Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in :[2012]a)Gut of female Anopheles...
Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in gut of female Anopheles. Zygote formed in stomach of mosquito about 9 to 10 days after sucking the blood of an infected human. Anopheles receives RBCs containing different stages of erthyrocytic cycle, including gametocyte. In its gut, all stages except the gametocytes are digested. The gametocytes remain unaffected by digestive enzymes of the mosquito, hatch out from the RBCs into the lumen of mosquito’s stomach and form sperm and ovum by gametogenesis. Syngamy or fusion of male and female gamete.
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Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in :[2012]a)Gut of female Anopheles...
Motile zygote of plasmodium are formed in gut of female anopheles mosquitoe but they are transported and occurs in salivary gland of mosquitoes it is mentioned in NCERT and Wikipedia also so I think correct option is (B).
Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in :[2012]a)Gut of female Anopheles...
Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in gut of female Anopheles.
Plasmodium is a protozoan parasite that causes malaria in humans. It is transmitted through the bite of female Anopheles mosquito. The mosquito injects the sporozoites (infective stage) of Plasmodium into the human host during a blood meal. These sporozoites travel to the liver where they multiply and differentiate into merozoites. These merozoites are released into the bloodstream and invade the red blood cells (RBCs). Inside the RBCs, they multiply and cause the symptoms of malaria.
However, before the parasite can be transmitted to another human host, it needs to undergo sexual reproduction in the mosquito. This occurs in the gut of female Anopheles mosquito. The motile zygote of Plasmodium is formed by the fusion of a male and a female gamete. This zygote develops into a motile ookinete, which penetrates the gut wall and forms an oocyst on the outer surface of the gut. The oocyst grows and divides, producing thousands of sporozoites, which migrate to the salivary glands of the mosquito. When the mosquito takes a blood meal, these sporozoites are injected into the host, completing the transmission cycle.
Therefore, the motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in the gut of female Anopheles mosquito, where sexual reproduction takes place.