Banking Exams Numerical Ability Syllabus
1. Number System
- Properties of numbers
- Divisibility rules
- Factors and multiples
- HCF and LCM
- Prime numbers and composite numbers
2. Simplification
- BODMAS rule
- Approximation and rounding off
- Surds and indices
- Square root and cube root
- Decimals and fractions
3. Ratio & Proportion
- Concept of ratio and proportion
- Variation
- Partnership
- Mixtures and alligations
4. Percentage
- Calculation of percentage
- Percentage increase and decrease
- Profit and loss
- Discount
- Simple interest and compound interest
5. Profit & Loss
- Cost price, selling price, and profit/loss
- Profit and loss percentage
- Successive discounts and mark-up
- Dishonest dealings
6. Simple & Compound Interest
- Simple interest formula and calculations
- Compound interest formula and calculations
- Installments and equated monthly installments (EMI)
7. Work & Time
- Work efficiency
- Work done by multiple persons
- Pipes and cisterns
- Work and wages
8. Time & Distance
- Speed, time, and distance relationship
- Average speed
- Problems on trains, boats, and streams
- Relative speed
9. Data Interpretation
- Tabular data interpretation
- Bar graphs and line graphs
- Pie charts and radar charts
- Caselet data interpretation
10. Mensuration
- Area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles
- Volume and surface area of cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and cones
11. Mixture & Allegations
- Mixtures of two or more entities
- Alligation rule
- Solutions and mixtures
12. Permutation, Combination
- Fundamental counting principle
- Permutations and combinations
- Selection and arrangement problems
13. Sequence & Series
- Arithmetic progression (AP)
- Geometric progression (GP)
- Harmonic progression (HP)
14. Probability
- Probability of events
- Addition and multiplication laws of probability
- Conditional probability
15. Quadratic Equations
- Quadratic equations and roots
- Nature of roots
- Quadratic inequalities
16. Vedic Mathematics - Tricks for Fast Calculations
- Vedic multiplication
- Vedic division
- Squaring and square roots
17. Data Sufficiency
- Analyzing data sufficiency problems
- Solving through elimination process
- Identifying necessary and sufficient data
18. Boats and Streams
- Upstream and downstream problems
- Still water speed and current speed
- Time taken to cover a certain distance
19. Problem on Ages
- Problems based on ages of individuals
- Ages of family members
- Ages of multiple individuals
20. Inequalities
- Solving linear inequalities
- Graphical representation of inequalities
- Systems of inequalities
21. Problem on Trains
- Time taken to cross a stationary or moving train
- Relative speed of trains
- Length of platforms
22. HCF and LCM
- Highest Common Factor (HCF)
- Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
- Relationship between HCF and LCM
23. Pipes and Cisterns
- Filling and emptying pipes
- Time taken to fill or empty a tank
- Pipes working together or individually
24. Surds and Indices
- Simplification of surds
- Laws of indices
- Rationalizing the denominator
25. Clocks
- Concepts of time and clock problems
- Angle between the hour hand and minute hand
- Problems on accurate timekeeping
26. Square Root and Cube Root
- Calculation of square roots and cube roots
- Estimation and approximation techniques
27. Linear Equations
- Solving linear equations in one variable
- Word problems based on linear equations
- System of linear equations
28. Tips & Tricks for Numerical Ability
- Time-saving techniques and shortcuts
- Memory-based formulas and concepts
- Problem-solving strategies
29. Cheatsheet
- Quick reference guide for important formulas and concepts
- Key points to remember during exams
By following this syllabus, candidates can effectively prepare for the Numerical Ability section of banking exams such as IBPS, SBI, LIC, and RBI. It covers all the essential topics and provides a comprehensive understanding of quantitative aptitude for banking exams.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Bank Exams