Class 6 Commercial Applications SyllabusUnit 1: Basic Marketing Concepts- Introduction to Marketing
- Understanding the concept of Needs, Wants, and Demands
- Exploring the Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
- Identifying target markets and understanding customer needs
- Introduction to Market Research and its importance in marketing
Unit 2: Forms of Market- Understanding the concept of Market
- Different types of Markets: Local, National, and International
- Exploring the concept of Market Segmentation
- Understanding the differences between Mass Marketing and Niche Marketing
- Introduction to online markets and e-commerce
Unit 3: Factors influencing customer choice- Understanding the factors that influence customer decision-making
- Exploring the concept of Consumer Behavior
- Factors such as personal preferences, cultural influences, and social factors
- Understanding the role of advertising and branding in customer choice
- Exploring the impact of social media on customer decision-making
Unit 4: Importance of Ethical Behavior in Marketing- Understanding the importance of ethics in marketing
- Exploring unethical marketing practices and their consequences
- Introduction to Fair Trade and its significance in marketing
- Understanding the role of corporate social responsibility in marketing
- Exploring the concept of green marketing and its impact on the environment
By following these topics, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the basic marketing concepts, different forms of markets, factors influencing customer choice, and the importance of ethical behavior in marketing. The syllabus aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the commercial applications of marketing effectively.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Class 6, Class 7, Class 8