Edible part of banana is[2001]a)epicarpb)endocarp and less developed m...
Banana (Musa paradisica) is a fleshly fruit with rich sugar content. Edible part is fleshy mesocarp and rudiment endocarp, develops from trilocular, inferior ovary.
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Edible part of banana is[2001]a)epicarpb)endocarp and less developed m...
The Edible Part of Banana
Banana is a fruit that is widely consumed all over the world. It is a good source of nutrients, including carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. The edible part of the banana is the part that is consumed, and it is made up of the endocarp and less developed mesocarp.
Endocarp and Mesocarp
The endocarp is the innermost layer of the fruit, and it is the part that surrounds the seeds. In bananas, the endocarp is thin and not very developed, which means that it is not very noticeable when the fruit is eaten. The mesocarp, on the other hand, is the middle layer of the fruit, and it is the part that is most noticeable when the fruit is consumed. It is soft and fleshy, and it is the part that gives the banana its sweet taste and soft texture.
The epicarp is the outermost layer of the fruit, and it is the part that protects the fruit from damage and helps to keep it fresh. In bananas, the epicarp is thick and tough, which makes it difficult to eat. However, it can be removed easily by peeling the fruit, which exposes the soft and fleshy mesocarp.
In conclusion, the edible part of the banana is made up of the endocarp and less developed mesocarp. The endocarp is the innermost layer of the fruit, while the mesocarp is the middle layer that is most noticeable when the fruit is consumed. The epicarp, which is the outermost layer, is thick and tough, and it is removed easily by peeling the fruit.