Geometrical patterns are often utilized in intelligence tests, typical...
Geometrical patterns are often utilized in intelligence tests, typically with the test-taker being given a specific pattern and then being asked to identify a matching pattern from a given set of images. However, pattern recognition is a measure of precognition abilities. Therefore, geometrical patterns should not be used in IQ tests.
Which of the following is an assumption made by the author?
Argument Analysis
Conclusion Clarification
Pre-Thinking Approach
To prethink assumptions we will falsify the conclusion or look for scenarios under which the conclusion is no longer valid; i.e. conditions under which the conclusion that Geometrical Patterns should not be used in IQ test may not hold.
Linkage 1: Pattern recognition is a measure of precognition abilities.
On the basis of the above linkage, the author concludes that geometrical patterns should not be used in IQ tests.
- Falsification Condition: What if tests that measure precognition abilities can also measure IQ? Surely, the author cannot make the given recommendation then. Therefore, the author assumes that this scenario does not exist. Hence the assumption is:
- Tests that measure precognition abilities cannot measure IQ.
With this understanding in mind, let's take a look at the option statements.
Answer Choices
Those who take IQ tests are interested in measuring their precognition abilities.
Incorrect - Irrelevant
This the preferences & interests of IQ test takers are no relevant to whether test measuring pre-cognition abilities can test a person’s IQ.
Measuring precognition abilities is currently an objective of IQ tests.
Incorrect - Opposite
If the objective of IQ tests is to measure precognition abilities, it weakens the belief that geometrical patterns should not be used in IQ tests.
A test that measures precognition abilities cannot also test intelligence.
This choice matches our prethinking and is a must be true statement for the conclusion to hold.
Some test-makers are more interested in measuring precognitive abilities than intelligence.
Incorrect - Irrelevant
The interests of certain test makers is irrelevant to determining whether test measuring precognition abilities can also measure IQ.
IQ tests cannot be used for testing in fields in which precognitive abilities are required.
Incorrect - Irrelevant
The argument is not about the applicability of IQ test in fields in which precognitive abilities are required. So the information given in this choice is completely irrelevant.