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1.How would Maya’s life be different in South Africa today?
Solution 1:
There is no longer any discrimination in any sphere of life between whites and Non-whites. All citizens have equal rights.
2.What are the various ways in which people participate in the process of Government?
Solution 2:
There are multiple ways.
By voting in the elections.
By taking out at rallies and protests, if they are unhappy
By participating in signature campaigns
By participating in discussions on Television and other modes of public platforms.
3.Why do you think we need the Government to find solutions to many disputes or conflicts?
Solution 3:
Without the government, these conflicts and disputes can result in violence and death. Because, one group may believe that it has all the right to use force and prevent other groups from protesting. But in some cases, corrupt governments can themselves play a part in escalating these disputes and conflicts between people.
4.What actions does the Government take to ensure that all people are treated equally?
Solution 4:
People are given reservations in the education field and in government jobs, on the basis of their caste. This is done to uplift their social status.
5.Read through the chapter and discuss some of the key ideas of a democratic government. Make a list. For example, all people are equal.
Solution 5:
All citizens are equal and they have equal access to all the resources of a country.
All citizens are equal irrespective of their caste, gender, economic status and religion.
People who have faced discrimination in the past are eligible for Government jobs to uplift their social status.
Key Elements of a Democratic Government Summary
The NCERT Class 6 Social and Political Life Chapter 4 talks about the following topics:
Injustice against non-whites in South Africa
Participating in the democratic process of the country
Different levels of participating in the democracy of the country.
Conflict resolution
Equality and justice.
Needed a Document for History chapter 4? Related: Chapter Notes - In...
Chapter Notes - In The Earliest Cities
In the history chapter 4, "In The Earliest Cities," we explore the fascinating journey of human civilization from the time people started living in villages to the emergence of early cities. This chapter sheds light on the various aspects of life in the earliest cities, including their layout, occupations, trade, and social organization.
Key Pointers:
1. Early Settlements:
- People initially lived in small settlements and gradually started settling near rivers and fertile lands.
- These settlements grew into villages and later evolved into cities.
2. Layout of Cities:
- Cities were often planned and divided into different sections or quarters.
- Residential areas were separated from industrial or commercial areas.
- Streets were narrow and winding, with houses built close to each other.
3. Houses and Buildings:
- Houses were made of mud bricks, wood, or stone.
- Wealthier people lived in larger houses with courtyards, while the poor lived in smaller dwellings.
4. Occupations:
- People had various occupations in the earliest cities, including farmers, craftsmen, traders, priests, and rulers.
- Craftsmen produced goods like pottery, tools, jewelry, and textiles.
- Farmers cultivated crops and reared animals for food.
5. Trade and Commerce:
- Cities were centers of trade and commerce.
- Goods were exchanged through barter or using standardized units of measurement.
- Markets and bazaars were important places for trade.
6. Social Hierarchy and Governance:
- Society in the earliest cities was hierarchical, with rulers or kings at the top.
- Priests held significant power and performed religious rituals.
- Slavery was prevalent, and slaves were often used for labor.
7. Religion and Beliefs:
- Religion played a vital role in the lives of people in the earliest cities.
- Temples and religious ceremonies were central to the society.
- People worshipped various gods and goddesses.
8. Writing and Record-Keeping:
- Writing systems, such as cuneiform and hieroglyphics, were developed to keep records and maintain accounts.
- Scribes played a crucial role in recording information.
9. Decline and Abandonment:
- Some cities declined or were abandoned due to factors like natural disasters, wars, or changes in trade routes.
The chapter "In The Earliest Cities" provides us with valuable insights into the lifestyle, culture, and organization of the earliest cities. It helps us understand how human civilization evolved and laid the foundation for modern urban societies.