It is the condition when the voltage across a circuit becomes in phase with the current supplied to the circuit.
At resonance, the circuit behaves like a resistive circuit.
Power factor of the circuit at resonance becomes = "1"
The resonance may be classified into two groups
1. Series resonnat circuit
2. Parallel resonant circuit.
Series Resonance (RLC series circuit)
The total impedance of series n/w is given by
XL = ωL
At resonance
lm{z} = 0
XL – XC = 0
where f0 is the frequency of resonance in Hertz
At resonance, the current is I0 = V/R
Variation in Z with respect to 'ω'
Note : For ω < ω0 series RLC behaves like RC capacitive circuit.
ω > ω0 , behaves like RL inductive circuit
ω = ω0 , behaves like resistive circuit.
Selectivity and Bandwidth : At frequency of resonance, the impedance of a series RLC circuit is minimum. Hence the current is maximum. As the frequency of the applied voltage deviates on either side of the series resonant frequency, the impedance increases and the current falls. Figure shows the variation of current I with frequency for small values of R. Thus, a series RLC circuit possesses frequency selectivity. The frequencies f1 and f2 at which the current I falls to (1/√2) times its maximum values I0( = V/R) are called halfpower frequencies of 3 - dB frequencies. The bandwidth (f2-f1) is called the halfpower bandwidth or 3-dB bandwidth or simply bandwidth (BW) of the circuit.
Selectivity of a resonant circuit is defined as the ratio of resonant frequency to the BW. Thus,
Selectivity =
Q-factor :
Selectivity increases with decreasing bandwidth For series Resonant circuit at ω = ω0
For series RLC circuit
BW = ( w2 – w1) = R/L
Parallel RLC resonnace circuit:
Admittance of circuit
At resonance lm (Y) = 0
at resonance
Z = R
Properties of Second-Order parallel RLC
Resonant Circuit : A circuit consisting of a parallel connection of a resistor R, an inductor L, and a capacitor C is called a second - order parallel resonant circuit.
The important proporties of such a circuit are as follows:
Some Conclusions
at resonant frequency Ymin = G
Consider the circuit shown in figure
Equivalent phasor diagram Fig. (b)
at resonance I1 sinθ1 = I2 sinθ2
In figure (b),
OA = I1 cosθ1
OC = AB = I1 sinθ1
OK = I2 cosθ2
OM = FK = I2 sinθ2
Corresponding to figure (a)
Y = (G1 + G2) + j(BC – BL)
At resonance, BC = BL
Y = G1 + G2
Current I = VY
Resonant frequency is given by
This is a very important case. Observe the tank circuit shown in figure (6.7).
Equivalent phasor diagram Fig. (6.7)
In figure 6.7(b),
OA = I1 cosθ1
OC = AB = I1 sinθ1
and I1 sinθ1 = I2
Now at resonance, I = I1 cosθ1
[From equation (6.28)]
Here L/RC is defined as dynamic impedance of tank circuit i.e.
And resonance frequency for tank circuit is given by
Q.factor for Parallel Resonance Circuit
⇒ . ..(6.32)
⇒ Q = RωC ...(6.34)
Q-factor of Tank Circuit
Tank circuit Fig.(6.9)
⇒ ...(6.35)
Anti-resonance Curve
Fig. (6.10)
23 videos|89 docs|42 tests
1. What is resonance in electrical engineering? | ![]() |
2. How does resonance affect electrical circuits? | ![]() |
3. What are the applications of resonance in electrical engineering? | ![]() |
4. How is resonance calculated in electrical circuits? | ![]() |
5. What are the dangers of resonance in electrical circuits? | ![]() |