How did santhal reach the rajmahal hills?
Santhal migration to the Rajmahal Hills:
Santhals, an indigenous tribe from the Chota Nagpur Plateau, migrated to the Rajmahal Hills for various reasons. Here's how they reached the Rajmahal Hills:
Motives for migration:
- The Santhals were pushed out of their original homeland due to British colonial policies, which led to the alienation of their land and resources.
- They sought refuge in the Rajmahal Hills as a means to escape oppression and establish a new settlement.
Route of migration:
- The Santhals traveled on foot, crossing rivers, forests, and rough terrains on their journey to the Rajmahal Hills.
- They navigated through the dense forests and hilly terrain, facing challenges and hardships along the way.
Establishing settlements:
- Upon reaching the Rajmahal Hills, the Santhals began to establish their settlements by clearing land for agriculture and building houses.
- They adapted to the new environment by practicing their traditional agricultural methods and preserving their cultural identity.
Integration into the region:
- Over time, the Santhals integrated into the social fabric of the Rajmahal Hills, interacting with other communities and participating in local economies.
- They contributed to the cultural diversity of the region while maintaining their distinct cultural practices.
In conclusion, the Santhals reached the Rajmahal Hills through a challenging journey driven by their need for a new homeland and refuge from colonial oppression. Their migration and settlement in the region have shaped the cultural landscape of the Rajmahal Hills.
How did santhal reach the rajmahal hills?
By the zamindars and Britishers who hired them