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9. Fundamental Duties; Directive Principles of State Policy | RAS RPSC Prelims Preparation - Notes, Study Material & Tests - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan) PDF Download

Fundamental Duties

9. Fundamental Duties; Directive Principles of State Policy | RAS RPSC Prelims Preparation - Notes, Study Material & Tests - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan) 

Part IV-A was added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976. It encompasses Part IV, Article 51A enu­merating Ten Fundamental Duties of the Citizens of India.

 There is no provision in the Constitution for direct enforcement of any of these Duties nor for any sanction to prevent their violation. But it may be expected that in determining the Consti­tutionality of any law, if a Court finds that it seeks to give effect to any of these duties, it may consider such law to ‘be reasonable’ in relation to Article 14 or 19, and thus save such law from unconstitutionality.

Directive Principles of State Policy

An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be "fundamental in the governance of the country," they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enunciated in the constitution's preamble.

Article 37 of the Constitution declares that the DPSP "shall not be enforceable by any court, but the principles therein laid down are nevertheless fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws." It is not a mere coincidence that the apparent distinction that is drawn by scholars between the ICCPR rights and ESC rights holds good for the distinction that is drawn in the Indian context between fundamental rights and DPSP. Thus the bar to justifiability of the DPSP is spelled out in some sense in the Constitution itself.


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FAQs on 9. Fundamental Duties; Directive Principles of State Policy - RAS RPSC Prelims Preparation - Notes, Study Material & Tests - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan)

1. What are fundamental duties?
Ans. Fundamental duties are a set of moral obligations that every citizen of India is expected to fulfill towards the nation. These duties are enshrined in Part IV-A of the Indian Constitution and were added through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act in 1976.
2. How many fundamental duties are there in the Indian Constitution?
Ans. There are a total of 11 fundamental duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution. These duties include respecting the national flag and the national anthem, promoting harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood, protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the country, among others.
3. Are fundamental duties legally enforceable?
Ans. No, fundamental duties are not legally enforceable. Unlike fundamental rights, which can be protected and enforced by the courts, fundamental duties do not have any legal remedies or consequences for non-compliance. They serve as moral obligations and reminders of the responsibilities of citizens.
4. What is the significance of fundamental duties?
Ans. Fundamental duties play a crucial role in promoting civic consciousness, social responsibility, and a sense of patriotism among the citizens. They act as a guiding principle for individuals to contribute towards the betterment of society and the nation as a whole.
5. Can fundamental duties be amended or modified?
Ans. Yes, fundamental duties can be amended or modified by the Parliament through a constitutional amendment. However, any such amendment should not violate the basic structure of the Constitution. So far, no amendments have been made to the fundamental duties since their inclusion in 1976.

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