The US Hegemony began ina)1990.b)1991.c)1992.d)1993.Correct answer is ...
The US Hegemony began in 1991 after the disintegration of Soviet and the world became unipolar.
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The US Hegemony began ina)1990.b)1991.c)1992.d)1993.Correct answer is ...
The US Hegemony began in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. This event marked the beginning of a new era in world politics, where the United States emerged as the sole superpower and dominant player in international affairs.
Factors that led to US Hegemony
There were several factors that contributed to the rise of US Hegemony, including:
1. Economic Power: The United States had the largest and most powerful economy in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that was more than twice that of its closest competitor, Japan.
2. Military Strength: The US had the most powerful military in the world, with advanced technology and a global network of military bases.
3. Soft Power: The US had significant cultural influence through its music, movies, and other forms of popular culture.
4. Political Stability: The US had a stable political system and strong institutions that provided a basis for its global leadership role.
Impact of US Hegemony
The impact of US Hegemony was significant, both domestically and internationally.
1. Domestically, it led to a period of economic growth and prosperity, as American businesses expanded into new markets and created jobs at home.
2. Internationally, US Hegemony led to a more stable and peaceful world order, as the US used its power to promote democracy, human rights, and free trade.
3. However, US Hegemony also led to resentment and opposition from some countries, who felt that the US was imposing its will on the rest of the world.
4. The US Hegemony also came under threat in the early 21st century, as the rise of China and other emerging powers challenged American dominance in the international system.
In conclusion, the US Hegemony began in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. It was characterized by American economic, military, and cultural power, and had a significant impact on both domestic and international politics. While it led to a period of prosperity and stability, it also faced challenges and opposition from other countries.
The US Hegemony began ina)1990.b)1991.c)1992.d)1993.Correct answer is ...
Hegemony is a structural power defines the world economic perspective.
The hegemony indicates the "Social or cultural predominance or ascendancy.
Later, it could be used to determine "a group which exerts improper influence within a society".
US hegemony didn't emerge in 1991 but in reality, goes back to the end of the Second World War during 1945.
Secondly, since 1991 the US did not begin to act as a hegemonic power much later it became clear that the world was actually in a hegemonic period.
It often felt under Clinton that the US was not actively involved in world affairs and returned to its own companies.
In foreign policy, the Government of Clinton tended not to focus on "hard politics" of the military and security, but on "soft issues" like democracy promotion, climate change and world trade.