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Delocalisation of p-electrons in conjugation is known as resonance.


Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (Actual Structure)

(resonating structures)        (Resonance hybrid)


Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE in this form Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Condition for showing resonance

1. Molecule should be planar, nearly planar or a part of it is planar

Q.1 Which are planar?


(A) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (B) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE *(C) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE *(D) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Because all carbon atoms are sp2 hybridised.

2. Molecule should possess conjugated system.

Conjugated system :-

Continuous unhybridised p-orbital parallel to each-other.

Types of conjugated system:-

(1) p-bond alternate to p-bond

CH2 = CH - CH = CH2

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(2) p-bond alternate to charge

CH2 = CH - CH2 

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Eg. Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEEResonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEEResonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEEResonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEEResonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Eg. Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Eg. Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(4) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


(5) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


(6) CH2 = CH - BH2 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


(7) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


1. Resonance takes place due to delocalization of p e-s.

(a) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonance
(b) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonance absent

(c) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonance
(d) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonance

2. Position of the atoms remains the same, only delocalization of p e-s takes place.


Note:-Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE [They are not resonating structure rather they are tautomers].


3. Bond pair gets converted into lone pair and l.p. gets converted into b.p.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

4. In Resonance No. of unpaired e-s remains the same.

CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(They are not resonating structure)

Resonating structure :

(1) Hypothetical strtucture exist on paper.

(2) The energy difference b/w different resonating structure is very small.

(3) All R. S. contribute towards the formation of resonance hybrid (Their contribution may be different).

(4) A single R. S. can't explain each & every property of that particular compound.

Draw the resonating structures : -

Q.1 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Q.2 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE -m of NO2 group

Resonance hybrid : -

It is a real structure which explains all the properties of a compound formed by the contribution of different R. S.. It has got maximum stability as compared to R. S. 

Resonance Energy : -

It is the difference b/w theoretical value of H.O.H & experimental value.


It is the difference b/w more stable R.S. & R. H.

* More the resonance energy, more stable will be the molecule.

* Cyclohexane is thermodynamically more stable than benzene, even though resonance energy of benzene is more.

* Resonance energy is a absolute term.

Contribution of different R. S. towards resonance hybrid

(1) Non-polar R. S. contribute more than polar R. S.

(a) CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 (b)  CH2-CH = CH - CH2 (c) CH2 - CH = CH - CH2 

a > b = c stability

(2) Polar R. S. with complete octet will contribute more as compared with the one with incomplete octet

CH3 - CH  - OCH3 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE CH3 - CH = :O  - CH3

Incomplete octet                     Complete octet

(3) In polar R. S. the -ve charge should be on more electro - ve atom & +ve charge should be on more electro +ve atom.

(a) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (more stable )

(b) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (less stable )


(4) Compound with more covalent bonds will contribute more.

(5) Unlike charges should be closer to each other whereas like charges should be isolated.

(6) Extended conjugation contribute more than cross conjugation.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE < Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Cross conjugation < Extended conjugation

Fries Rule :-

Compound with more benzenoid structure are more stable as their Resonance energy is greater than those in which lesser no. of benzenoid structures are present.

R. E. is Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE < Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

* If double bond is participating in resonance then it will acquire partial single bond character as a result of which bond length increase & bond strength decreases.

If a single bond is involved in resonance then it will acquire partial double bond character. As a result of which bond length decreases & bond strength increase.


Q.1 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

a = e > b = d > c


(a) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE 
(b) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(c) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE(incomplete)
(d) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE(incomplete)

a > b > c > d


           Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE
Stability Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Q.4 (a)Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (b) CH2 - CH = F                          a > b (stability)

* Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE


Note:-When lone pair as well as double bond is present in some atom then only p bond will be participating in resonance. Whereas lone pair remains sp2 hybridised orbital. When an atom has two or more then two lone pair then only one lone pair will participate in resonance and the other one remains in sp2 hybridised orbital.

Hyper conjugation

Permanent polarisation caused by displacement of s-electrons into p-molecular orbital is known as hyperconjugation.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Hyper conjugation is called No bond Resonance.

* More the C - H bond, more will be the no bond resonating structure (Hyper conjugation)

More the (C - H) bond, more will be the stability of free radical.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Properties of Free Radical:

1. It is a neutral species.

2. It has one un-paired electron that's why paramagnetic in nature.

Structure :

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE → methyl free Radical

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE → ethyl free radical

3. Its hydridisation is sp2 and triangular planar shape.

Note : unpaired electron is not counted while calculating the hybridisation state.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (unpaired electron stay perpendicular to the plane)


Stability of free Radical :

Its stability can be determined with the help of hyperconjugation as well as Resonance effect.

Allylic Free Radical

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(Free Radical is on next carbon to doubly bonded carbon atoms)

Effect of Resonance > Hyper conjugation

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Benzylic Free Radical

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* More Resonating structure, more will be the stability of the free Radical.

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (di-benzylic free Radical)

No. of Resonating structures = 7

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (Tri-benzylic free Radical)

No. of Resonating structures = 10

Stability Order :

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Ex.1 Compare the stability of the following free Radicals


 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE 


Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE 


 Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(Therefore this resonating structure is not possible)

Sol. b > a > c


Ex.2 (a) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (b) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (c) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE (d) Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Compare the Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE bond energy of the above compounds.

Sol. After forming free radical from the compound

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            (3°)                             (2°)                          (1°)                     methyl free radical

            (a)                              (b)                            (c)                             (d)

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

* Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

* Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Ex.3 Compare the potential energy of the following compounds (above compounds)

Sol. If compound after being in free Radical form is very stable (i.e., less energy) it means it would have possessed more energy initially i.e. its potential energy will be the most.

a < b < c < d

* Potential energy ≈ stability of free Radical

Ex.4 Compare the bond energies of C - H bond

(at a, b, c, d, e and f position)

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

e > b > a > f > c = d

Stability order of free Radical that might be formed after removal of H (Homolytically) from the given carbon.

→ e < b < a < f < c = d

(C - H bond energies)

In the above compound compare 2° benzylic allylic stability at two given positions:


Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

while drawing the resonating structure of the above,

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

(Here inspite of Resonance three (C - H) bond are available for no bond Resonance.

→ Therefore extra stable than Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE which have only two (C - H) bond for Hyper conjugation.


Therefore 2° benzylic allylic corresponding to structure (a) is more stable than that of structure (b)

Ex.5 Compare the stability of the following free Radical

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Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE  ⇒  c > b > a > d

Ex.6 Compare the potential energy of CH3 - CH3, CH2 = CH2,  CH≡CH

Sol. After making free Radical of the above compounds:

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE, Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation | Additional Study Material for JEE

a > b > c

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FAQs on Resonating Structures & Hyperconjugation - Additional Study Material for JEE

1. What are resonating structures in organic chemistry?
Ans. Resonating structures, also known as resonance forms or mesomeric structures, are different representations of a molecule or ion that can be interconverted by the movement of electrons. They are used to describe the delocalization of electrons within a molecule or ion, where the actual structure is a hybrid of all the resonance forms.
2. How do resonating structures contribute to the stability of molecules?
Ans. Resonating structures contribute to the stability of molecules by distributing charge and stabilizing electron density. The delocalization of electrons through resonance leads to a more stable molecule or ion. This stability arises from the lowering of energy due to the electron delocalization, which helps in preventing the accumulation of charges in specific regions of the molecule.
3. What is hyperconjugation in organic chemistry?
Ans. Hyperconjugation is a concept that explains the stability of certain molecular structures by the interaction between a sigma bond and an adjacent empty or partially filled p-orbital or a pi bond. This interaction allows for the delocalization of electron density, leading to increased stability and lower energy of the molecule.
4. How does hyperconjugation affect the stability of carbocations?
Ans. Hyperconjugation plays a crucial role in stabilizing carbocations. The adjacent sigma bonds in the alkyl groups donate electron density into the empty p-orbital of the carbocation through hyperconjugation. This delocalization of electron density helps to distribute the positive charge, making the carbocation more stable.
5. Can molecules have both resonating structures and hyperconjugation?
Ans. Yes, molecules can have both resonating structures and hyperconjugation. In fact, many organic compounds exhibit both phenomena simultaneously. The delocalization of electrons through resonance and the electron density donation through hyperconjugation can work together to increase the stability of the molecule or ion. These concepts are often interrelated and contribute to the overall stability and reactivity of organic compounds.
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