Consider the following statements:1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefi...
Central Govt., during 1996-97, launched an Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) to provide Central Loan Assistance (CLA) to major/medium irrigation projects in the country, with the objective to accelerate the implementation of those projects which were beyond resource capability of the states or were in advanced stage of completion. Government of India initiated a Centrally Sponsored Command Area Development Programme (CADP) in December 1974 to improve irrigation potential utilisation and optimise agricultural production from irrigated land through integrated and coordinated approach of efficient water management.
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Consider the following statements:1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefi...
Statement Analysis:
1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme was launched during 1996-97 to provide loan assistance to poor farmers.
2. The Command Area Development Programme was launched in 1974-75 for the development of water-use efficiency.
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is option B, i.e. 2 only.
1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) was launched during 1996-97 to provide loan assistance to the states for the implementation of major and medium irrigation projects. The objective of the programme was to accelerate the implementation of irrigation projects and to enhance the irrigated area. The loan assistance was provided to the states on a 90:10 basis, i.e. 90% loan and 10% grant. The programme was not launched to provide loan assistance to poor farmers, this statement is incorrect.
2. The Command Area Development Programme (CADP) was launched in 1974-75 for the development of water-use efficiency, improvement of irrigation practices, and to increase agricultural productivity. The programme aimed at the development of the command area, which is the area benefiting from the irrigation project. The programme was launched to improve the efficiency of water utilization and to increase agricultural productivity, this statement is correct.
Hence, we can conclude that statement 2 is correct and statement 1 is incorrect. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.