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All questions of Business Studies for Commerce Exam

_______ cannot be delegated.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Authority and responsibility
  • d)
    Accountability and responsibility
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Nandita Ahuja answered
Delegation of Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability

Delegation is an essential tool for managers to achieve organizational goals. It refers to the process of assigning work and authority to subordinates, allowing them to perform specific tasks or make decisions. However, there are certain aspects of management that cannot be delegated, such as authority, responsibility, and accountability.


Authority is the right to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate resources to achieve organizational objectives. It is the power vested in a manager by the organization to direct and control the actions of subordinates. While a manager can delegate tasks and responsibilities, they cannot delegate their authority.

For example, a manager can delegate the responsibility of supervising a team to a subordinate, but they cannot delegate the authority to make final decisions regarding the team's goals, budget, or performance. The manager remains accountable for the decisions made by their subordinate, and they have the power to intervene if necessary.


Responsibility refers to the obligation to perform a task or achieve a goal. It is the duty assigned to an individual to accomplish a specific outcome. A manager can delegate responsibility to a subordinate, but they cannot delegate their ultimate responsibility for the outcome.

For instance, a manager can delegate the task of preparing a monthly report to a subordinate, but they remain responsible for ensuring the report is accurate and submitted on time. If the report contains errors or is submitted late, the manager is accountable for the consequences.


Accountability is the obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility for the results of one's actions. It is the answerability for the consequences of decisions made and actions taken. While a manager can delegate tasks and responsibilities, they cannot delegate their accountability.

For example, a manager can delegate the responsibility of managing a project to a team leader, but they remain accountable for the project's success or failure. They must ensure that the team leader has the resources, skills, and support needed to achieve the project's objectives. If the project fails, the manager is accountable for the outcome.


In conclusion, delegation is an important aspect of management that enables subordinates to contribute to organizational goals. However, certain aspects of management, such as authority, responsibility, and accountability, cannot be delegated. A manager must retain these essential elements to ensure they can direct, control, and take responsibility for the actions of their subordinates.
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Provision of creche for the children of employees refers to the social objective of a business.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially False
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The provision of creche facilities for the children of employees is a social objective of a business. This means that a company aims to provide a safe and secure environment for the children of its employees while they are at work. This objective is based on the understanding that employees with children face additional challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities, and providing a creche facility can help to alleviate some of the stress associated with this juggling act.


1. Social Objective of a Business:
The social objective of a business refers to the commitment of a company to act in the best interests of society as a whole. This objective exists alongside the company's primary goal of generating profits for its shareholders. A company that prioritizes its social objective recognizes that it operates within a larger social context and that its actions can have a significant impact on the well-being of society.

2. Provision of Creche Facilities:
The provision of creche facilities is one way in which a company can fulfill its social objective. A creche is a facility that provides childcare services for infants and young children. By providing a creche facility for the children of its employees, a company can help to create a supportive work environment that encourages work-life balance and family-friendly policies.

3. Benefits of Creche Facilities:
The provision of creche facilities can benefit both the employees and the company. For employees, it can reduce stress related to childcare responsibilities, increase productivity and job satisfaction, and provide peace of mind knowing that their children are well-cared for. For the company, it can foster a positive workplace culture, increase employee retention and recruitment, and improve overall productivity.

4. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the provision of creche facilities for the children of employees is a social objective of a business. It is a reflection of a company's commitment to its employees and their families, and to creating a supportive work environment that promotes work-life balance and well-being.

Authority, Responsibility and Accountability are the elements of ______
  • a)
  • b)
    Informal Organisation
  • c)
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Nayanika Datta answered
Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability in Delegation

Authority, responsibility, and accountability are the key elements of delegation. Delegation is the process of assigning authority and responsibility to a subordinate to carry out specific tasks or make decisions on behalf of a higher-level manager. Let's understand each of these elements in detail:

1. Authority:
Authority refers to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. It is the legitimate power that a manager possesses to direct subordinates and make decisions within a defined scope. Authority can be formal or informal. Formal authority is derived from the position or role in the organizational hierarchy, whereas informal authority can arise from expertise, knowledge, or personal relationships.

2. Responsibility:
Responsibility is the obligation or duty to perform tasks or activities assigned to a specific position or role. When authority is delegated to a subordinate, they are responsible for completing the assigned tasks and achieving the desired outcomes. Responsibility is closely linked to authority, as it ensures that the individual understands the tasks they are accountable for and the level of performance expected from them.

3. Accountability:
Accountability is the answerability or liability of an individual for the outcomes of their actions or decisions. It involves being answerable to superiors or higher authorities for the results achieved or the manner in which tasks were performed. When authority is delegated, the subordinate becomes accountable for their actions and the consequences that arise from them. This ensures that individuals are held responsible for their performance and can be evaluated based on their outcomes.

Overall, authority, responsibility, and accountability are interrelated elements that are essential in the process of delegation. Authority is delegated to assign tasks and decision-making power to subordinates, while responsibility ensures that individuals understand their obligations and duties. Accountability holds individuals answerable for their actions and outcomes. Together, these elements help in the effective distribution of work, authority, and decision-making within an organization, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness.

Remuneration principle states that overall pay and compensation to both males and females should be same.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially false
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Nabanita Singh answered
The statement that the remuneration principle states that overall pay and compensation to both males and females should be the same is false. The correct answer is option B.


The remuneration principle, also known as equal pay for equal work, refers to the concept that individuals who perform similar work or work of equal value should receive equal pay or compensation, regardless of their gender. It is a fundamental principle of fairness and equality in the workplace.

However, the remuneration principle does not necessarily mean that the overall pay and compensation for males and females should be exactly the same. It means that if two individuals, regardless of their gender, are performing the same job or work of equal value, they should receive equal pay.

There are several factors that may contribute to differences in overall pay and compensation between males and females, including:

1. Occupational segregation: Women and men often tend to be concentrated in different occupations or industries, with some industries or occupations paying higher wages than others. This can result in differences in overall pay and compensation.

2. Career choices and progression: Women and men may make different career choices or experience different career progression patterns, which can impact their overall pay and compensation.

3. Discrimination: Despite the principle of equal pay for equal work, discrimination based on gender may still exist in some workplaces, leading to differences in pay and compensation.

4. Work-life balance: Women may take breaks from work or work part-time more frequently than men due to family responsibilities, which can impact their overall pay and compensation.

While efforts have been made to address these factors and promote equal pay for equal work, achieving complete parity in overall pay and compensation between males and females can be challenging due to various social, cultural, and economic factors.

In conclusion, the remuneration principle does not state that overall pay and compensation for males and females should be the same. It emphasizes equal pay for equal work, meaning that individuals who perform similar work or work of equal value should receive equal pay, regardless of their gender.

Changes in fashions and tastes of consumers will ______________
  • a)
    Shift the market demand from existing product to new ones
  • b)
    Increase the cost of production
  • c)
    Increase the profit
  • d)
    Increase the Sale
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Changes in fashions and tastes of consumers will shift the market demand from existing product to new ones because the demands of people changed, so they don't want to buy old-fashioned products. They were fascinated by new modern products. Now, they buy new-fashioned products which has good quality and price than other products.

Freedom to take own decision is ______
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Arka Das answered

Decentralisation refers to the distribution of power and authority from top to bottom in an organisation. It means that decision-making power is shared among different levels of management rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few top-level managers.

Freedom to take own decision

Freedom to take one's own decision is an essential aspect of decentralisation. When an organisation decentralises its decision-making power, it gives its lower-level employees the freedom to make decisions related to their work. It means that employees are free to take decisions that they think are best for the organisation without waiting for approval from higher authorities.

Advantages of Decentralisation

Decentralisation has several advantages, some of which are:

1. It promotes creativity and innovation among employees by giving them the freedom to take their own decisions.

2. It helps in the development of managerial skills among employees by providing them with opportunities to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

3. Decentralisation leads to faster decision-making as employees at lower levels are empowered to take decisions quickly.

4. It enhances the morale of employees as they feel valued and trusted by the organisation.


In conclusion, decentralisation is the distribution of decision-making power, and it leads to the freedom to take one's own decisions. Decentralisation has several advantages, including promoting creativity, enhancing managerial skills, faster decision-making, and improving employee morale.

Training is a process by which __________ of employees is increased.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Skils and abilities
  • d)
    All of these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Pranavi Chavan answered
Training is a process by which **knowledge**, **aptitudes**, **skills**, and abilities of employees are increased.
Training is essential in enhancing the overall performance and productivity of employees within an organization. Here are some key points to consider:
- Training helps employees gain new knowledge about their job roles, industry trends, and best practices.
- It ensures that employees are up-to-date with the latest information and technologies relevant to their work.
- Training can help employees develop and improve their natural talents and abilities.
- It can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, leading to better performance in their roles.
**Skills and Abilities:**
- Training programs focus on developing specific skills and abilities required for performing tasks effectively.
- Employees can learn new techniques, methods, and approaches to improve their performance and contribute more effectively to the organization.
**Overall Impact:**
- By increasing knowledge, aptitudes, skills, and abilities, training helps employees become more competent, efficient, and confident in their roles.
- This leads to improved job satisfaction, motivation, and morale among employees, which ultimately benefits the organization as a whole.
In conclusion, training plays a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of employees, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, aptitudes, skills, and abilities to excel in their roles and contribute effectively to the success of the organization.

Unity of direction is concerned with____________
  • a)
    One Head One Plan
  • b)
    One Head Different Plans
  • c)
    Planning by Production manager
  • d)
    Planning by Employees
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Unity of Direction
Unity of direction is concerned with having one head and one plan to ensure that everyone in the organization is working towards the same goals and objectives. This principle aims to eliminate confusion and conflicts that may arise from having multiple leaders with different plans.

One Head One Plan
- Under unity of direction, there is one designated leader or head of the organization who is responsible for setting the overall direction and objectives.
- This leader ensures that there is a single unified plan that guides the actions of all departments and employees towards the common goals of the organization.

Eliminating Confusion
- Having one head and one plan helps to eliminate confusion among employees regarding their roles and responsibilities.
- It provides clarity on the organization's objectives and ensures that everyone is working towards achieving them.

Improving Coordination
- Unity of direction promotes better coordination and communication within the organization.
- When everyone is aligned under one leader and one plan, it becomes easier to synchronize efforts and resources towards achieving the desired outcomes.

Enhancing Efficiency
- By having a unified direction, the organization can operate more efficiently as there is a clear focus on the common goals.
- It also helps in avoiding duplication of efforts and resources, leading to improved productivity and performance.
In conclusion, unity of direction is essential for ensuring that the organization moves towards its objectives in a coordinated and efficient manner. By having one head and one plan, the organization can achieve greater clarity, coordination, and efficiency in its operations.

Technological improvements and innovations result in________
  • a)
    Increase in tax
  • b)
    Render existing products obsolete
  • c)
    Reduction in profit margins
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Juhi Iyer answered
Effects of Technological Improvements and Innovations

Technological improvements and innovations have a significant impact on businesses and the economy. They can lead to changes in the way products are produced, marketed, and distributed. Below are some effects of technological improvements and innovations:

Render Existing Products Obsolete

One of the significant effects of technological improvements and innovations is that they can render existing products and technologies obsolete. This happens when a new technology or product is developed that is more efficient, cheaper, and easier to use than the existing one. For example, the introduction of smartphones has gradually replaced the need for separate devices for calling, messaging, and internet browsing.

Increased Competition

Technological improvements and innovations can lead to increased competition in the market. Companies that fail to keep up with the latest technologies risk losing their market share to their competitors who have adopted the latest technologies. For example, the rise of online shopping has led to increased competition among brick and mortar stores.

Reduced Costs

Technological improvements and innovations can help businesses reduce their costs of production. For example, the use of automation in manufacturing has led to reduced labor costs and increased efficiency.

Increased Efficiency

Technological improvements and innovations can also lead to increased efficiency in business operations. For example, the use of computerized systems for inventory management has led to faster and more accurate tracking of inventory levels.

Improved Customer Experience

Technological improvements and innovations can also lead to an improved customer experience. For example, the use of chatbots on websites has led to faster response times and improved customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, technological improvements and innovations can have both positive and negative effects on businesses and the economy. While they can lead to the development of new products and services, increased efficiency, and reduced costs, they can also render existing products and technologies obsolete and increase competition in the market.

A company, which manufactures a popular brand of toys, has been enjoying a good market reputation. It has a functional organisational structure with separate departments for Production, Marketing, Finance, HRD and R&D. Lately to use its brand name and also to cash on to new business opportunities, it is thinking to diversify into the manufacturing of a new range of electronic toys for which a new market is emerging. Which organisational structure is adopted by the company?
  • a)
    Informal structure
  • b)
    Formal structure
  • c)
    Divisional structure
  • d)
    Functional structure
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ishita Reddy answered
&D. Each department is headed by a department manager who reports to the CEO.

The Production department is responsible for manufacturing the toys. It oversees the entire production process, from sourcing raw materials to delivering the finished products to the warehouse. The department manager ensures that production targets are met, quality standards are maintained, and resources are utilized efficiently.

The Marketing department is responsible for promoting and selling the toys. It conducts market research to identify consumer preferences and trends, develops marketing strategies, and designs advertising campaigns. The department manager ensures that the toys are marketed effectively to reach the target audience and maximize sales.

The Finance department handles the financial aspects of the company. It manages the budget, prepares financial reports, and handles financial transactions. The department manager ensures that financial resources are managed effectively, and the company remains financially stable.

The HRD (Human Resource Development) department is responsible for managing the company's human resources. It handles recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee relations. The department manager ensures that the company has a skilled and motivated workforce to support its operations.

The R&D (Research and Development) department is responsible for innovation and product development. It conducts research to identify new toy concepts, designs prototypes, and tests product performance. The department manager ensures that the company stays ahead of competitors by introducing new and exciting toys to the market.

The functional organizational structure allows each department to focus on its specific area of expertise. It promotes specialization and efficient operations within each department. However, it can lead to silos and a lack of communication between departments.

To overcome this challenge, the company can implement cross-functional teams or committees to encourage collaboration and information sharing. Regular meetings and communication channels can be established to ensure that departments work together towards common goals.

Overall, the functional organizational structure has served the company well in maintaining its market reputation and delivering quality toys. With effective communication and collaboration between departments, the company can continue to thrive in the toy industry.

Which of the following is NOT a Principle of management given by Taylor?
  • a)
    Maximum not restricted output
  • b)
     Functional foremanship
  • c)
    Harmony not discord
  • d)
    Science, not rule of the Thumb
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Swati Verma answered
Among the options given above, Functional Foremanship is not a principle of management rather it is a technique of scientific management as given by Taylor. It comprises of the methods or steps to be taken to achieve a desired goal. On the other hand, the other three are principles of management that acts as guidelines for decision making in the actual practice of the techniques.

A doctor has to obtain certificate from the Medical Council medical profession. Which feature of the profession is revealed here?
  • a)
    Restricted entry
  • b)
    Ethical code of conduct
  • c)
    Service motive
  • d)
    Professional association
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
The requirement for a doctor to obtain a certificate from the Medical Council before practicing medicine is an example of a feature of the medical profession that is related to restricted entry. Restricted entry refers to the fact that certain professions, such as medicine, require a specific set of qualifications and credentials in order to practice.

The possibilities of inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties are known as ____________
  • a)
    Business contingencies
  • b)
    Business risks
  • c)
    Business ventures 
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Amar Shah answered
Business Risks:
Business risks refer to the uncertainties and potential negative outcomes that may impact a company's profitability and financial stability. These risks arise due to various external and internal factors that are beyond the control of the business.

Types of Business Risks:
There are several types of business risks that companies may face. Some common types include:

1. Strategic Risks: These risks are associated with the company's strategic decisions, such as entering into a new market, launching a new product, or changing the business model. Strategic risks arise from uncertainties in the market, competition, and customer preferences.

2. Operational Risks: Operational risks relate to the day-to-day operations of a business. They include risks associated with manufacturing, supply chain, technology, human resources, and other operational processes. These risks can lead to disruptions, inefficiencies, and increased costs.

3. Financial Risks: Financial risks are related to the company's financial structure, including its capital structure, debt levels, liquidity, and investment decisions. Examples of financial risks include changes in interest rates, credit risk, foreign exchange risk, and investment losses.

4. Compliance Risks: Compliance risks arise from the company's failure to comply with laws, regulations, and industry standards. Non-compliance can result in legal penalties, reputational damage, and loss of business opportunities.

5. Market Risks: Market risks are associated with changes in the market conditions, including fluctuations in demand, competition, and pricing. These risks can impact a company's sales, market share, and profitability.

6. Reputational Risks: Reputational risks arise from negative public perception or damage to the company's reputation. These risks can result from product recalls, unethical behavior, customer complaints, or negative media coverage. Reputational risks can have long-term consequences on customer trust, brand value, and business relationships.

Business Contingencies:
Business contingencies refer to the plans and preparations made by a company to mitigate the potential negative impacts of business risks. These contingencies include risk assessment, risk management strategies, and crisis management plans. By identifying and addressing potential risks, companies can better prepare for uncertainties and minimize their impact on business operations and profitability.

Inadequate profits or losses due to uncertainties are known as business risks. These risks can arise from various internal and external factors and can have a significant impact on a company's financial stability. To mitigate these risks, companies should implement effective risk management strategies and develop business contingencies to minimize potential negative outcomes.

Principles of management cannot be __________
  • a)
  • b)
    Applied Everywhere
  • c)
    Tested in Laboratories
  • d)
    Part of business
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Anjana Sen answered

The correct answer is option 'C' - Principles of management cannot be tested in laboratories.

Defining Principles of Management:

Principles of management are fundamental guidelines that help managers make decisions and achieve organizational objectives. These principles are derived from the experiences and observations of successful managers and are considered as general rules for managing organizations effectively.

Applicability of Principles:

Principles of management are applicable in various organizational settings, irrespective of the industry or sector. These principles provide a framework for managers to understand and handle different management situations effectively. They can be applied in all types of organizations including business, government, healthcare, education, etc.

Limitation in Laboratory Testing:

Principles of management cannot be tested in laboratories because they are not scientific laws that can be proven or disproven through controlled experiments. Unlike physical sciences, management involves human behavior, which is complex and influenced by various factors such as personality, culture, and motivation.

Complexity of Human Behavior:

Human behavior is influenced by individual differences, social interactions, and external environment. Each individual is unique, and their behavior cannot be predicted with certainty. Therefore, it is difficult to create controlled laboratory experiments that accurately replicate real-world management situations.

Validity of Principles:

The principles of management are based on observations and experiences of successful managers over time. They have been tested and validated through practical application in various organizational contexts. However, their applicability may vary depending on the specific situation and organizational culture.


While principles of management provide valuable guidance for effective management practices, they cannot be subjected to laboratory testing due to the complex and dynamic nature of human behavior. These principles should be understood, applied, and adapted to specific organizational contexts for achieving desired outcomes.

HRM is much broader concept than ______________
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Amar Shah answered
HRM (Human Resource Management) is a management function that is concerned with managing people within an organization. It involves the recruitment, selection, training, development, compensation, and retention of employees to achieve organizational goals. It is a broader concept than staffing.

Why is HRM a broader concept than staffing?

1. Staffing is just one function of HRM:

Staffing is the process of hiring suitable candidates for different job roles within an organization. It is an essential function of HRM, but it is only one aspect of it. HRM involves a range of other functions such as training, development, performance management, compensation, and employee relations.

2. HRM is a strategic function:

HRM is a strategic function that involves aligning the organization's human resource policies and practices with its overall business strategy. It involves developing policies and practices that create a productive and engaged workforce, which is essential for achieving the organization's goals.

3. HRM focuses on people management:

HRM is concerned with managing people within an organization. It involves creating an environment where employees can perform to the best of their abilities, which is crucial for achieving organizational success. HRM focuses on developing policies and practices that promote employee engagement, motivation, and productivity.

4. HRM is a continuous process:

HRM is not a one-time function; it is a continuous process that involves ongoing efforts to improve the organization's human resource policies and practices. It involves reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of current policies and practices and making changes as needed.


In conclusion, HRM is a much broader concept than staffing. It is a strategic function that involves managing people within an organization to achieve its goals. While staffing is an essential aspect of HRM, it is just one function of the broader concept of HRM.

Selection is done after the _________
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Performance Appraisal
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Selection is done after the Recruitment

Selection is an important process in the management of human resources. It involves choosing the most suitable candidates from a pool of applicants who have been recruited for a particular job position. The selection process typically follows the recruitment process and is carried out before other HR processes such as training, placement, and performance appraisal.

The Recruitment Process:
Recruitment is the process of attracting potential candidates for a job position and encouraging them to apply. It involves activities such as job analysis, job description and specification, sourcing and attracting candidates, screening and shortlisting, and conducting interviews. The purpose of recruitment is to identify potential candidates who possess the required qualifications, skills, and experience for the job.

The Selection Process:
Once the recruitment process is complete and a pool of applicants is available, the selection process begins. Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidates for a job position from the pool of applicants. It involves evaluating the applicants against the job requirements and determining their fit for the organization.

Key Steps in the Selection Process:
The selection process typically includes the following key steps:

1. Application Review: The applications received from the candidates are reviewed to determine if they meet the minimum qualifications and requirements for the job.

2. Screening: The screening process involves shortlisting the candidates who closely match the job requirements based on their application, resume, and cover letter.

3. Selection Tests: Candidates may be required to undergo various selection tests such as aptitude tests, personality tests, and skills tests to assess their abilities and suitability for the job.

4. Interviews: Candidates who pass the initial screening and selection tests are called for interviews. Interviews may be conducted in various formats such as one-on-one interviews, panel interviews, or group interviews.

5. Reference Checks: References provided by the candidates are contacted to verify the information provided by them and gather additional insights about their skills, work ethic, and character.

6. Decision Making: Based on the results of the selection tests, interviews, and reference checks, the hiring team makes a final decision on the most suitable candidate for the job position.

Selection is a crucial step in the human resource management process. It involves evaluating and choosing the most suitable candidates for a job position from a pool of applicants. The selection process follows the recruitment process and is carried out before other HR processes such as training, placement, and performance appraisal.

An Indian information technology company, presently employing 10,000 people, desires to expand its business in manufacturing, trading, etc. It wants to become a global company. To achieve its objectives, it started shifting from a centralised to a decentralised management system. Identify the management function being performed by the company to become a decentralised company.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Management Function of Decentralisation

The management function being performed by the Indian information technology company to become a decentralised company is organising. Organising is the process of arranging resources to achieve objectives efficiently and effectively. It involves identifying the activities to be performed, grouping them into manageable units, assigning duties and responsibilities, and delegating authority to carry out tasks.

Shifting from Centralised to Decentralised Management System

The company desires to expand its business in manufacturing, trading, etc. and become a global company. To achieve this objective, it started shifting from a centralised to a decentralised management system. A centralised management system is characterised by a hierarchical structure, where decisions are made at the top levels of the organisation and communicated down to lower levels. In contrast, a decentralised management system empowers employees at lower levels to make decisions and take responsibility.

Advantages of Decentralised Management System

There are several advantages of a decentralised management system, including:

1. Quick decision-making: Decentralisation enables faster decision-making as employees at lower levels are empowered to make decisions without waiting for approval from top management.

2. Empowerment: Decentralisation empowers employees at lower levels to take responsibility for their work and contribute to the organisation's success.

3. Flexibility: Decentralisation allows the organisation to be more flexible in responding to changes in the market or customer needs.

4. Innovation: Decentralisation encourages innovation as employees are more involved in decision-making and can contribute new ideas to the organisation.


In conclusion, the Indian information technology company is performing the organising function of management by shifting from a centralised to a decentralised management system. Decentralisation empowers employees at lower levels to make decisions, take responsibility, and contribute to the organisation's success. It also enables faster decision-making, flexibility, and innovation.

The Rajasthan government has developed surveillance network using latest satellite technology. Under this system, the state’s mining department would be in a position to check illegal mining activities across the state. The state government is also considering the use of drones in its proposed campaign against illegal mining. Identify the related dimensions of business environment.
  • a)
    Economic dimension and Legal dimension
  • b)
    Social dimension and Economic dimension
  • c)
    Technological dimension and Political dimension
  • d)
    Political dimension and Economic dimension
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Pranavi Chavan answered
Government will use satellites to monitor various activities and gather real-time information. This surveillance network will help in ensuring better governance, improving law and order, and preventing crimes.

The satellite technology will enable the government to monitor and track activities such as illegal mining, encroachments, traffic violations, and other illegal activities. It will provide a comprehensive view of the entire state, allowing authorities to take timely actions and make informed decisions.

The surveillance network will also help in disaster management by providing early warning systems and monitoring the situation during emergencies. It will aid in identifying vulnerable areas and ensuring timely assistance and relief measures.

Furthermore, the satellite technology will assist in agricultural planning and monitoring. It will provide data on crop health, water availability, and weather patterns, enabling farmers to make informed decisions and improve productivity.

Overall, the development of this surveillance network using satellite technology showcases the Rajasthan government's commitment to utilizing advanced tools for effective governance and ensuring the well-being of its citizens.

Planning gives direction, reduces the impact of change, minimises waste and redundancy and
  • a)
    establishes chaos among departments
  • b)
    sets the basis used for promotion of individuals within the organisation
  • c)
    planning guarantees safeguard from external environment
  • d)
    sets the standards used in controlling
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is option 'D': planning sets the standards used in controlling. Let's break down each option and explain why option 'D' is the correct answer.

1. Establishes chaos among departments:
This option is incorrect because planning does not aim to create chaos among departments. In fact, planning is essential in order to establish order and coordination among different departments within an organization.

2. Sets the basis used for promotion of individuals within the organization:
While planning does play a role in organizational promotion, it is not the primary purpose of planning. The basis for promotion is typically determined by factors such as performance, skills, experience, and qualifications rather than planning.

3. Planning guarantees safeguard from external environment:
Although planning can help organizations prepare for and mitigate risks from the external environment, it does not guarantee complete safeguarding. External factors such as economic changes, technological advancements, and market fluctuations are beyond an organization's control. However, effective planning can help organizations adapt and respond to these external factors more effectively.

4. Sets the standards used in controlling:
This option is correct. Planning sets the standards that are used in controlling. Controlling involves monitoring and evaluating actual performance against the planned objectives and taking corrective actions if necessary. By setting specific goals, targets, and benchmarks during the planning process, organizations can establish the criteria by which they measure and control their performance.

Planning provides a roadmap for an organization's activities and helps ensure that resources are allocated effectively, tasks are coordinated, and objectives are achieved. It involves determining the organization's mission, setting goals, developing strategies, and creating action plans. These plans serve as the basis for measuring and controlling performance. Without clear standards established through planning, it would be difficult for organizations to assess their progress and make necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, planning plays a crucial role in an organization's success. While it does not establish chaos, directly determine promotions, or guarantee complete safeguarding from the external environment, planning does set the standards used in controlling. By defining goals, objectives, and performance criteria, planning provides a framework for measuring and managing organizational performance.

No fine or penalty for violation is charged under____
  • a)
  • b)
    None of these
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Mansi Nair answered

Method refers to a systematic way of doing something. In legal terms, method refers to a systematic way of enforcing laws or regulations. The violation of laws or regulations can result in penalties or fines. However, in certain cases, no fine or penalty is charged for the violation of a law or regulation. This is often the case when the law or regulation is not enforced or when there are no specific penalties or fines associated with the violation.

In this context, the correct answer to the given question is option C, i.e., Method. This is because no fine or penalty for violation is charged under a specific method of enforcement of laws or regulations.

For instance, in some cases, a law or regulation may be considered more of a guideline or recommendation rather than a strict legal requirement. In such cases, there may be no penalties or fines associated with the violation of the law or regulation. Similarly, in some cases, the enforcement of a law or regulation may be subject to the discretion of the enforcement agency, and they may choose not to impose any penalties or fines for minor violations.


In conclusion, the correct answer to the given question is option C, i.e., Method. This is because no fine or penalty for violation is charged under a specific method of enforcement of laws or regulations. However, it is important to note that this may not always be the case, and the enforcement of laws and regulations can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the discretion of the enforcing authorities.

Mr. Rohit, who was an employee in Z Cosmetics Limited was able to produce the goods in time but at higher cost. Mr. Rohit was
  • a)
    effective only
  • b)
    efficient only
  • c)
    effective but inefficient
  • d)
    neither effective nor efficient
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Anu Sharma answered
Effectiveness vs Efficiency:

Effectiveness and efficiency are two important concepts in management. They are often confused with each other, but they have different meanings.

- Effectiveness is the degree to which a task is accomplished successfully. It is the ability to produce a desired result or effect. In other words, it is doing the right thing.

- Efficiency is the ability to do a task in the most economical way possible. It is the ability to achieve maximum output with minimum input. In other words, it is doing things right.


In the given scenario, Mr. Rohit was able to produce the goods in time, which means he was effective in his work. However, he did it at a higher cost, which means he was not efficient. Therefore, Mr. Rohit was effective but inefficient.

Option 'A' is incorrect because Mr. Rohit was not just effective, he was also inefficient.

Option 'B' is incorrect because Mr. Rohit was not efficient.

Option 'D' is incorrect because Mr. Rohit was effective, but not efficient.

In case of emergency, any worker can approach the CEO of a company under Gang Plank.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially false
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is option 'B', False.

Gang Plank is a management philosophy that promotes a collaborative and supportive work culture. It emphasizes on teamwork, creativity, and innovation. However, it does not have any provision for emergency situations or a hierarchical structure where any worker can directly approach the CEO.

In Gang Plank, decision-making is a collective effort, and every team member has an equal say. The team members are encouraged to share their ideas, thoughts, and concerns openly. The focus is on creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

In case of an emergency, the company would have a separate protocol in place, such as an emergency response team or a designated person to contact. It is not appropriate for any worker to directly approach the CEO in every emergency situation.

Hence, the statement "In case of emergency, any worker can approach the CEO of a company under Gang Plank" is false.

Which aspect of management is concerned with the end result?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
 Effectiveness in management is concerned with doing the right task/completing activities/achieving goals within the prescribed time. In other words, it is concerned with end results.

Principles of management are derived in ________ ways.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Principles of management are derived in two ways:

1. Observation and Analysis:
The principles of management are derived by observing and analyzing the practices and experiences of successful managers. These principles are based on the observations of managers who have been successful in their respective fields.

2. Experiments and Research:
The principles of management are also derived through experiments and research conducted by management experts. These experiments help in testing the validity of the principles and in developing new principles that can be applied in different situations.

Examples of principles of management derived from observation and analysis are:

- Unity of command
- Division of labor
- Scalar chain
- Unity of direction
- Esprit de corps

Examples of principles of management derived from experiments and research are:

- Authority and responsibility
- Discipline
- Centralization and decentralization
- Order
- Equity

Coordination is the responsibility of the top-level managers.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially True
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Coordination is the process of integrating and harmonizing the activities of different individuals, departments, or groups within an organization, with the goal of achieving organizational objectives. It ensures that all activities and efforts are aligned towards a common purpose and that there is cooperation and collaboration among different parts of the organization.

Responsibility of Top-level Managers:
Top-level managers, such as CEOs, presidents, and board members, are responsible for setting the overall direction and goals of the organization. They are involved in strategic decision-making and have the authority to allocate resources and make important decisions that impact the entire organization. While coordination is a responsibility that cuts across all levels of management, top-level managers play a critical role in ensuring coordination at the organizational level.

Extent of Responsibility:
However, it would be incorrect to say that coordination is solely the responsibility of top-level managers. Coordination is a shared responsibility that involves managers at all levels of the organization. Different levels of management have different areas of focus when it comes to coordination:

1. Top-level managers: They are responsible for ensuring coordination at the strategic level, aligning the activities of different departments or divisions with the overall organizational goals and objectives. They establish policies, procedures, and guidelines that facilitate coordination.

2. Middle-level managers: They are responsible for coordination within their respective departments or divisions. They ensure that different teams or units within their department are working together towards common goals. They also coordinate with other departments or divisions to ensure smooth interdepartmental collaboration.

3. Front-line managers: They are responsible for coordination at the operational level. They oversee the day-to-day activities of their teams and ensure that tasks are assigned, deadlines are met, and resources are allocated effectively. They also coordinate with other teams or departments to resolve any issues or conflicts that may arise.

In conclusion, coordination is the responsibility of all managers within an organization, not just top-level managers. While top-level managers have a more strategic role in coordinating the activities of different parts of the organization, coordination is a shared responsibility that cuts across all levels of management.

“Trends refer to changes and inclination towards new products and services”. This statement describes significant effect of which environment on business?
  • a)
    Economic environment
  • b)
    Social environment
  • c)
    Political environment
  • d)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajdeep Saini answered
Impact of Social Environment on Business:
The social environment plays a crucial role in shaping trends and consumer behavior, which directly impacts businesses. Here's how:

1. Changing Consumer Preferences:
- Social trends influence consumer preferences, leading to a shift in demand for products and services.
- For example, the growing preference for eco-friendly products has led to an increase in sustainable businesses.

2. Cultural Influences:
- Cultural norms and values influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
- Businesses need to align their products and marketing strategies with prevailing cultural trends to appeal to their target audience.

3. Technological Advancements:
- Social environment also encompasses technological changes that drive innovation and create new business opportunities.
- Businesses need to adapt to technological trends to stay competitive in the market.

4. Demographic Shifts:
- Changes in demographics, such as aging populations or the rise of millennials as a consumer group, impact businesses.
- Companies need to tailor their products and services to suit the needs and preferences of different demographic segments.

5. Social Media Influence:
- The rise of social media has transformed how businesses interact with consumers and market their products.
- Social media trends can quickly impact consumer behavior and shape brand perceptions.
In conclusion, the social environment significantly influences business trends by shaping consumer preferences, cultural influences, technological advancements, demographic shifts, and social media influence. Businesses need to closely monitor and adapt to these social trends to stay relevant and successful in the marketplace.

Principles of scientific management are universally applicable.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially true
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Dipika Rane answered

Scientific management is a management theory developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th century. It involves breaking down tasks into smaller components and analyzing them to find the most efficient way to complete them. The principles of scientific management include:

1. Science, not rule of thumb: Decisions should be based on facts and data rather than experience or intuition.

2. Harmony, not discord: Management and workers should work together to achieve the organization's goals.

3. Cooperation, not individualism: Employees should work together as a team rather than pursuing their own interests.

4. Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity

Although these principles were developed in the manufacturing industry, they have been applied to various fields like education, healthcare, and government. However, the principles of scientific management are not universally applicable. The reasons are:

1. Not suitable for all industries: The principles of scientific management are not suitable for all industries. It may work in manufacturing industries where tasks can be broken down into smaller components, but it may not work in creative fields like advertising or software development.

2. Not suitable for all types of work: The principles of scientific management may not be suitable for all types of work. Some tasks require creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making, which cannot be standardized.

3. Not suitable for all cultures: The principles of scientific management may not be suitable for all cultures. Some cultures value teamwork and harmony, while others value individualism and competition.

4. Not suitable for all situations: The principles of scientific management may not be suitable for all situations. In some situations, flexibility and adaptability are more important than efficiency.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the principles of scientific management are not universally applicable but have certain limitations. Managers need to understand the limitations and adapt the principles to their specific situations and contexts.

Subsidy to cotton textile businesses is the __________
  • a)
    Legal Environment
  • b)
    Social Environment
  • c)
    Political Environment
  • d)
    Economic Environment
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Political Environment

Subsidies are financial assistance provided by the government to certain industries or businesses to support their operations or promote their growth. In the case of cotton textile businesses, subsidies are typically provided by the government to help offset production costs and make the industry more competitive in the global market. The decision to provide subsidies to cotton textile businesses is influenced by various factors, including the political environment.

Political Considerations

1. Promoting Economic Growth: Governments often provide subsidies to industries that play a significant role in the country's economy. Cotton textile businesses, for example, may be seen as a key sector contributing to employment, exports, and overall economic growth. Subsidies can help these businesses remain competitive and stimulate economic activity.

2. Protecting Domestic Industry: Subsidies can be used as a tool to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. By providing financial support to cotton textile businesses, the government can help them compete with cheaper imports and maintain a strong domestic textile industry. This is especially important in countries where the textile sector is a major employer.

3. Political Influence: The cotton textile industry often has significant political influence due to its economic importance and the large number of workers employed in the sector. Politicians may advocate for subsidies to gain support from textile workers and industry stakeholders, as well as to maintain their political influence and power.

4. Regional Considerations: The decision to provide subsidies may also be influenced by regional political dynamics. Governments may provide subsidies to cotton textile businesses located in economically disadvantaged regions or areas with high unemployment rates as a means of promoting development and reducing regional disparities.

5. Trade and International Relations: Subsidies to cotton textile businesses can also be influenced by international trade agreements and negotiations. Governments may provide subsidies to comply with trade agreements or to gain advantage in trade negotiations with other countries.


In conclusion, subsidies to cotton textile businesses are primarily influenced by the political environment. Political considerations such as promoting economic growth, protecting domestic industry, political influence, regional development, and trade relations all play a role in the decision to provide subsidies. These subsidies are aimed at supporting the cotton textile industry and ensuring its competitiveness in the global market.

Increased competition in the market will _____________
  • a)
    Increase the tax
  • b)
    Increase the profit
  • c)
    Increase the cost of production
  • d)
    Reduce the profit margin
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Understanding Market Competition
Increased competition in the market typically leads to several economic consequences, particularly affecting profit margins for businesses. When competitors enter the market or existing competitors become more aggressive, several dynamics come into play.

Impact on Profit Margin
- **Price Wars**: With more players in the market, businesses often lower their prices to attract customers. This can lead to a price war, which directly reduces profit margins.
- **Increased Supply**: More competition usually results in an increased supply of goods or services, leading to lower prices. As prices drop, businesses may struggle to maintain profitability.
- **Customer Expectations**: Consumers may develop higher expectations regarding quality, service, and price due to the variety of options available. To meet these expectations, companies might need to invest more in quality improvements or customer service, further squeezing profit margins.

Cost of Production Considerations
- **Operational Efficiency**: To remain competitive, companies may invest in technology or processes that improve efficiency, potentially increasing initial costs but aiming to reduce long-term expenses.
- **Marketing Expenses**: Increased competition often necessitates higher marketing expenditures to stand out. This can lead to increased costs that do not necessarily translate to higher profits.

In conclusion, while increased competition can lead to innovation and better products for consumers, it generally reduces profit margins for businesses. Companies must adapt to maintain their market position while balancing costs and pricing strategies. Thus, the correct answer to the question is option 'D': Increased competition in the market will reduce the profit margin.

Through Environmental scanning a business firm can enjoy the ___________
  • a)
  • b)
    First Mover Advantage
  • c)
    Benefit of taxes
  • d)
    Last Mover Advantage
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Devanshi Mehta answered
Environmental scanning:
Environmental scanning is the process of monitoring and analyzing the external environment to identify opportunities and threats that may impact a business. It involves gathering information about the economic, political, social, technological, and competitive factors that can influence the organization's operations and decision-making.

The benefits of environmental scanning:
Environmental scanning provides valuable insights and information that can help a business firm in various ways. It allows the firm to stay updated and adapt to the changing business environment, make informed decisions, and identify new opportunities for growth and profitability. One of the key benefits of environmental scanning is gaining a competitive advantage.

First Mover Advantage:
The first mover advantage refers to the benefits that a business firm can achieve by being the first to enter a particular market or introduce a new product or service. It allows the firm to establish a strong market position, build brand loyalty, and capture a significant market share before competitors enter the market.

How environmental scanning helps in gaining the first mover advantage:
By conducting environmental scanning, a business firm can identify emerging trends, technologies, and market opportunities. This information can be used to develop innovative products or services and enter new markets before competitors. Through environmental scanning, the firm can:

1. Identify emerging market trends: Environmental scanning helps identify emerging trends and changes in customer preferences. By being aware of these trends, the firm can develop products or services that meet the evolving needs of customers and gain a competitive edge.

2. Identify technological advancements: Environmental scanning allows the firm to stay updated on technological advancements that can disrupt the market or create new opportunities. By leveraging these technologies, the firm can develop innovative products or processes that give it a first-mover advantage.

3. Assess competitive landscape: Environmental scanning helps the firm understand the competitive landscape by gathering information about existing competitors, their strategies, and market positioning. This information can be used to develop unique value propositions and differentiate the firm from competitors.

4. Identify untapped markets: Through environmental scanning, the firm can identify untapped markets or customer segments that have not been targeted by competitors. By entering these markets early, the firm can establish a strong market presence and gain a competitive advantage.

In conclusion, environmental scanning provides valuable insights and information that can help a business firm gain a first-mover advantage. By being proactive and leveraging the information gathered through environmental scanning, the firm can identify and capitalize on emerging trends, technologies, and market opportunities before competitors, thereby establishing a strong market position and enjoying the benefits of being a first mover.

The manager of Sudha Industries is overburdened with routine work and is unable to concentrate on core issues of the company. The overcome this problem, he entrusted some of his responsibility and authority to his immediate subordinate to share some of his routine work. Which concept of management is used by the manager?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is option (c) Delegation.


Delegation is the process of dividing the work and assigning it to subordinates with the necessary authority to accomplish the assigned tasks. The manager in the given scenario has entrusted some of his responsibility and authority to his immediate subordinate to share some of his routine work. Therefore, the concept used by the manager is delegation.

The following are the features of delegation:

1. Authority: The delegation of work involves giving the necessary authority to subordinates to accomplish their tasks.

2. Responsibility: The manager delegates the responsibility of completing the assigned tasks to subordinates.

3. Accountability: The subordinate is accountable to the manager for the completion of the assigned tasks.

4. Trust: The manager must have trust in the subordinates to whom the work is delegated.

5. Control: The manager must maintain control over the delegated work to ensure that it is completed as per the required standards.

Benefits of delegation:

1. Reduces workload: Delegation helps in reducing the workload of the manager by assigning tasks to subordinates.

2. Increases efficiency: Delegation helps in increasing the efficiency of the organization by utilizing the skills and abilities of subordinates.

3. Develops subordinates: Delegation helps in developing the skills and abilities of subordinates by providing them with new challenges.

4. Saves time: Delegation helps in saving time by allowing the manager to focus on core issues of the company.

Therefore, the manager in the given scenario has used the concept of delegation to overcome his workload and concentrate on core issues of the company.

A process needs
  • a)
    through put to execute
  • b)
    timer to execute
  • c)
    resources to execute
  • d)
    both a and b
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Sanjana Bajaj answered
Understanding Process Execution Requirements
To effectively execute a process in a computing environment, it requires several essential components. The correct answer is option 'C' - both throughput and resources are critical for execution.
- Throughput refers to the amount of work or the number of processes completed in a specific time frame.
- A higher throughput indicates a more efficient system, allowing more processes to be executed simultaneously or in quick succession.
- It plays a crucial role in performance measurement, especially in environments where multiple processes run concurrently.
- A timer is essential for managing the execution time of processes.
- It helps in scheduling when a process should start and when it should be interrupted or switched out for another process.
- While a timer is important for process management, it does not directly contribute to the execution capability of the process itself.
- Resources include CPU time, memory, I/O devices, and other system components that a process needs to execute.
- Adequate resources are vital for a process to run efficiently and complete its tasks without delays.
- Resource contention can lead to bottlenecks, affecting overall system performance.
- In summary, both throughput and resources are fundamental for process execution.
- While the timer is important for scheduling and managing execution time, it is the availability of resources and the ability to maintain a high throughput that ultimately allow processes to execute effectively.
- Therefore, option 'C' accurately captures the essential elements required for successful process execution.

Gang plank permits direct communication between
  • a)
    Employees working at the same level
  • b)
    Any employee irrespective of his/her level
  • c)
    Employees of same department only
  • d)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Puja Gupta answered
Gang Plank Communication in Organizations

In organizations, communication is an essential part of achieving goals and objectives. Efficient communication helps in reducing conflicts, increasing productivity, and building a good working relationship among employees. Gang plank communication is one of the types of communication that is used in organizations. It refers to direct communication between employees working at the same level.

Explanation of Gang Plank Communication

Gang plank communication is a type of communication where employees from different departments who work at the same level communicate directly with each other without going through the formal chain of command. It is an informal communication channel that promotes collaboration and teamwork among employees. This type of communication helps in sharing information, ideas, and knowledge between employees, which improves the overall performance of the organization.

Benefits of Gang Plank Communication

• Encourages Collaboration: Gang plank communication encourages collaboration and teamwork among employees. It helps employees to work together and achieve common goals.

• Reduces Conflicts: Gang plank communication helps in reducing conflicts between employees. When employees communicate directly, they can resolve issues without involving their supervisors.

• Improves Productivity: Gang plank communication helps in improving productivity as it saves time and reduces misunderstandings. Employees can communicate directly and get their work done faster.

• Builds Good Working Relationships: Gang plank communication helps in building good working relationships among employees. It promotes a friendly and open work culture where employees can communicate without any hesitation.


In conclusion, gang plank communication is a type of communication that promotes collaboration, reduces conflicts, and improves productivity in organizations. It allows employees to communicate directly with each other without going through the formal chain of command. It is an essential part of building a good working relationship among employees.

Directions: There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the appropriate option from the options given below
Assertion (A): In any organisation, coordination is required so that production and sales department can work hand in hand.
Reason (R): Coordination integrates group efforts.
  • a)
    Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
  • b)
    Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
  • c)
    Assertion (A) is true but Reason(R)isfalse
  • d)
    Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Rishika Patel answered

The given assertion and reason are related to coordination in an organization. Let us analyze each statement to arrive at the correct answer.

Assertion (A): In any organization, coordination is required so that production and sales department can work hand in hand.

This statement is true because coordination is essential to ensure that different departments of an organization work together towards achieving common goals. In this case, coordination is required between production and sales departments to ensure that the products manufactured by the production department are sold by the sales department.

Reason (R): Coordination integrates group efforts.

This statement is also true because coordination refers to the process of harmonizing the activities of different individuals or groups towards achieving a common goal. Coordination ensures that the efforts of different groups are integrated and synchronized to achieve the desired outcome.

Option (a): Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

This option is incorrect because while both statements are true, the reason does not provide a correct explanation of the assertion.

Option (b): Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

This option is correct because both statements are true, but the reason does not provide a correct explanation of the assertion.

Option (c): Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.

This option is incorrect because the reason statement is also true.

Option (d): Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

This option is also incorrect because the assertion statement is true.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (b) - Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

The main purpose of ______ is involvement of all the employees working at different levels.
  • a)
  • b)
    Formal organisation
  • c)
  • d)
    Divisional organisation
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Amrita Sen answered

Decentralisation is the transfer of decision-making authority from a centralised structure to a more localised one. In a decentralised organisation, decision-making is distributed among different levels of employees, rather than being concentrated at the top. The main purpose of decentralisation is to involve all the employees working at different levels. This helps in achieving several objectives such as:

1. Improved decision-making: Decentralisation allows decisions to be made closer to the point of action, where the people with the most relevant knowledge and expertise are located. This can result in quicker and more effective decision-making.

2. Greater employee involvement: By involving employees in decision-making, they become more invested in the success of the organisation and are more likely to take ownership of their work.

3. Increased motivation: When employees are given more responsibility and autonomy, they are likely to feel more motivated and engaged in their work.

4. Improved communication: Decentralisation encourages communication between different levels of employees, which can lead to better coordination and sharing of information.

5. Flexibility: Decentralisation allows organisations to be more flexible and responsive to changes in the environment, as decisions can be made quickly and efficiently.

In conclusion, decentralisation is an important organisational strategy that can lead to improved decision-making, employee involvement, motivation, communication, and flexibility. By involving all employees at different levels, organisations can achieve greater success and adapt more effectively to changes in the environment.

Which of the following is not an element of delegation?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Informal organisation
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Milan Roy answered
Delegation is the process of assigning authority and responsibility to another person or a group of people to carry out specific tasks or make decisions on behalf of a higher authority. It is an essential aspect of effective management and leadership, as it helps in distributing workload, developing skills, and improving productivity within an organization.

Elements of Delegation
Delegation involves several elements that are crucial for its successful implementation. These elements include:

a) Accountability:
Accountability refers to the obligation of an individual or a group to take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and outcomes. In delegation, accountability ensures that the person to whom authority and responsibility are delegated remains answerable for their performance and the results they achieve. It helps in maintaining transparency, evaluating performance, and fostering a sense of ownership.

b) Authority:
Authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and take action. It is an essential element of delegation as it is transferred from the higher authority to the person or group to whom the tasks are delegated. Authority empowers individuals to make decisions and exercise control over the resources required to accomplish the delegated tasks.

c) Responsibility:
Responsibility refers to the duty or obligation to perform a specific task or role. In delegation, the higher authority assigns responsibility to the person or group to whom tasks are delegated. The individual or group becomes responsible for the successful completion of the assigned tasks within the given timeframe. Responsibility ensures that there is a clear understanding of the tasks and the expectations associated with them.

d) Informal organization:
Informal organization refers to the social structure and relationships that exist within an organization, apart from the formal structure defined by the hierarchy and reporting relationships. It includes informal networks, friendships, and social interactions among employees. While informal organization influences the dynamics of the workplace, it is not considered an element of delegation. Delegation primarily focuses on the formal allocation of authority and responsibility within the organizational structure.

In conclusion, out of the given options, 'd) Informal organization' is not an element of delegation. Delegation primarily involves accountability, authority, and responsibility, which are formal components of the delegation process. While the informal organization has its significance in the workplace, it is not directly related to the delegation of tasks and responsibilities.

___________ cannot be entirely delegated
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Neha Sharma answered
Responsibility can not be delegated but authority and accountability can be delegated. Responsibility means the work assigned to an individual. Authority means the power to take decision. Accountability means subordinates will be answerable for the non-completion of the task. Accountability can not be passed or delegated.

Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of
  • a)
    Decentralised organisation
  • b)
    Centralised organisation
  • c)
    Functional organisation
  • d)
    Divisional organisation
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Mira Joshi answered
Functional Organisation involves grouping of the functions of similar nature. Each group forms a separate department that report to one head. For example, departments may be divided on the basis of functions such as production, human resources, etc. that report to the managing director of the organisation.

Under which method of training, employees are shifted from one job position to another:
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Job Rotation
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Mansi Nair answered

Job Rotation is a method of training in which an employee is shifted from one job position to another on a temporary or permanent basis. The purpose of job rotation is to provide employees with exposure to different roles and tasks within the organization, which helps them broaden their skills and knowledge.

Advantages of Job Rotation:

1. It helps employees to develop new skills and expertise.

2. It increases employee motivation and job satisfaction by providing them with new challenges and opportunities.

3. It improves employee retention by keeping them engaged and interested in their work.

4. It helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees in different job positions.

5. It helps in creating a more flexible and adaptable workforce by providing cross-functional training.

Disadvantages of Job Rotation:

1. It can disrupt the workflow and productivity of the organization.

2. It can lead to confusion and uncertainty among employees about their roles and responsibilities.

3. It can be time-consuming and expensive to implement.

4. It may not be suitable for all types of jobs or industries.

5. It may not be effective if the organization does not have a well-defined job rotation program.

Therefore, job rotation is an effective method of training that can provide employees with a range of benefits, as long as it is implemented properly and in the right circumstances.

Efficiency means doing the task correctly and with maximum cost.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
    Can't say
  • d)
    Partially True
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Prateek Jain answered
Efficiency means doing the task correctly and with maximum cost.

Efficiency refers to the ability to accomplish a task or produce a desired result with the least amount of wasted resources, such as time, energy, or money. It is about maximizing output while minimizing input.

Efficiency is not about doing a task correctly with maximum cost, but rather about achieving the desired outcome with the most optimal use of resources. The correct statement would be that efficiency means doing the task correctly and with minimum cost, not maximum cost.

In detail:
Efficiency is a key concept in various fields, including economics, engineering, management, and productivity. It is about utilizing resources effectively to achieve the desired goal. When a task is performed efficiently, it means that the desired outcome is achieved with the least amount of wasted resources.

Efficiency is often measured in terms of cost-effectiveness, productivity, or time management. It involves identifying and eliminating any inefficiencies or bottlenecks that may hinder the smooth flow of work. By optimizing processes, eliminating waste, and improving productivity, efficiency can be enhanced.

Efficient organizations or individuals are able to achieve their objectives in a timely manner, with minimal waste and maximum output. They focus on streamlining processes, identifying areas for improvement, and utilizing resources effectively.

Key Points:
- Efficiency means accomplishing a task or achieving a desired outcome with the least amount of wasted resources.
- It is about maximizing output while minimizing input.
- Efficiency is not about doing a task correctly with maximum cost, but rather with minimum cost.
- Efficiency is measured in terms of cost-effectiveness, productivity, and time management.
- Efficient organizations or individuals focus on streamlining processes, eliminating waste, and utilizing resources effectively.

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