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All questions of Ancient for Bank Exams Exam

The Stone Age people had the first domestic
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Poonam Reddy answered
The animals which were first domesticated are sheep and goats. The domestication started roughly about 11000 years ago.
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Which of the following sites has furnished the proof of the sea faring activity of the Harappan people?
  • a)
  • b)
    Sotka Koh
  • c)
    Kot Diji
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Amit Sharma answered
• Lothal was one of the southernmost cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, located in the Bhāl region of the modern state of Gujarāt. Construction of the city began around 2200 BCE.
• Discovered in 1954, Lothal was excavated from 13 February 1955 to 19 May 1960 by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the official Indian government agency for the preservation of ancient monuments.
• According to the ASI, Lothal had the world's earliest known dock, which connected the city to an ancient course of the Sabarmati river on the trade route between Harappan cities in Sindh and the peninsula of Saurashtra when the surrounding Kutch desert of today was a part of the Arabian Sea.

Which one of the following was the most suitable reasons, which made the Harappans move away from their urban settlement?
  • a)
    Hydrological changes
  • b)
    Ecological changes
  • c)
    Foreign invasion
  • d)
    Demographic changes
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Rahul Pillai answered
Hydrological changes were the most suitable reason that made the Harappans move away from their urban settlements.


1. Introduction:
The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization, was one of the earliest urban civilizations in the Indian subcontinent. It flourished from around 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE in the fertile plains of the Indus River and its tributaries. However, over time, the Harappans gradually abandoned their urban settlements and dispersed to other regions.

2. Hydrological Changes:
Hydrological changes, particularly the shifting course of rivers and changes in the availability of water, played a significant role in the Harappans' decision to move away from their urban settlements. This can be attributed to the following reasons:

a) Shifting River Courses:
The Indus River and its tributaries, which were the lifelines of the Harappan civilization, experienced frequent shifts in their courses. These changes disrupted the agricultural practices and water management systems of the Harappans. The sudden diversion of rivers would have led to water scarcity, affecting their agricultural productivity and overall sustainability.

b) Floods and Droughts:
The shifting river courses also made the settlements vulnerable to frequent flooding and droughts. The unpredictable nature of these natural disasters would have made it challenging for the Harappans to maintain their urban settlements. Floods could destroy crops, damage infrastructure, and displace people, while droughts could lead to food shortages and economic instability.

c) Declining Water Supply:
As the rivers shifted, the availability of water for irrigation and daily use would have decreased in certain regions. The Harappans heavily relied on sophisticated systems of canals and reservoirs to manage their water supply. However, with hydrological changes, these systems would have become ineffective, leading to water scarcity and further impacting their agricultural practices and livelihoods.

3. Conclusion:
In conclusion, hydrological changes, such as shifting river courses, floods, droughts, and declining water supply, were the most suitable reasons that made the Harappans move away from their urban settlements. These changes disrupted their agriculture, water management systems, and overall sustainability, forcing them to disperse to other regions in search of better living conditions.

Which of the following areas were conquered by Chandragupta Maurya?
I. Ganges Valley
II. North-Western India
III. Central India upto Narmada
IV. Deccan V. Kalinga
  • a)
    I, II, III
  • b)
    II, III, IV
  • c)
    III, IV,
  • d)
    I, IV
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Muskaan Dey answered
Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya Empire, which was one of the largest empires in ancient India. He conquered several regions and expanded his empire to a vast extent. The areas conquered by Chandragupta Maurya are discussed below.

I. Ganges Valley:
Chandragupta Maurya conquered the Ganges Valley region, which was one of the most fertile and prosperous areas in ancient India. The Ganges Valley region comprised of modern-day Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

II. North-Western India:
Chandragupta Maurya also conquered the North-Western region of India, which included modern-day Punjab, Haryana, and parts of Pakistan. This region was strategically important as it was the gateway to Central Asia and Afghanistan.

III. Central India upto Narmada:
Chandragupta Maurya extended his empire to Central India, up to the Narmada River. This region included modern-day Madhya Pradesh and parts of Maharashtra.

IV. Deccan:
Chandragupta Maurya also conquered the Deccan region, which included modern-day Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This region was rich in minerals and was an important source of revenue for the Maurya Empire.

V. Kalinga:
Chandragupta Maurya also conquered the Kalinga region, which included modern-day Odisha. This region was known for its maritime trade and was an important source of revenue for the Maurya Empire.

In conclusion, Chandragupta Maurya conquered a vast empire that extended from the Ganges Valley in the North to the Deccan in the South and from North-Western India to Central India. The Maurya Empire was a significant political and economic power in ancient India and played a crucial role in shaping the country's history.

Bhimbetka caves show the continuity of human evolution from the Lower Palaeolithic period to the Mesolithic period to the Chalcolithic period. Why?
1. It contains evidence of the use of tools and implements from all these periods.
2. There are a large number of Shankhalipi inscriptions in the Bhimbetka cluster of rock shelters.
Which of the above is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 only
  • b)
    2 only
  • c)
    Both 1 and 2
  • d)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

  • In the caves, the continuity of human evolution from the Lower Palaeolithic period is noticed by the smaller stone tools in the following Middle Palaeolithic period besides new tools like scrapers. During the Upper Palaeolithic period, newer tool types like blades, borers and burins had also emerged.
  • However, in the Mesolithic period, there is a clear change in the materials and tool typology.
  • Earlier, the tools were largely made of quartzite and sandstone, whereas the tools being made in the Mesolithic period were most often of chalcedony.
  • The Mesolithic culture at Bhimbetka continued much longer as understood by Chalcolithic potteries in otherwise Mesolithic contexts.
  • By the Early Historic times, it appears that interaction with the surrounding cultures became more pronounced.
  • Rock-cut beds evidence this in a rock shelter on the top portion of an inselberg-like outcrop not far from the later built temple at this site.
  • Shankhalipi or 'shell-script' is a prevalent term amongst scholars and refers to the ornate spiral Brahmi characters that resemble conch shells (or shankhas). They date as far as 4lh to 8lh century BCE and are popularly described in inscriptions across India except far south.

The first metal used by the man was
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Mira Sharma answered
The first metal used by man was copper because it was easily available. Also, its properties like low melting point and malleability made it simple for humans to use it.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Mauryan administrative system was characterized by a vast bureaucracy with significant disparities in payment among officers.
  2. The appointment of 27 superintendents to regulate economic activities marks the beginning of state control over the economy in ancient India.
  3. Spies played a crucial role in the Mauryan era, especially in financial matters and intelligence gathering.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Akanksha Patel answered
- Correctness of Statements:

Statement 1: The Mauryan administrative system was characterized by a vast bureaucracy with significant disparities in payment among officers.
- This statement is correct. The Mauryan Empire had a well-organized administrative system with a large bureaucracy that included various officers with different levels of payment.

Statement 2: The appointment of 27 superintendents to regulate economic activities marks the beginning of state control over the economy in ancient India.
- This statement is correct. During the Mauryan era, the appointment of superintendents to oversee economic activities was a significant step towards state control over the economy.

Statement 3: Spies played a crucial role in the Mauryan era, especially in financial matters and intelligence gathering.
- This statement is correct. Spies were an essential part of the Mauryan administration, involved in various tasks such as gathering intelligence, monitoring financial matters, and ensuring the stability of the empire.
Therefore, all three statements given above are correct. The Mauryan administrative system did have a vast bureaucracy with payment disparities, the appointment of superintendents did mark the beginning of state control over the economy, and spies played a crucial role in the Mauryan era.

Consider the following statements:
  • Statement I: The Mauryan Empire's economy was significantly advanced by the appointment of 27 superintendents to regulate various sectors, including agriculture, trade, and mining.
  • Statement II: The economic regulations under the Maurya administration hindered the growth of private enterprise and led to the empire's economic stagnation.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Surbhi Joshi answered

Statement I:
- The Mauryan Empires economy indeed benefited from the appointment of 27 superintendents to regulate various sectors like agriculture, trade, and mining.
- These superintendents helped in streamlining economic activities, ensuring fair practices, and maximizing revenue for the empire.

Statement II:
- However, it is not entirely accurate to say that the economic regulations hindered the growth of private enterprise and led to economic stagnation.
- While some regulations may have restricted certain aspects of private enterprise, they also helped in maintaining stability, preventing exploitation, and promoting overall economic development.

Correct Answer:
- Therefore, in this case, Statement I is correct as it highlights the positive impact of economic regulations under the Maurya administration. However, Statement II is incorrect as it oversimplifies the situation and fails to acknowledge the broader benefits of these regulations.

Assertion (A): The battle of the ten kings is a significant event mentioned in the Rig Veda.
Reason (R): This battle led to the establishment of the Kuru kingdom.
Which one of the following is correct?
  • a)
    Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
  • b)
    Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • c)
    A is true, but R is false.
  • d)
    A is false, but R is true.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The battle of the ten kings is indeed a significant military conflict described in the Rig Veda, showcasing the martial culture and tribal alliances of the time.
  • However, the assertion that this battle led to the establishment of the Kuru kingdom is not directly supported by the text. The establishment of the Kuru kingdom occurred in a later period and was part of a gradual process of political evolution and consolidation.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Rig Vedic society was entirely egalitarian without any social divisions.
  2. The term 'gavishthi' in the Rig Veda refers to wars fought primarily over cows.
  3. Domestic slaves are mentioned in the Rig Veda, but there is no mention of wage earners.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?


Statement 1: The Rig Vedic society was entirely egalitarian without any social divisions.
- This statement is incorrect. The Rig Vedic society did have social divisions based on occupations such as priests, warriors, and commoners.

Statement 2: The term gavishthi in the Rig Veda refers to wars fought primarily over cows.
- This statement is correct. The term gavishthi does refer to wars fought over cows as they were considered valuable wealth in the Rig Vedic society.

Statement 3: Domestic slaves are mentioned in the Rig Veda, but there is no mention of wage earners.
- This statement is incorrect. The Rig Veda does mention domestic slaves, but it also refers to wage earners who received payment for their work.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option B: Only two.

A God who is described amoral, and object of fear, archer god whose arrow caused disease, connected with the storm, and the guardian of healing herbs, is known as:
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Sanchita Singh answered
Rudra is a Rigvedic deity, associated with wind or storm and the hunt. One translation of the name is "the roarer". In the Rigveda, Rudra has been praised as the "mightiest of the mighty".Rudra is the personification of 'terror'. Depending up on the periodic situation, Rudra can be meant as the most severe roarer/howler (could be a hurricane or tempest) or the most frightening one.According to Rigveda, Rudra also means Vayu.The Shri Rudram hymn from the Yajurveda is dedicated to Rudra, and is important in the Saivism sect.

  • Statement-I: The Aryans primarily practiced agriculture during the early Vedic period.
  • Statement-II: References to ploughshares in the Rig Veda suggest that agriculture was among the activities they engaged in.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Explanation of the Statements
Statement-I claims that the Aryans primarily practiced agriculture during the early Vedic period. However, this assertion is not entirely accurate. The early Vedic society was predominantly pastoral, focusing on livestock rearing rather than agriculture. While agricultural activities were present, they were not the primary means of subsistence.
Analysis of Statement-II
Statement-II mentions references to ploughshares in the Rig Veda, indicating an advanced agricultural society. This statement holds some truth, as the Rig Veda does indeed contain mentions of ploughshares and farming tools. However, these references do not necessarily imply that agriculture was the dominant practice among the Aryans during the early Vedic period.
- Statement-I is incorrect because the Aryans were predominantly pastoralists during the early Vedic period, with agriculture being a secondary focus.
- Statement-II is correct as it highlights the existence of agricultural practices, as evidenced by references to ploughshares in the Rig Veda, but it does not support the notion that agriculture was the primary practice.
Thus, the correct answer is option 'D': Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.

Which one of the following statements about the trade and commerce in the later Vedic period is correct?
  • a)
    Trade and industry flourished and a class of hereditary merchants came into being.
  • b)
    Merchants were organised into guilds, as appears from references to ganas or corporations and the shreshth ins.
  • c)
    They used Mishka, satamana, and krishnala as the units of value.
  • d)
    All of the above.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Jatin Nair answered
Trade and Commerce in the Later Vedic Period

During the later Vedic period, which spans from 1000 BCE to 600 BCE, trade and commerce flourished in India. Some of the important features of trade and commerce during this period are:

Hereditary Merchants

• A class of hereditary merchants came into being during this period.

• These merchants were known as vaishyas and were engaged in trade and commerce.

Organised Guilds

• Merchants were organised into guilds, as appears from references to ganas or corporations and the shreshthins.

• These guilds were known as shrenis and they regulated trade and commerce in the cities.

• They also provided education and training to the members of the guilds.

• The shrenis were headed by a shreshthin, who was the chief merchant of the guild.

• The shreshthin was responsible for the trade and commerce of the guild and also acted as a mediator between the guild and the king.

Units of Value

• The units of value used during this period were Mishka, Satamana, and Krishnala.

• Mishka was a unit of weight and was equivalent to 16 rattis or 0.97 grams.

• Satamana was a unit of weight and was equivalent to 100 rattis or 6.11 grams.

• Krishnala was a unit of weight and was equivalent to 1/16 Mishka or 0.06 grams.


Thus, trade and commerce played an important role in the later Vedic period. The hereditary merchants and organised guilds facilitated the growth of trade and commerce in the cities. The units of value used during this period were also well-defined, which helped in regulating trade and commerce.

Which among the following Harappan sites is not located in Gujarat?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Isha Yadav answered
Harappan Sites in Gujarat

The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization, thrived around 2500 BCE to 1900 BCE in the western part of the Indian subcontinent. Gujarat, located in the western region of India, is known for its rich archaeological sites related to the Harappan civilization. Among the given options, Banawali is the site that is not located in Gujarat.


1. Surkotada
- Surkotada is an archaeological site located in the district of Kutch in Gujarat.
- It is one of the important Harappan sites in Gujarat.
- Excavations at Surkotada have revealed a fortified settlement with evidence of a citadel, residential areas, and a cemetery.
- Numerous artifacts such as pottery, beads, tools, and animal remains have been found at the site, indicating the economic and cultural activities of the Harappan people.

2. Lothal
- Lothal is another significant Harappan site located near the village of Saragwala in the district of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.
- It was an important port city and a center of trade and commerce during the Harappan period.
- The site exhibits well-planned urban structures, including a dockyard, warehouses, residential areas, and a marketplace.
- The discovery of a large number of seals, beads, pottery, and a unique dockyard suggests Lothal's active participation in maritime trade.

3. Dholavira
- Dholavira is a major Harappan site located in the district of Kutch in Gujarat.
- It is one of the largest and most well-preserved Harappan cities.
- The site consists of a fortified citadel, a middle town, and a lower town.
- The unique features of Dholavira include an elaborate water management system, large-scale reservoirs, and well-planned urban structures.
- The discovery of the famous "Dholavira signboard" with Indus script has contributed to our understanding of the Harappan script.

4. Banawali
- Banawali is an archaeological site belonging to the Harappan civilization.
- However, it is not located in Gujarat, but in the Hisar district of Haryana.
- Banawali was discovered in 1974 and has revealed evidence of a fortified citadel, residential areas, and a cemetery.
- Excavations at Banawali have provided insights into the Harappan culture and its connection with other contemporary settlements.

In conclusion, among the given options, Banawali is the Harappan site that is not located in Gujarat. It is located in the Hisar district of Haryana. The other three sites, Surkotada, Lothal, and Dholavira, are significant Harappan sites located in Gujarat.

  • Statement-I: The Rig Veda mentions the administrative role of the purohita.
  • Statement-II: The Rig Vedic society had a detailed system of tax collection.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Mahesh Patel answered
Statement Analysis:

Statement-I: The Rig Veda mentions the administrative role of the purohita.

Statement-II: The Rig Vedic society had a detailed system of tax collection.


Statement-I: The purohita in the Rig Vedic society was a priestly figure who not only performed religious rites but also played an important administrative role. They advised the kings on various matters including governance and decision-making.

Statement-II: While the Rig Vedic society did have a system of taxation, it was not as detailed or organized as in later periods. The economy was primarily agrarian, and taxes were collected in the form of produce rather than currency. The purohita's role in governance did not specifically involve tax collection activities.

Therefore, Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect as the Rig Veda does mention the administrative role of the purohita but does not provide detailed information on tax collection systems in the society.

Consider the following statements:
  • Statement I: The Mauryan Empire's decline was partially due to the financial crisis stemming from excessive military expenditures and Asoka's generous donations to Buddhist monastics.
  • Statement II: Asoka's policy of dhamma and his patronage towards Buddhism did not significantly impact the economic stability of the Mauryan Empire.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Surbhi Joshi answered

Statement I:
- The Mauryan Empire did face a financial crisis due to excessive military expenditures and Asoka's generous donations to Buddhist monastics.
- Asoka's military campaigns and extensive welfare measures did strain the empire's finances, leading to economic instability.

Statement II:
- Asoka's policy of dhamma and his patronage towards Buddhism did have an impact on the Mauryan Empire.
- While it promoted social harmony and moral values, it did not significantly impact the economic stability of the empire. Other factors like financial mismanagement and over-expansion of the empire's territories played a more crucial role in its decline.

- Statement I is correct as it highlights the financial strain on the Mauryan Empire. However, Statement II is incorrect as Asoka's policies did have some impact on the empire, albeit not primarily on its economic stability.

How did kingship originate according to the Aitareya Brahmana?
  • a)
    By contact
  • b)
    By the will of God
  • c)
    By the common consent of the people
  • d)
    By force
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Rhea Choudhury answered
Origination of Kingship according to Aitareya Brahmana

The Aitareya Brahmana is a Vedic text that explains the origin of kingship. According to the text, the origin of kingship can be traced back to the common consent of the people. It is believed that the people chose their king by mutual agreement and consent.

How did Kingship Originate?

The origin of kingship can be explained in the following points as per the Aitareya Brahmana:

1. Common Consent of the People: According to the Aitareya Brahmana, kingship originated through the common consent of the people. The people chose their king by mutual agreement and consent. This means that the people were active participants in the process of choosing their leader.

2. Qualities of the King: The text also emphasizes that the king should possess certain qualities such as wisdom, courage, compassion, and strength. The people chose a leader who possessed these qualities, and who they believed would be able to protect them and lead them towards prosperity.

3. Role of the King: The Aitareya Brahmana also outlines the role of the king. The king was responsible for protecting his people, maintaining law and order, and ensuring the well-being of his subjects. The king was expected to act as a father figure to his people and work towards their welfare.


In conclusion, the Aitareya Brahmana provides an insight into the origin of kingship. It emphasizes that the people played an active role in choosing their leader and that the king was expected to possess certain qualities and perform certain duties. Overall, the text emphasizes the importance of good leadership and the role of the king in maintaining the welfare of his subjects.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Mauryan Empire introduced widespread stone masonry and remarkable art and architecture, including the Ashoka Pillar.
  2. Kautilya's Arthasastra suggests the use of slaves in large-scale agricultural operations began during the Maurya era.
  3. The Maurya Empire's downfall was accelerated by the Brahmanical reaction to Asoka's policies favoring Buddhism.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The Maurya Empire was known for its significant contributions to art and architecture, introducing stone masonry and structures like the Ashoka Pillar.
  • The Arthasastra does indicate the start of large-scale agricultural use of slaves during this period.
  • Asoka's policies, which were seen as promoting Buddhism at the expense of Brahmanical interests, contributed to the brahmanical reaction, one of the factors leading to the empire's decline.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The administrative system in Rig Vedic times was highly centralized with a well-defined bureaucracy.
  2. The concept of rajan (king) in the Rig Veda suggests that the position became hereditary over time.
  3. The Rig Veda's society had a developed system of regular trade and marketplaces.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Mahesh Patel answered
Centralized Administrative System:
- The statement that the administrative system in Rig Vedic times was highly centralized with a well-defined bureaucracy is incorrect.
- In reality, the Rig Vedic society was more decentralized, with tribes being led by chiefs known as rajans who were elected based on their merit and leadership qualities rather than through a centralized bureaucratic system.

Hereditary Position of Rajan:
- The concept of rajan (king) in the Rig Veda did indeed suggest that the position became hereditary over time.
- Initially, the rajan was chosen based on merit and leadership abilities, but over generations, this position began to be passed down within certain families, leading to a hereditary system of kingship.

System of Trade and Marketplaces:
- The statement that the Rig Vedas society had a developed system of regular trade and marketplaces is incorrect.
- The Rig Vedic society was primarily agrarian and pastoral, with an economy based on agriculture, cattle-rearing, and barter rather than a sophisticated system of trade and marketplaces.
Therefore, out of the three statements provided, only the second statement regarding the hereditary nature of the rajan position in the Rig Vedic society is correct.

The Neolithic period is followed by the Chalcolithic period. In the Chalcolithic period, the use of which of the following started?
1. Copper and bronze
2. The technology of smelting metal ore
3. Crafting metal artefacts
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
  • a)
    1 only
  • b)
    2 and 3 only
  • c)
    3 only
  • d)
    1, 2 and 3
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Despite the use of copper and bronze, stone tools were not given up. Some of the microlithic tools continued to be essential items. .People began to travel for a long distance to obtain metal ores. This led to a network of Chalcolithic cultures, and this culture was found in many parts of India.

Assertion (A): The Rig Vedic economy was predominantly pastoral, focusing on cattle rearing.
Reason (R): References to cow raids and the term 'gavishthi' indicate the central role of cattle in Vedic society.
Which one of the following is correct?
  • a)
    Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
  • b)
    Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • c)
    A is true, but R is false.
  • d)
    A is false, but R is true.
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Gowri Dasgupta answered

Predominantly Pastoral Economy:
- The Rig Vedic economy was predominantly pastoral, with cattle rearing being a central focus of the society.
- Cattle were considered a measure of wealth and were crucial for various aspects of Vedic life, such as sacrifices, trade, and social status.

References to Cow Raids and Gavishthi:
- The Rig Veda contains references to cow raids, where groups would steal cattle from other tribes as a means of acquiring wealth and power.
- The term gavishthi, meaning a herd of cows, indicates the significant role that cattle played in Vedic society.

Explanation of Assertion and Reason:
- The assertion (A) that the Rig Vedic economy was predominantly pastoral, focusing on cattle rearing, is supported by the references to cow raids and the term gavishthi in the Rig Veda.
- The reason (R) provided further strengthens the assertion by highlighting the central role of cattle in Vedic society, thereby explaining why the economy was primarily pastoral.
Therefore, both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason correctly explains why the Rig Vedic economy was predominantly pastoral and centered around cattle rearing.

The evidence of Indian ships and a piece of woven cloth has been discovered from the seals of which of the following sites?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Abhijeet Gupta answered
Evidence of Indian ships and a piece of woven cloth has been discovered from the seals of the Mohenjodaro site.

Mohenjodaro is an ancient Indus Valley Civilization site located in present-day Pakistan. It was one of the largest and most advanced cities of its time, with well-planned streets, buildings, and drainage systems. Archaeologists have discovered many artifacts from this site, including seals that provide information about the trade and commerce of the period.

Some of the seals found at Mohenjodaro depict images of ships and sea creatures, suggesting that the people of the Indus Valley Civilization engaged in maritime trade. The seals also depict images of animals like bulls and elephants, which were likely traded for their meat, hides, and ivory.

In addition to the seals, archaeologists have also found a piece of woven cloth at Mohenjodaro. This suggests that the people of the Indus Valley Civilization were skilled in weaving and textiles.

Overall, the discoveries made at Mohenjodaro provide valuable insights into the economic, social, and cultural practices of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The man transitioned from the food-gathering stage to the food-producing stage in the
  • a)
    Neolithic Age
  • b)
    Mesolithic Age
  • c)
    Chalcolithic Age
  • d)
    Palaeolithic Age
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Amit Kumar answered
  • The Palaeolithic Age and Mesolithic Age were characterized by food hunting and gathering activities.
  • The characteristic feature of the Neolithic Age is agriculture, which is the food-producing stage.

Which one of the following was the centre of Aryan activity in the later Vedic period?
  • a)
    The Punjab and Delhi region
  • b)
  • c)
    From the Yamuna to the western borders of Bengal
  • d)
    The north-west frontier
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Varun Kapoor answered
C) From the Yamuna to the western borders of Bengal

In the later Vedic period (1000-600 BCE), the center of Aryan activity shifted from the Punjab and Delhi region (which was the center during the early Vedic period) to the region stretching from the Yamuna river to the western borders of Bengal. This shift occurred due to various reasons, including the search for more fertile lands and resources, and the need to expand their territories.
During this period, the Aryans started moving eastwards and began settling in the Doab region (the area between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers) and the Gangetic plains. The Gangetic plains were more fertile and provided better opportunities for agriculture and cattle rearing. This led to an increase in population and the formation of new tribal settlements in the area.
Moreover, the later Vedic period saw the emergence of many small kingdoms and a shift in the political landscape. These kingdoms were primarily concentrated in the region stretching from the Yamuna River to the western borders of Bengal. As a result, the focus of Aryan activity moved to this region, which became an essential center for political, cultural, and economic activities.
In conclusion, during the later Vedic period, the center of Aryan activity shifted to the region from the Yamuna River to the western borders of Bengal. This shift was due to the search for fertile lands, increased population, and the emergence of new kingdoms in this region.

  • Statement-I: The Rig Veda acknowledges the role of women in society by mentioning female hymn composers.
  • Statement-II: Few instances of idol worship were reported in Rig vedic period.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?


Statement-I: The Rig Veda acknowledges the role of women in society by mentioning female hymn composers.
- The Rig Veda, one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, does indeed acknowledge the role of women in society by mentioning female hymn composers known as rishikas.
- These female composers played a significant role in the religious and literary aspects of ancient Indian society, challenging the notion that women were marginalized or excluded from important roles.

Statement-II: The Rig Vedic period was marked by a complete absence of social divisions.
- This statement is incorrect as the Rig Vedic period was not devoid of social divisions.
- The society during the Rig Vedic period was organized based on a hierarchical system known as Varna, which consisted of four main social classes - Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and farmers), and Shudras (laborers).
- Additionally, there were also distinctions based on occupations and roles within society, indicating the presence of social divisions during this time.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect as the Rig Veda does acknowledge the role of women in society, but the period was not marked by a complete absence of social divisions.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Rig Veda mentions the river Saraswati as Naditama, the best of rivers.
  2. The term Arya appears 36 times in the Rig Veda, indicating a linguistic community.
  3. The Avesta and the Rig Veda share common names for several gods and social classes.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Statements Analysis:
The Rig Veda mentions the river Saraswati as Naditama, the best of rivers.
- This statement is correct. The Rig Veda indeed refers to the river Saraswati as Naditama, which means the best of rivers.
The term Arya appears 36 times in the Rig Veda, indicating a linguistic community.
- This statement is also correct. The term Arya is mentioned 36 times in the Rig Veda, suggesting a linguistic community.
The Avesta and the Rig Veda share common names for several gods and social classes.
- This statement is correct. The Avesta and the Rig Veda do have common names for various gods and social classes, indicating a cultural and linguistic connection between the two texts.

Therefore, all three statements given are correct. The Rig Veda does mention the river Saraswati as the best of rivers, uses the term Arya to denote a linguistic community, and shares common names for gods and social classes with the Avesta.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The horse played a significant role in Aryan life, especially in their expansions into the West Asia and India.
  2. The Rig Veda was composed after the Aryans had fully settled in the Indian subcontinent.
  3. Agriculture was the primary occupation of the early Aryans according to the Rig Veda.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The significance of the horse to the Aryans is well documented, facilitating their military campaigns and expansions due to its speed and utility in chariot warfare.
  • The Rig Veda's composition began well before the Aryans had fully settled across the Indian subcontinent, reflecting a period of transition and interaction with indigenous cultures.
  • The earliest Aryans were primarily pastoralists, with agriculture playing a secondary role in their economy. Over time, as they settled in the Indian subcontinent, agriculture gained prominence.

Consider the following statements regarding Old Stone Age sites.
1. The Old Stone age sites were generally located away from water sources to avoid flooding.
2. Most of these Old stone age sites are concentrated in Southern India with the exception of Adamgarh hill and Bhimbetka.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 only
  • b)
    2 only
  • c)
    Both 1 and 2
  • d)
    Neither 1 nor 2
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Kavya Shah answered
Old Stone Age Sites in India

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period, is the earliest and longest period of human history. The archaeological sites of this period provide us with a glimpse of the life and culture of our ancestors. In India, Old Stone Age sites are found in various parts of the country.

Statement 1: The Old Stone age sites were generally located away from water sources to avoid flooding.
This statement is incorrect. Old Stone Age sites were generally located near water sources such as rivers, lakes, and springs. This is because water was essential for the survival of early humans as it provided them with drinking water and also helped in hunting and gathering activities.

Statement 2: Most of these Old stone age sites are concentrated in Southern India with the exception of Adamgarh hill and Bhimbetka.
This statement is also incorrect. Old Stone Age sites are found all over India, from the foothills of the Himalayas to the Deccan Plateau. Some of the important Old Stone Age sites in India are:

- Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh
- Adamgarh hill in Madhya Pradesh
- Hunsgi in Karnataka
- Kurnool caves in Andhra Pradesh
- Narmada valley in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat
- Soan valley in Punjab and Haryana
- Bori in Maharashtra

In conclusion, both the statements given in the question are incorrect. Old Stone Age sites in India were generally located near water sources and are found all over the country. These sites provide valuable insights into the life and culture of our ancestors and are an important part of our heritage.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Mitanni inscriptions contain references to the Aryans and are dated to the 14th century B.C.
  2. The Aryan social structure was based on kinship and clan affiliation, with the family being the basic unit.
  3. The Rig Veda does not mention any female deities or contributors.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The Mitanni inscriptions, indeed from the 14th century B.C., contain references to Aryans, showing their presence and influence beyond the Indian subcontinent.
  • Aryan society was structured around kinship and clans, with the family or 'kula' being fundamental to social organization. This system underscored the importance of tribal and familial connections.
  • The Rig Veda mentions several female deities and also acknowledges women contributors who composed hymns, indicating the presence of women in religious and social life.

Consider the following statements:
  1. The Mauryan Empire's extensive road network facilitated the movement of armies and the promotion of trade and communication.
  2. The spread of new material knowledge and the use of iron tools beyond the Gangetic heartland coincided with the rise of rival kingdoms, contributing to the Maurya Empire's decline.
  3. Asoka implemented a policy of acculturation, aiming to integrate tribal peoples into settled, taxpaying societies.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
  • a)
    Only one
  • b)
    Only two
  • c)
    All three
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The strategic establishment of roads by the Mauryan Empire played a crucial role in the empire's military successes and economic prosperity.
  • The dissemination of material culture and technological advancements like iron tools to other regions diminished the Gangetic basin's exclusive advantages, facilitating the emergence of new kingdoms.
  • Asoka's efforts to acculturate tribal communities were part of his broader vision to unify his empire and promote social cohesion.

The Harappans did not know the use of
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Anjali Kaur answered
Copper, Bronze, Iron, and Gold in Harappan Civilization
The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization, flourished around 2600-1900 BCE in the northwestern regions of South Asia. They were known for their advanced urban planning, sophisticated drainage systems, and well-established trade networks.

Copper Usage
- The Harappans were skilled in metallurgy and used copper extensively in their daily lives.
- Copper was used to make tools, weapons, ornaments, and even coins.
- The discovery of copper artifacts at Harappan sites indicates their knowledge and use of this metal.

Iron Absence
- Unlike copper, the Harappans did not know the use of iron.
- Iron tools and weapons only became prevalent in the Indian subcontinent during the later Vedic period, around 1000 BCE.
- The absence of iron artifacts at Harappan sites suggests that they did not have access to or knowledge of iron metallurgy.

Bronze Usage
- The Harappans were proficient in bronze metallurgy, combining copper with tin to create bronze.
- Bronze was used for making tools, weapons, vessels, and decorative items.
- The presence of bronze artifacts at Harappan sites indicates their familiarity with this alloy.

Gold Usage
- The Harappans were also familiar with the use of gold.
- Gold was used for making jewelry, ornaments, and ritual objects.
- The discovery of gold artifacts, such as beads and figurines, showcases the Harappans' skill in working with this precious metal.
In conclusion, while the Harappans were knowledgeable in the use of copper, bronze, and gold, they did not have access to or utilize iron in their civilization. Iron metallurgy became widespread in the Indian subcontinent at a later period, marking a significant technological advancement.

  • Statement-I: Chariots driven by horses played a crucial role in the military successes of the Aryans.
  • Statement-II: The Aryans introduced chariots and horses to the Indian subcontinent.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
  • a)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • b)
    Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
  • c)
    Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
  • d)
    Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Mahesh Patel answered

Statement Analysis:
- Statement-I: Chariots driven by horses played a crucial role in the military successes of the Aryans.
- Statement-II: The Aryans introduced chariots and horses to the Indian subcontinent.

Correct Answer: Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.

- The Aryans indeed used chariots driven by horses in their military campaigns, and these chariots were a significant factor in their military successes.
- However, while the Aryans did introduce chariots and horses to the Indian subcontinent, this does not necessarily explain why chariots driven by horses were crucial in their military successes.
- The introduction of chariots and horses by the Aryans to the Indian subcontinent was a historical fact, but it does not directly explain the importance of these chariots in their military strategies and victories.
- Therefore, both statements are correct, but Statement-II does not serve as a direct explanation for Statement-I.
In conclusion, while both statements are accurate, Statement-II does not provide a direct explanation for the role of chariots driven by horses in the military successes of the Aryans.

The metal central to this age finds frequent mention in the Vedas and the age itself follows after the Chalcolithic Age. It can be
  • a)
    Palaeolithic Age
  • b)
    Iron Age
  • c)
    Copper-stone Age
  • d)
    Later Stone Age
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The Correct Option is B: Iron Age
Explanation of the Iron Age
The Iron Age is a historical period that follows the Chalcolithic or Copper-Stone Age. This age is characterized by the widespread use of iron or steel.
Significance of Iron
  • Iron, the metal central to this age, is mentioned frequently in the Vedas, ancient Indian scriptures. The Vedas describe its use in various tools, weapons, and ceremonial items.
  • Iron's prevalence during this age indicates a shift in human society and technology. The discovery and mastering of iron smelting (the process of extracting iron from its ore) allowed for significant advancements in tool and weapon production.
Transition from Chalcolithic Age
  • The Iron Age follows the Chalcolithic or Copper-Stone Age in the three-age system, a system of classifying archaeological periods into Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. This system is often used in human prehistory and protohistory.
  • The transition from the Chalcolithic Age to Iron Age is marked by the change in the material used for making tools and weapons, from copper and stone to iron.
Features of the Iron Age
  • The Iron Age is not a specific period that occurred at the same time worldwide. Instead, its onset varies depending on geographical location and cultural context. For instance, Iron Age in the Middle East began around 1200 BC, while in India, it started around 1200 to 1000 BC.
  • During the Iron Age, societies were typically organized into city-states or kingdoms. There was a marked increase in the complexity of social structures, trade networks, and warfare tactics.
  • In terms of art and culture, the Iron Age saw the rise of literate civilizations, the spread of alphabetic scripts, and the development of philosophical and religious thoughts.
Why not the other options?
  • The Palaeolithic Age, Copper-Stone Age, and Later Stone Age are not the correct answers because these periods are characterized by the use of stone and copper for tool production, not iron.

Consider the following pairs:
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
  • a)
    Only one pair
  • b)
    Only two pairs
  • c)
    All three pairs
  • d)
    None of the pairs
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

  • The horse is associated more with military campaigns and mobility rather than directly with agricultural development, making the first pair incorrect.
  • The chariot was indeed critical for military success, offering strategic advantages in battles.
  • References to the ploughshare, while indicative of agricultural activity, are not necessarily from the earliest parts of the Rig Veda, but its presence suggests some level of agricultural knowledge.

Consider the following pairs:
1. River Kubha – Eastern Afghanistan
2. Saraswati – Best of the rivers in the Rig Veda
3. Indra – God of agriculture
4. Purandara – Breaker of forts
How many pairs given above are correctly matched?
  • a)
    Only one pair
  • b)
    All four pairs
  • c)
    Only two pairs
  • d)
    Only three pairs
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Anu Bose answered
Analysis of the given pairs:
River Kubha – Eastern Afghanistan
- The river Kubha is actually located in Northern India, not Eastern Afghanistan. This pair is incorrectly matched.
Saraswati – Best of the rivers in the Rig Veda
- Saraswati is indeed considered the best of the rivers in the Rig Veda. This pair is correctly matched.
Indra – God of agriculture
- Indra is actually known as the god of thunder, lightning, storms, and rains in Hindu mythology, not agriculture. This pair is incorrectly matched.
Purandara – Breaker of forts
- Purandara is another name for the god Indra, who is indeed known as the breaker of forts. This pair is correctly matched.

Out of the four pairs given, only two pairs are correctly matched: Saraswati – Best of the rivers in the Rig Veda and Purandara – Breaker of forts. The other two pairs are incorrectly matched.

Consider the following statements:
1. The Battle of Ten Kings was fought on the river Parushni, which is identified with the river Ravi.
2. The Bharata ruling clan was opposed by ten chiefs, five of whom were heads of Aryan tribes and the remaining five of non-Aryan people.
3. The Kurus combined with the Tritsu to establish their rule in the upper Gangetic basin.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 Only
  • b)
    1 and 2 Only
  • c)
    1 and 3 Only
  • d)
    1, 2 and 3
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?


1. Battle of Ten Kings:
- The Battle of Ten Kings was indeed fought on the river Parushni, which is now identified with the river Ravi. This battle is mentioned in the Rigveda and involved a conflict between the Bharata ruling clan and ten opposing chiefs.

2. Composition of Opposing Chiefs:
- Among the ten opposing chiefs, five were heads of Aryan tribes while the remaining five belonged to non-Aryan people. This composition highlights the diversity of groups involved in the battle.

3. Kurus and Tritsu Alliance:
- The statement about the Kurus combining with the Tritsu to establish their rule in the upper Gangetic basin is not accurate. The Kurus and Tritsu were separate groups and there is no historical evidence to suggest that they formed an alliance for establishing rule in the region.
Therefore, the correct statements are 1 and 2. The Battle of Ten Kings indeed took place on the river Parushni (Ravi) and involved a mix of Aryan and non-Aryan chiefs in opposition to the Bharata ruling clan.

Consider the following pairs:
1. Kinship - Social divisions based on occupations
2. Jana - Family unit
3. Varna of Vaishya - Traders and agriculturists
4. Patriarchal society - No desire is expressed for daughters
How many pairs given above are correctly matched?
  • a)
    Only one pair
  • b)
    Only two pairs
  • c)
    Only three pairs
  • d)
    All four pairs
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct pairs are identified by matching the terms with their appropriate descriptions. Let's break down each pair to determine if it is correctly matched or not.

1. Kinship - Social divisions based on occupations
- This pair is incorrect. Kinship refers to the relationships between family members, while social divisions based on occupations are known as the caste system.

2. Jana - Family unit
- This pair is correct. Jana refers to the family unit in the Indian social system.

3. Varna of Vaishya - Traders and agriculturists
- This pair is correct. Vaishya is one of the four varnas in the Indian caste system, representing traders and agriculturists.

4. Patriarchal society - No desire is expressed for daughters
- This pair is incorrect. A patriarchal society is characterized by male dominance and inheritance passing through the male line. The statement that no desire is expressed for daughters is not necessarily true in all patriarchal societies.
Therefore, out of the four pairs given, only two pairs are correctly matched, which is option B - "Only two pairs."

Consider the following statements regarding the Maurya Empire:
1. The Mauryan state maintained an elaborate system of espionage to collect intelligence about foreign enemies and monitor the activities of officers.
2. The employment of slaves in agricultural operations was a common practice in India from Vedic times.
3. The term "tithas" refers to religious practices prevalent during the Maurya period.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 Only
  • b)
    1 and 2 Only
  • c)
    1 and 3 Only
  • d)
    1, 2 and 3
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Surbhi Joshi answered

1. The Mauryan state maintained an elaborate system of espionage:
- The statement is correct. The Mauryan Empire, under the rule of Chandragupta Maurya and his successors, had a well-organized system of espionage to gather intelligence about foreign enemies and monitor the activities of officers. This system helped in maintaining control over the vast empire and ensuring security.

2. The employment of slaves in agricultural operations:
- The statement is incorrect. While slavery did exist in ancient India, it was not a common practice in agricultural operations during the Mauryan period. The Mauryan economy was primarily agrarian, and the labor force mainly consisted of free peasants and laborers.

3. The term "tithas" refers to religious practices:
- The statement is incorrect. The term "tithas" does not refer to religious practices prevalent during the Mauryan period. "Tithas" generally refers to a fixed portion of one's earnings or agricultural produce given as a tax or donation in Hinduism.
Therefore, the correct answer is:
a) 1 Only

How did the spread of material culture influence regions like Andhra and Karnataka according to the provided content?
  • a)
    Through contacts with the Mauryas, leading to advancements in agricultural practices
  • b)
    By direct trade with the Roman Empire, enhancing technological exchanges
  • c)
    Via maritime routes connecting with Southeast Asian civilizations, fostering cultural diffusion
  • d)
    Through conquests by the Gupta Empire, imposing cultural assimilation
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Surbhi Joshi answered
Spread of Material Culture in Andhra and Karnataka
The spread of material culture influenced regions like Andhra and Karnataka through contacts with the Mauryas, leading to advancements in agricultural practices. This interaction played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape of these regions.

Impact of Mauryan Contacts
- The Mauryan Empire had a strong influence on the regions of Andhra and Karnataka through trade and cultural exchanges.
- The Mauryas introduced new agricultural techniques, such as irrigation systems and crop rotation, which helped improve agricultural productivity in these regions.
- This exchange of knowledge and practices not only boosted agricultural output but also led to the development of a more sophisticated agricultural economy.

Advancements in Agriculture
- With the adoption of new agricultural practices from the Mauryas, the regions of Andhra and Karnataka experienced a transformation in their agricultural sector.
- The introduction of advanced techniques helped in increasing food production, leading to economic prosperity and stability in these regions.
- The spread of material culture through Mauryan contacts played a crucial role in shaping the agricultural landscape of Andhra and Karnataka, laying the foundation for future developments.
In conclusion, the spread of material culture through contacts with the Mauryas had a profound impact on regions like Andhra and Karnataka, particularly in the advancement of agricultural practices. This exchange of knowledge and technologies contributed to the overall development and prosperity of these regions, highlighting the significance of cultural interactions in shaping societies.

Consider the following statements:
1. The Puranas and the epics provide definite dates for events and kings in ancient Indian history.
2. Kalidasa's Malavikagnimitram offers insights into ancient Indian society, culture, and historical events.
3. Panini's grammar provides information on ancient Indian astronomy.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 Only
  • b)
    1 and 2 Only
  • c)
    1 and 3 Only
  • d)
    2 Only
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Surbhi Joshi answered

Statement 1: The Puranas and the epics do not provide definite dates for events and kings in ancient Indian history. They are considered more as religious and mythological texts rather than historical records, so they cannot be relied upon for accurate historical dating.

Statement 2: Kalidasa's Malavikagnimitram is a Sanskrit play that focuses on a romantic tale rather than providing historical insights into ancient Indian society, culture, and events. It is a work of literature rather than a historical document.

Statement 3: Panini's grammar, known as Ashtadhyayi, is a foundational text in the field of linguistics and grammar, not astronomy. It provides a detailed and comprehensive framework for understanding the structure of the Sanskrit language, but it does not offer any information on ancient Indian astronomy.
Therefore, the only correct statement among the given options is:

Option D: 2 Only

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