I’m not sure. No matter where it is, even if I had a fortune it would be impossible for me to have this priceless painting in my home since it is a masterpiece. Even though I can’t have “Starry Night” in my own home in reality, if I could, I would like to have it because of the way that it makes me feel. The cool blue colour of the painting is beautiful, mysterious, and relaxing, and I think that it would be a nice thing to decorate my home with.
Q1: How do people in your country feel about art?
Ans: Art holds a special place in my country. In fact, there are many museums and art galleries where a wide range of local and international works of art are displayed. People from all walks of life visit them. They love art and appreciate artists.
Q2: Do people in your country prefer music over art?
Ans: Yes, they do. Music is an integral part of people’s life. Indians love all genres of music like classical, rap, pop, rock and even jazz. I’d like to mention that young and old people have different tastes in music. It seems to me that the younger generation enjoys music with fast-paced beats, whereas the elderly tend to listen to slow and soothing music.
Q3: What are some traditional art forms in your country?
Ans: In my country, most traditional style art forms are still relatively popular today. Some of the types of art you’ll see in my country are calligraphy art, which looks like beautiful writing, and traditional landscape paintings, which are usually of peaceful mountains or forests. I like the traditional art in my country because it is unique from any other place in the world. If you visit museums in my country, it is likely that you’ll see this type of traditional art there.
Q4: How has art changed in the past few decades in your country?
Ans: I don’t think that the most popular art forms have changed much in the past 20 or 30 years, but I think the way that younger generations are expressing themselves is beginning to change. What I mean by that is, that traditional art forms are still the dominant forms of art today, but that is beginning to shift towards more modern art forms. For example, 20 years ago there were hardly any abstract artists, but today I see more and more young artists who are creating more experimental, modern art pieces to display. Although the change has been slow so far, I think art will change even more drastically in the future.
Q5: Let’s move on from art in your country to art education. Do you think children should study art in school?
Ans: Yes, although I don’t have any children of my own, I’m sure when I do I will want them to study art in school. I think art has an important place in society, and on top of that, children can use art to learn how to be creative and express themselves, even if they do not become artists in the future. Art can influence us in many ways, and even teach us how to understand others’ points of view, which means it’s important for all children to study art in school.
Q6: How can children benefit from learning about art?
Ans: There are fa ew different ways that children can benefit from learning about art, such as developing their creative sides, learning how to express themselves, and learning about how other people think and feel. For example, even a student who isn’t interested in becoming an artist can still express his feelings of happiness or sadness through a painting at school, which is beneficial for his emotional development. That’s why I think children in schools can be positively affected by learning about art.
Q7: Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural activities?
Ans: Art and cultural programs help people connect with their cultures. To keep our cultural diversity alive, the work of artists must be promoted at all levels. Any kind of support, whether it be in the form of money or other resources, will enable artists to make a decent living and earn respect in society.
33 videos|167 docs
1. What types of accommodation are available for IELTS test-takers? | ![]() |
2. How can I find accommodation near my IELTS test center? | ![]() |
3. What should I consider when choosing accommodation for my IELTS exam? | ![]() |
4. Is it advisable to book accommodation in advance for the IELTS exam? | ![]() |
5. Can I change my accommodation after booking for the IELTS test? | ![]() |