Grade 11 Biology Syllabus:The Living World
- Introduction to biology and its branches
- Diversity in the living world
- Taxonomy and systematics
- Nomenclature and classification of organisms
Biological Classification
- Five kingdom classification
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Animalia
- Viruses, viroids, and prions
Plant Kingdom
- Characteristics and classification of plants
- Algae
- Bryophytes
- Pteridophytes
- Gymnosperms
- Angiosperms
- Plant life cycles and alternation of generations
Animal Kingdom
- Characteristics and classification of animals
- Non-chordates
- Chordates
- Structural organization of animals
- Animal tissues
- Support and movement in animals
Morphology of Flowering Plants
- The root, stem, and leaf
- Inflorescence and flower
- Fruits and seeds
- Modifications of roots, stems, and leaves
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
- Tissues and tissue systems in plants
- Secondary growth in dicot stems
- Anatomy of dicot and monocot roots, stems, and leaves
Structural Organization in Animals
- Animal tissues and their types
- Organ systems in animals
- Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems in animals
Cell: The Unit of Life
- Cell theory and cell division
- Structure and functions of cell organelles
- Cell cycle and cell division
- Structure and functions of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
- Enzymes and their role in metabolic reactions
Transport in Plants
- Structure and function of plant tissues involved in transport
- Mechanisms of transport of water, minerals, and organic solutes in plants
Mineral Nutrition
- Essential minerals and their functions in plants
- Modes of nutrient uptake and their transport in plants
- Mineral deficiency symptoms and their correction
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
- Light reactions and dark reactions of photosynthesis
- Factors affecting photosynthesis
- Photorespiration and C4 and CAM pathways
Respiration in Plants
- Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain in respiration
- Anaerobic respiration in plants
- Respiratory quotient and efficiency
Plant Growth and Development
- Phases and factors affecting plant growth
- Plant hormones and their functions
- Seed germination and photoperiodism
Digestion & Absorption
- Structure and functions of the digestive system
- Digestive enzymes and their role
- Absorption of digested food in the small intestine
Breathing & Exchange of Gases
- Respiratory organs and their structure
- Mechanism of breathing
- Gas exchange in lungs and tissues
Body Fluids & Circulation
- Composition and functions of blood
- Structure and functioning of the heart
- Blood vessels and their types
Excretory Products and their Elimination
- Structure and functioning of the excretory system
- Formation and composition of urine
- Role of kidneys in maintaining water and electrolyte balance
Locomotion & Movement
- Muscular and skeletal systems in animals
- Structure and functions of bones, joints, and muscles
- Types of movement in animals
Neural Control & Coordination
- Structure and functions of the nervous system
- Neurons and their types
- Generation and transmission of nerve impulses
Chemical Coordination & Integration
- Endocrine glands and their hormones
- Mechanism of hormone action
- Coordination between nervous and endocrine systems
Sample Papers with Solutions
- Practice papers to assess understanding and application of concepts
Mindmaps with Biology
- Visual aids to enhance understanding and retention of biology concepts
NCERT Exemplars
- Additional practice questions based on NCERT textbook content
This course is helpful for the following exams: Grade 11