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English Question and Answers for Class 10, Chapter 1
Chapter 1 of Class 10 English textbook contains a short story named "A Letter to God" written by G.L. Fuentes. This chapter is important as it introduces students to the concept of faith and belief. The story revolves around the protagonist Lencho, who writes a letter to God seeking financial help. The story is about how Lencho's faith in God is unshaken despite the challenges he faces.
Questions and Answers:
1. What does Lencho hope for?
Ans: Lencho hopes for financial help from God as his crops have been destroyed by a hailstorm.
2. Why does Lencho write a letter to God?
Ans: Lencho writes a letter to God because he believes that God can provide him with the financial help he needs.
3. What does Lencho think about the postman?
Ans: Lencho thinks that the postman is a thief who has stolen some money from his letter to God.
4. How does Lencho react when he receives the letter from God?
Ans: Lencho is surprised and disappointed when he receives the letter from God as it only contains a small amount of money. He believes that God has not understood his needs.
5. What is the irony in the story?
Ans: The irony in the story is that Lencho's faith in God remains unshaken despite the challenges he faces. On the other hand, the postmaster and the postal employees, who are supposed to be honest and trustworthy, are shown to be greedy and dishonest.
Chapter 1 of Class 10 English textbook is an interesting read for students as it introduces them to the concept of faith and belief. The story of Lencho and his unshaken faith in God despite the challenges he faces is a lesson for all of us. The questions and answers provided in this document will help students to understand the story better and prepare for their exams.