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2. Miscellaneous Facts - Ancient Indian History | RAS RPSC Prelims Preparation - Notes, Study Material & Tests - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan) PDF Download

  1. The Sangama literature [0-400AD] consists of 30,000 lines of poetry divided into two main groups, Patinenkilkanakku (older) & Pattupattu (newer). Established by Pandyan kings of Tamil region.
  2. The credit to complete the chart of Ashokan alphabets goes to James Prinsep.
  3. Most of the modern scripts of India including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Nagari, Gujarati, Bangla have developed from Brahmi script. Ashokan inscription of Shahbazgari & Manashera are written in Kharoshthi.
  4. The earliest coins were punch marked silver & copper coins. They bear only symbol & no inscription or legend. Kushanas (Vima Kadphises – figure of Siva standing beside a bull) issued mostly gold coins.
  5. Buddha did not visit Taxila in his life.
  6. Some of the important rock painting sites are Murhana Pahar (U.P), Bhimbetka, Adamgarh, Lakha Juar (M.P.) & Kapagallu (Karnatka).
  7. The extent of Indus valley civilization was Sutkagendor (Baluchistan), Alamgirpur (Meerut), Daimabad (N. Maharashtra) & Manda (J & K). Harrapan civilization is often referred to as Bronze Age civilization. No unambiguous depiction of horse found on any seal. The largest number of seals depict unicorn.
  8. Inscription was from right to left but if more than one line than alternated to left to right & vice versa.
  9. Yoga was in vogue in Indus civilization. Shiva, Mother goddess, trees, linga, yoni were worshiped. Chanhudaro is the only city without a citadel & Surkotada is the only site where the actual remains of a horse have been found.
  10. Decline of Harrapa: Wheeler (Barbarian Aryans attack), John Marshall (environment degradation).
  11. The Nadisukta hymn of Rig Veda mentions 21 rivers which include Ganga in the east & the Kubha (Kabul) in the west. Saraswati is considered to be the most important. Zero was known in rig vedic times
  12. In the vedic age the varnas were not rigid but they became so in the later vedic period & became birth based rather than profession based. Untouchability had not yet reared its ugly head. Jati had not become a rigid system. Bali which was a voluntary gift to chief earlier became a regular tax in the later vedic age.
  13. Moksha can be acquired by Gyan, Bhakti & Karma. Four dynasties stand out prominently in the sixth century B.C are Haryankas of Magadha, Ishvakus of Kosala, the Pauravas of Vatsa & the Pradyotas of Avanti.
  14. During the time of Ashoka, Pataliputra was administered by a city council of 30 members divided into a board of 5 members each. Sales tax on goods was 10 %. The Ashokan Pilar with Lion Capital is located at Lauriya Nandangarh, Pillar capital from Rampurva & Capital from Sarnath. Seven rock cut chaitya caves in the Barabar & Nagarjuni hill show that the tradition of rock cut caves in India began with the Mauryas.
  15. The indo-Greeks were the first whose coins carried the portraits of kings & their names. Also they were the first rulers to issue gold coins.
  16. In the south the old phase is known as the megalithic phase with the burials being marked by abundance of iron tools & a Black & red pottery. It appears there was an abrupt change from Neolithic to iron age, without any significant Chalcolithic or Bronze age.
  17. Anuloma (marriage between male of higher varna & female of lower varna) was considered better than Pratiloma (vv). Grihasta ashram had the duties of yajna, adhyayana & dana.
  18. Hinayana was the old order. Mahayana introduced concept of Bodhisttavas, worship of Buddha as god (Hinayanists considered him just a great teacher), salvation of all beings, Sanskrit as new language. The development of Mahayana philosophy is ascribed to Nagarjuna who propounded Madhyamika school of Buddhist philosophy popularly known as Sunyavada.
  19. The Mathura & Gandhara schools of art flourished during Kushana period. Mathura school had the distinction of producing the first image of Buddha & Gandhara school was a hybrid of Indo-Greek form.
  20. The Stupas as Sanchi, Sarnatha, Amaravati, Bharhut are the best examples. I-tsing came to India in 7th century after spending several years in Sumatra & Sri Vijaya learning Buddhism.
  21. In south India, among the Nayannar saints, Tirumular’s Tirmurais are prominent. Saiva saints (Nayannars) were 63 in number. Lingayat (founded by Basava – Kalachuri) was other important sect of Saivism in south India influenced by both Sankara & Ramanuja. Vaishnave saints known as Alvars are traditionally 12 in number. Collection of their work is known as Nalayiraprabandham.
  22. The first Jaina council was held at Pataliputra by Sthulabahu in the beginning of third century BC & resulted in compilation of 12 Angas to replace the lost 14 Purvas. In the sixth century A.D. the second Jaina council was held at Valabhi under Devaradhi Kshamasramana & Jain canon was defined.
  23. The avatars of Vishnu are matsya, kurma (tortoise), varah (boar), narasimha, vaman (dwarf), parasurama, rama, Krishna, Buddha (the enlightened one) & kalki (to appear).
  24. West Bengal was known as Gauda & East Bengal as Vanga. Utkala (Orissa), Pragjotishpur (Assam).
  25. The king of Suvarnadwipa (modern Malaya), Balaputradeva erected a monastery at Nalanda & requested Devapala to donate five villages for the maintenance.
  26. The philosophy of Sankaracharya (Adi Sankara) is known as Advaita meaning ‘non dual’. He believed that absolute reality called ‘Brahma’ is non dual. Jyotirmatha at Badrinath, Sharadapitha at Dwakra, Govardhanamatha at Puri & Shringerimatha in south. He organized Ascetics in ten orders – Giri, Puri (city), Bharati (learning), Vana (wood), Aranya (forest), Parvata, Sagara, Tirtha, Ashrama & Saraswati.
  27. Angkorvat temple dedicated to Vishnu & the famous Borobudur stupa in Java. The Sailendra dynasty ruled over SE Asia & followed Mahayana Buddhism.
  28. Eastern King (Samrat), Western King (Suvrat), Northern king (Virat), Southern King (Bhoja). After partition of India the largest number of Harappan settlements have been found in Gujarat.
  29. The utensils of the Harappan people were made of clay. Lead was not known to the Indus valley people. The Aryans came from Central Asia is widely accepted. The Vedic Aryans first settled in the region of Sapta Sindhu.
  30. The Gayatri Mantra is addressed to Savitri (associated with sun god). Two highest gods in the Vedic religion were Indra (war god) & Varuna (ocean god). Division of vedic society The oldest mention of varna system (four classes) is in the Purusha sukta of Rigveda. The dasas & dasyus mentioned in the Rig Veda refer to non-Aryans.
  31. The Hindu social sacraments such as marriage are performed on the basis of ritual described in the Grihyasutras. The symbols associated with the five great events of the Buddha are birth (lotus & lion), great renunciation (horse), attainment of knowledge (banyan tree), first sermon (wheel), death (stupa & foot prints). According to Buddha the cause of all sorrows is Trishna (attachment).
  32. Vinayak Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka contain teachings of the Buddha. Jatakas are stories of Buddhas previous life. Outside India, Buddhism was first accepted in Sri Lanka.
  33. The Mauryan sculptors had gained highest perfection in the carving of Pillars & the most striking feature is their polish. Two great Buddhist stupas rebuilt during the Sunga (were Brahmanas) Period were Dhammekh stupa at Sarnath & the stupa at Sanghot.
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FAQs on 2. Miscellaneous Facts - Ancient Indian History - RAS RPSC Prelims Preparation - Notes, Study Material & Tests - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan)

1. What are some interesting miscellaneous facts about ancient Indian history?
Ans. Ancient Indian history is filled with fascinating facts. Here are a few miscellaneous facts: - The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world's oldest urban civilizations, had well-planned cities with advanced drainage systems. - The concept of zero and the decimal system were developed in ancient India, which greatly influenced mathematics worldwide. - The ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata, is the longest epic poem in the world, with over 200,000 verses. - Ashoka, an ancient Indian emperor, converted to Buddhism and played a crucial role in spreading the religion throughout Asia. - Ancient Indians were pioneers in the field of medicine and surgery, with Sushruta being considered the father of plastic surgery.
2. How did the Indus Valley Civilization contribute to ancient Indian history?
Ans. The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, made significant contributions to ancient Indian history. Some of its notable contributions include: - Well-planned cities: The Indus Valley Civilization had organized cities with advanced urban planning, including grid-like streets, public and private buildings, and efficient drainage systems. - Trade and commerce: The civilization had extensive trade networks, exporting goods such as textiles, beads, and pottery. - Writing system: The Indus script, though yet to be fully deciphered, indicates the presence of a writing system, suggesting a well-developed communication system. - Art and craftsmanship: The civilization produced intricate and beautiful pottery, sculptures, and jewelry, showcasing their artistic skills. - Agricultural practices: The Indus Valley people were skilled farmers, cultivating crops such as wheat, barley, and cotton, and also domesticating animals.
3. How did ancient Indians contribute to the field of mathematics?
Ans. Ancient Indians made significant contributions to the field of mathematics. Some notable contributions include: - Concept of zero: Ancient Indian mathematicians were the first to recognize and use the concept of zero, which revolutionized mathematics. - Decimal system: The decimal system, including place value notation, was developed in ancient India. This system, with the use of zero, greatly simplified mathematical calculations. - Algebra and trigonometry: Ancient Indians made advancements in algebra and trigonometry, with mathematicians like Brahmagupta and Aryabhata developing formulas and methods. - Mathematical treatises: Several ancient Indian mathematical treatises, such as the works of Aryabhata, Bhaskara, and Brahmagupta, provided valuable insights into various mathematical concepts. - Astronomical calculations: Ancient Indian mathematicians excelled in astronomical calculations, accurately determining the movements of celestial bodies and the occurrence of eclipses.
4. How did Ashoka contribute to ancient Indian history?
Ans. Ashoka, an ancient Indian emperor from the Maurya dynasty, played a significant role in shaping ancient Indian history. Some of his contributions include: - Conversion to Buddhism: After witnessing the horrors of the Kalinga War, Ashoka renounced violence and embraced Buddhism. His conversion led to the widespread propagation of Buddhism across India and neighboring countries. - Dhamma policy: Ashoka adopted a policy of Dhamma (righteousness) and promoted principles like religious tolerance, non-violence, and social welfare. He built hospitals, promoted animal welfare, and sponsored the spread of education. - Rock and pillar edicts: Ashoka inscribed his policies and teachings on rock edicts and pillars across his empire, ensuring that his message reached a wide audience. - Administrative reforms: Ashoka introduced various administrative reforms, including the appointment of officials to oversee the welfare of the people, construction of roads for better connectivity, and establishment of efficient governance systems. - Legacy: Ashoka's reign left a lasting impact on ancient Indian history, influencing subsequent rulers and contributing to the spread of Buddhism in Asia.
5. What were some advancements in ancient Indian medicine and surgery?
Ans. Ancient Indians made significant advancements in the fields of medicine and surgery. Here are a few notable advancements: - Sushruta and the Sushruta Samhita: Sushruta, an ancient Indian physician, is considered the father of plastic surgery. His work, documented in the Sushruta Samhita, describes various surgical techniques, including reconstructive surgery, rhinoplasty, and cataract surgery. - Ayurveda: Ancient Indians developed the system of Ayurveda, a holistic approach to medicine that focuses on balance and harmony in the body. Ayurveda encompasses various treatments, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices. - Herbal medicine: Ancient Indians extensively used herbal medicines for treating various ailments. They discovered the medicinal properties of plants and developed formulations for different diseases. - Diagnostic techniques: Ancient Indian physicians used various diagnostic techniques, such as pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), to assess the health of a person and determine appropriate treatments. - Knowledge exchange: Ancient Indian medical knowledge spread to other regions through trade and cultural exchanges. This led to the adoption and incorporation of Indian medical practices in other civilizations, such as the Greek and Islamic civilizations.

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