India's vast and diverse size is the most important t...
Ans. (1) In India, there is diversity not only in physiographic divisions but also in availability of resources.
(2) There are regions which are rich in certain types of resources but are deficient in some other resources.
(3) For example, (i) Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are rich in mineral and coal deposits.
(ii) Arunachal Pradesh has abundant water resources.
(iii) Rajasthan is endowed with solar and wind energy.
(iv) Cold desert area of Latah is isolated from the rest of the country and is deficient in water, infrastructure and some vital minerals. So, it can be said that India’s vast and diverse size is the most important resource.
India's vast and diverse size is the most important t...
*India has land under a variety of relief features such as plains, plateaus, mountains and islands.
*About 43 per cent of land areas is plain, which provides facilities for agriculture and industry.
*Mountains account for 30 per cent of the total surface area of the country and ensure perennial flow of some rivers, provide facilities for tourism and ecological aspects.
*About 27 per cent of the area is the plateau region. It possesses rich reserves of minerals, fossil fuels and forests.