Short Notes for Important Articles and Points
Parts of the Constitution | ||
Part | Articles | Areas |
I | 1-4 | The Union & its Territories |
II | 5-11 | Citizenship |
III | 12-35 | Fundamental Rights |
IV | 36-51 | Directive Principles of State Policy |
IV A | 51A | Fundamental Duties (42nd Amendment) |
V | 52-151 | The Union Government |
VI | 152-237 | The State Government |
VII | 238 | Dealt with states in Part B of the First Schedule. Repealed in 1956 by the |
| Seventh Amendment. |
VIII | 239-241 | Union Territories. Article 242 repealed. |
IX | 243 A-O | The Panchayats |
IX-A | 243 P-ZG | The Municipalities |
X | 244-244 A | The Scheduled & Tribal Areas |
XI | 245-263 | Relations between the Union & the States |
XII | 264-300A | Finance, Property, Contracts & Suits |
XIII | 301-307 | Trade, Commerce & Intercouse within the territory of India |
XIV | 308-323 | Services under the Union & the States |
XIV A | 323A-323B | Administrative Tribunals (42nd Amendment 1976) |
XV | 324-329 | Elections |
XVI | 330-342 | Special Provisions (Reservations of SC, ST, Anglo Indian etc.) |
XVII | 343-351 | Official Language |
XVIII | 352-360 | Emergency Provisions |
XIX | 361-367 | Miscellaneous Provisions (Immunity of President, Legislature etc.) |
XX | 368 | Amendment of the Constitution |
XXI | 369-392 | Temporary, Transitional & Special Provision |
XXII | 393-395 | Short Title, Commencement, Authoritative |
| Schedules of the Constitution |
Schedule I | Deals with territories of the 28 states & 7 union territories |
Schedule II | Salaries allowances of president, V.P, Speaker, Judges, CAG etc. |
Schedule III | Various forms of Oaths & affirmation which various incumbents have to take. |
Schedule IV | Seats allotted to various states & UTs in the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) |
Schedule V | Administration & Control of scheduled areas. |
Schedule VI | Administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya & Mizoram |
Schedule VII | Subjects in the three lists – Union, State & Concurrent |
Schedule VIII | List of 22 regional languages |
Schedule IX | Certain acts & regulations dealing with land reforms & zamidari system abolition. |
| ((Added by first constitutional amendment). |
Schedule X | Disqualifications on grounds of defection. (52nd Amendment) |
Schedule XI | 29 subjects on which panchayats can legislate. (73rd Amendment) |
Schedule XII | 18 subjects on which municipalities have control. (74th Amendment) |
| Indian Constitution Borrowed Features |
1. | British Constitution | Parliamentary form of Government, Rule of Law, Law making |
| procedure, Single Citizenship; Institution of Speaker, doctrine of |
| Pleasure tenure of civil servants. |
2. | American Constitution | Judicial System, Fundamental Rights |
3. | Canadian Constitution | Federal System with a strong central authority; Residual powers, |
| Centre State Relation. |
4. | Irish Constitution | Directive Principles, Election of the President of India |
5. | Australian Constitution | Concurrent list; Freedom of Trade & Service within country |
6. | Weimar Constitution | Emergency Provision |
7. | Soviet Constitution | Five Year Plans; Fundamental duties |
8. | Govt of India Act 1935 | Office of the governor, powers of the federal jury. |
9. | South African | Amendment of Constitution. |
Important Cases of the Constitution |
1. | Berubari Case | Preamble not a part of the constitution |
2. | Golaknath Case | Supreme court held that the Parliament had no power to amend any of the |
| 1967 | provisions of Part III (Fundamental rights) The Indira Gandhi government |
| in 1971 carried out the 24th Amendment with a view to assert the right of |
| The parliament to amend any part of the constitution. |
3. | Keshvanada Bharti | Preamble was a part of the constitution & can be amended by Parliament |
| Case | Under Article 368. Parliament can also amend the fundamental rights |
| (Against Golaknath case) but ruled that the parliament cannot destroy the |
| Basic structure of the constitution. |
4. | Minerval Mills Case | The 42nd.amendment carried out in 1976 gave asserted that parliament had |
| 1980 | unlimited powers to amend the constitution & tried to accord precedence to |
| Directive principles over fundamental rights. But in the Minerva Mills |
| Case the Supreme court struck down those provisions |
5. | Maneka Gandhi Vs | Right to live is not merely confined to physical existence but includes |
| Union of India | within its ambit the right to live with human dignity |
We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign socialist secular democratic republic and to secure to all its citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and of opportunity;
And to promote among them all
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.
In our constituent assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.
| Reorganization of States |
1. | 1956 Act | 14 States & 6 Union territories formed. |
| States - Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Bombay, J&K, Kerala, M.P., Madras, |
| Mysore, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, U.P & West Bengal. |
| UTs – Andaman & Nicobar, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Laccadive, Minicoy & |
| Amindivi Islands, Manipur & Tripura |
2. | 1960 | The states of Maharashtra & Gujarat created by bifurcating the state of Bombay. |
3. | 1963 | Nagaland formed |
4. | 1966 | Punjab & Haryana formed out of Punjab & hill areas merged with H.P (UT then). |
5. | 1969 | Meghalaya created out of Assam. |
6. | 1971 | Himachal Pradesh, Tripura & Manipur raised to the status of a state |
7. | 1975 | Sikkim admitted as a state. |
8. | 1986 | Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh (UTs till then) given status of state |
9. | 1987 | Goa created by separating it from the UT of Daman & Diu. |
10. | 2000 | Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand & Uttaranchal |
| Various Political/Non Political Offices of India |
President | Name proposed by 50 electors & security deposit of Rs 15000.Disputes in |
| Connection with the election of President are decided by Supreme Court. Oath by |
| Chief justice of India. MLAs & members of both house of the parliament vote in the |
| Election. The president submits his resignation to the Vice President. Impeachment |
| Can be initiated by either house of parliament (2/3 majority). Nominated members can |
| Also participate but they do not participate in the election of president. MLAs do not |
| participate in impeachment. In case the office becomes vacant fresh elections within |
| 6 months. The president enjoys sus pensive veto powers & it applies only to the non |
| money bills. With regards to constitutional amendments president has no veto |
| powers. President can promulgate ordinances when the parliament is in recess only |
| on matters in the union & concurrent list. The ordinances must be approved by |
| parliament within 6 weeks. All money bills originate on the recommendation of the |
| President. Appoints finance commission. If there is no party with clear cut majority |
| the president can use his discretion. He cannot declare any emergency on his own. |
| Can summon both houses separately. |
Vice President | Name seconded by at least 25 members & security deposit of 15,000. More than 35 |
| years of age. Elected by the members of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha at a joint meeting. |
| Oath before the president or some other person appointed by him. Can act as |
| President for a maximum 6 months period. Not a member of Rajya sabha only an ex- |
| Officio chairman. |
Prime Minister | Gets the same salary & allowances as MPs but additional sumptuary allowance of |
| 3000 per month. If the prime minister is taken from Rajya Sabha he cannot part in |
| voting when a vote of no confidence is under consideration. In the event of his death |
| the council of ministers stand automatically dissolved. |
Deputy PM | Position not known to the constitution although 7 persons have occupies this post. |
| Vallabhbhai Patel, Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Jajuan Ram, Y.B Chavan, Devi |
| Lal & L. K. Advani have served the office. |
Council of | Should be a member of either house or do so within 6 months. Vote of no confidence |
Ministers | against any minister leads to resignation of entire council. The cabinet, state & deputy |
| ministers get sumptuary allowance of 2000, 1000 & 600 respectively. Present the |
| budget before the parliament. Collectively responsible to parliament but individual |
| ministers responsible to President. |
Lok Sabha | Strength of Lok Sabha fixed at 543 plus 2 nominated members of Anglo-Indian |
| community in 1976. Minimum 25 years of age. The security deposit has been |
| increased from Rs 500 to Rs 10,000. In case of SC/ST it has been increased from Rs |
| 250 to Rs 5000. 10 electors should propose. No candidate can contest elections from |
| more than 2 constituencies. Oath before president or some person appointed by him. |
| Can vacant seat by writing to speaker. Seat vacant if absents from meetings for 60 |
| days without intimation. The speaker continues in the house even after the dissolution |
| of the Lok Sabha till a newly elected Lok Sabha meets. MPs are entitled to a monthly |
| salary of Rs 12000 & pension of 3000 which increases according to the number of |
| years served. The joint session is called if a bill passed is rejected by other house or |
| no action is taken. Speaker presides over joint sessions. |
Rajya Sabha | 238 elected & 12 nominated. Minimum 30 years of age. Elected by members of state |
| legislative assemblies on the basis of proportional representation through a single |
| Transferable vote. It is not subjected to dissolution. In the event of dissolution of Lok |
| Sabha, any bill pending in the Rajya Sabha but not passed by Lok Sabha does not |
| lapse. |
Supreme Court | 5 years as high court judge or 10 years as advocate. Hold office till the age of 65. |
Judge | Address their resignation to president. The salaries of chief justice & other judges are |
| 33000 & 30,000 respectively. Impeachment requires 2/3rd majority in the two houses |
| of the parliament. Original Jurisdiction (Centre-state & fundamental rights), |
| Appellate jurisdiction (Only if high court certifies or the high court has awarded |
| death sentence after reversing judgement or after withdrawing case from lower court |
| & Advisory jurisdiction. |
Governor | Oath before chief justice of high court of that state. 35 years of age. Draws |
| 36000. Addresses first session of state legislature after elections. Appoint one sixth |
| members of legislative council. Nominates one member of Anglo Indian community |
| to the legislative assembly. Makes laws through ordinances. Can grant pardon but not |
| in case of death sentence. Reserve a bill for president’s consideration. He is permitted |
| to act without the advice of the council of ministers unlike president. Ordinance |
| issued by him remains in force for a maximum 6 months. The constitution does not |
| contain any provision for his impeachment. |
Advocate | Person who is qualified to be a judge of the high court. Remunerations as the |
General | governor may determine. |
Legislative | 60 to 500 members according to population but Sikkim has only 32 members. 25 |
Assembly | years of age. Goa, Mizoram, Pondicherry have only 30 members. |
Legislative | Its members are elected by legislative assembly (1/3rd) local bodies (1/3rd), teachers |
Council | (1/12th), university graduates (1/12th) & nominated by governor (1/6th). The |
| maximum membership can be 1/3rd that of Legislative Assembly but in no case less |
| than 40 members. 30 years of age. The legislative council can delay an ordinary bill |
| for 3 months & a money bill for 14 days. There is no provision for joint sitting here. |
High Court | To become a judge – advocate for 10 years or held judicial office in Indian Territory |
| for a period of at least 10 years. 62 years of age. Chief justice gets 30,000 & other |
| judges 26000. The pension of the high court judges is charged to the Consolidated |
| fund of India. |
Administrative | Incorporated by 42nd amendment through addition of articles 323A & 323B. CAT is |
Tribunals | located at Delhi. The retirement of chairman & VC at 65 & others at 62. The decision |
| of CAT can be challenged in a high court. |
Inter State | Created on the recommendations of the Sarkaria commission although constitution |
Council | provided for it. Appointed by president. Advises on disputes between various states. |
| Comprises of PM & CMs of all states & UTs. PM can nominate 6 ministers of |
| cabinet rank. Meets at least 3 times a year. |
Zonal Council | Set up under state reorganization act 1956. 5 before & 6th added in 1972 called NE |
| council. Consists of Union minister nominated by president, CM of each state in the |
| zone, two ministers from each state nominated by governor & one member per UT. |
| The CM of the state where the zonal council meets is the ex-officio chairman. |
UPSC | Chairman & 8 members. Members appointed for a 6 year term or till they attain 65 |
| years of age. President can issue orders for the removal of the members of the UPSC |
| only after supreme court makes such recommendation on the basis of an enquiry. |
| Members not eligible for employment by the government after retirement. The state |
| can restrict the fundamental rights of civil servants. |
Comptroller & | 6 years or till the age of 65 years. The president can remove CAG only after |
Auditor | recommendation of the two houses of parliament. Salary of 30,000. He only conducts |
General | audit. Submits report to President who in turn places it before parliament. |
Attorney | Qualification same as judge of supreme court. Appears before supreme court & |
General | various high courts involving the Government of India. |
Election | Two commissioners with equivalent power. Period of 5 years. Job also includes |
Commission | delimitation of constituency to ensure same number of people in each. The election |
| commission of India appoints the ‘Returning officers’ for the state assembly elections |
| to help conduct fair elections. Election of local bodies comes under state election |
| commission. The state election commission is a single member commission |
| comprising SEC. |
Finance | Qualified to be appointed as judges of the high court or special knowledge of finance |
Commission | & accounts of government. Comprises chairman & four other members. Functions:- |
| recommend distribution of taxes between centre & states, grant-in-aid to states, |
| advice president on any matter. |
Planning | Non-statutory body which formulates 5 year plans. The Commission works through |
Commission | its various divisions, of which there are three kind: General Planning Divisions, |
| Special Planning Divisions, Programme Administration Divisions |
NDC | Extra constitutional & extra-legal body. Its recommendations are binding in nature as |
| per convention. |
Minorities | Seven members. The states of M.P, Orissa & Bihar are obliged to appoint a separate |
commission | minister the welfare of SC/ST/OBC. |
NHRC | Statutory body. |
Panchayat | Panchayat is responsible to gram sabha, the general body of villagers comprising all |
| adults. Members usually range from 5 to 31. Members have same requirements as |
| MLAs except lower age of 21. Can legislate on 29 subjects which are listed in XI |
| schedule |
Panchayat | Genearlly comprises of the sarpanches of village panchayats under the block. Its |
Samiti | Chairman called ‘Pradhan’ is elected from among its members. Responsible to gram |
| panchayat as well as gram sabhas. Gets a share of cess of land revenue from the gram |
| panchayat & Zilla Parishad |
Zila Parishad | Consists of representatives of panchayat samiti, local members of state legislature, |
| members of parliament, members representing SC/ST/Women/cooperative bodies. |
| Zilla parishad elects its chairman called ‘Pradhan’ form amongst its members. |
| Depends entirely on state government for grants. |
| Constitution of India (Up to Part IV) |
Part I | The Union and its Territory |
Article 1 | Name and territory of the Union |
Article 2 | Admission or establishment of new States |
Article 2a | [Repealed] Sikkim to be associated with the Union |
Article 3 | Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing States |
Article 4 | Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the |
| Fourth Schedule and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters |
Part II | Citizenship |
Article 5 | Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution |
Article 6 | Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan |
Article 7 | Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan |
Article 8 | Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India |
Article 9 | Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens |
Article 10 | Continuance of the rights of citizenship |
Article 11 | Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law |
Part III | Fundamental Rights |
Article 12 | Definition |
Article 13 | Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights |
Article 14 | Equality before law meaning ‘equality of treatment within a class’ |
Article 15 | Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth |
Article 16 | Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment |
Article 17 | Abolition of Untouchability |
Article 18 | Abolition of titles |
Article 19 | Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc. |
Article 20 | Protection in respect of conviction for offenses |
Article 21 | Protection of life and personal liberty |
Article 21A | Right to education. |
Article 22 | Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases |
Article 23 | Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour |
Article 24 | Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. |
Article 25 | Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion |
Article 26 | Freedom to manage religious affairs |
Article 27 | Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion |
Article 28 | Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in certain |
| educational institutions |
Article 29 | Protection of interests of minorities |
Article 30 | Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions |
Article 31 | [Repealed] Compulsory acquisition of property |
Article 31A | Saving of laws providing for acquisition of estates, etc. |
Article 31B | Validation of certain Acts and Regulations |
Article 31C | Saving of laws giving effect to certain directive principles |
Article 31D | [Repealed] Saving of laws in respect of anti-national activities |
Article 32 | Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by this Part |
Article 32A | [Repealed] |
Article 33 | Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this Part in their application to |
| Forces, etc. |
Article 34 | Restriction on rights conferred by this Part while marital law is in force in any area |
Article 35 | Legislation to give effect to the provisions of this Part |
Part IV | Directive Principles of State Policy |
Article 36 | Definition |
Article 37 | Application of the principles contained in this Part |
Article 38 | State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people |
Article 39 | Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State |
Article 39A | A Equal justice and free legal aid |
Article 40 | Organisation of village panchayats |
Article 41 | Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases |
Article 42 | Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief |
Article 43 | Living wage, etc., for workers |
Article 43A | Participation of workers in management of industries |
Article 44 | Uniform civil code for the citizen |
Article 45 | Provision for free and compulsory education for children |
Article 46 | Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes |
| and other weaker sections |
Article 47 | Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve |
| public health |
Article 48 | Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry |
Article 48A | Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wild life |
Article 49 | Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance |
Article 50 | Separation of judiciary from executive |
Article 51 | Promotion of international peace and security |
Article 51A | Fundamental Duties |
Parliamentary Committees
1. | Business Advisory Committee | 15 members. Speaker is chairman |
2. | Committee on Private Members Bills & | 15 members. Deputy Chairman is chairman. |
| Resolutions | Classifies bills according to importance. |
3. | Select Committees | Constituted for considering different bills. |
4. | Committee on Petitions | 15 members. |
5. | Rules Committee | 15 members. Speaker is head. Rules of House |
6. | Committee on Privileges | 15 members. Violation of Privileges of M.P |
7. | Committee on Subordinate Legislations |
8. | Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes | 30 Members. 20 M.Ps & 10 R.S. |
| & Scheduled Tribes |
9. | Committee on Government Assurances | 15 members. How far assurances given by the |
| ministers have been implemented |
10. | Committee on Absence of Members | Examines leave applications of members |
11. | Estimates Committee | 30 members. Examines Annual Estimates & |
| suggests alternative policies |
12. | Public Accounts Committee | 22 members. 15M.Ps & 7 R.S. Assisted by |
| Comptroller & Auditor general. It acts as a watch |
| dog of expenditure. |
13. | Committee on Public Undertakings | 15 members. 10 M.Ps & 5 R.S. Examines working |
| of public undertakings |
14. | Joint Committee on Salaries & Allowances | 15 members. 10 nominated by speaker & 5 by the |
| chairman of Rajya Sabha. |
15. | Joint Committee on Offices of Profit | 15 members. 10 L.S & 5 R.S. |
16. | Parliamentary Subject Committees | 17 parliamentary committees were constituted. 11 |
| by Speaker & 6 by chairman of Rajya Sabha |
| Parliamentary Terms |
1. | Question Hour | First hour of every sitting in the two houses of the parliament is devoted to |
| asking & answering questions known as Question hour. The questions |
| consist of starred (oral), unstarred (written) & short notice question. |
2. | Zero Hour | The hour after the question hour. There is no mention of zero hour in the |
| rules of the parliamentary procedure & the term was coined by press in the |
| early 1960’s. Members raise matters which cannot brook any delay. |
3. | Adjournment Motion | Moved to draw the attention to a recent matter of urgent public importance. |
| Only if 50 members support it & speaker grants permission. |
4. | Calling Attention | A member with prior attention of the speaker may call the attention of a |
| Notice | minister to a matter of urgent public importance. |
5. | Short Duration | Private members can also bring matters of urgent public importance to the |
| Discussions | notice of the House. The notice must be signed by at least 3 members |
6. | Cut Motion | Motions to reduce the amount of demand for grants. They are of 3 types: |
| Disapproval of policy cut, Economy cut, Token Cut. |
7. | Guillotine | When the discussion cannot be completed within stipulated time, the |
| speaker can put the matter to vote even without concluding discussion. |
8. | Censure Motion | At least 50 members support it & speaker should admit it. If the motion is |
| passed in the Lok Sabha, the council of ministers have to resign. |
9. | By Elections | To fill up the seat rendered vacant due to death. |
Lists | ||
| Union List (99) | Foreign affairs, currency, banking, communication, inter-state |
| trade, commerce, atomic energy, railways, highways, aerodromes. |
| [Originally 97 items – one deleted, 3 added] |
| State List (61) | Health, sanitation, public order, agriculture, prisons, local government, |
| liquor, transportation, relief of disabled, sales tax & octroi, taxes on |
| entertainment & wealth. [Originally 66 items out of which 5 transferred to |
| concurrent list]. |
| Concurrent list (52) | Criminal law, electricity, factories, forests, education, marriage & divorce, |
| drugs, newspapers, books & printing press, social insurance, trade unions, |
| preventive detention, stamp duties. [Originally 47 but 5 items transferred to |
| this list from state list] |
Commissions/committees & their Purpose | ||
| S.K Dhar committee | Reorganization of states on linguistic basis |
| JVP committee | Jawaharlal, Vallabh, Pattabhi Sitaramayya (same as above) |
| Shah Commission | Punjab Reorganization Act |
| Tarkunde Committee | Electoral Reforms. Voting age to be reduced to 18 years (61st |
| amendment). Voter councils to be formed. |
| Dinesh Goswami | Electoral Reforms. To save the security candidates should secure |
| Committe | at least 1/4th of valid votes. |
6. | Balwant Rai Mehta | Recommendations approved by NDC. Rajasthan first adopted 3 |
| tier structure, followed by Andhra Pradesh & Bihar. |
7. | Ashok Mehta Committee | Working of panchayati raj institutions. |
8. | Rajamannar Commission | Recommended abolition of IAS & the IPS |
Select Political Doctrines & Principles | |
The Doctrine Of | Idea that when the legislature wants to do something that it cannot do |
Colourability, | within the constraints of the constitution, it colours the law with a |
| substitute purpose which will still allow it to accomplish its original goal. |
Pith And Substance | Interpretation used to determine under which head of power a given piece |
| of legislation falls. The doctrine is primarily used when a law is |
| challenged on the basis that one level of government (be it provincial or |
| federal) has encroached upon the exclusive jurisdiction of another level of |
| government. |
Doctrine of Severability | Associated with declaration of law as unconstitutional & void by the |
| courts. |
Principle of Harmonious | Concerned with the relationship between the fundamental rights & the |
Construction | directive principles. |
Miscellaneous Facts
1. What is the UPSC exam and what does it stand for? | ![]() |
2. How can I apply for the UPSC exam? | ![]() |
3. What are the different stages of the UPSC exam? | ![]() |
4. What is the syllabus for the UPSC exam? | ![]() |
5. How can I prepare for the UPSC exam effectively? | ![]() |