From topic vegetative propagation, what is layering? Name some plants....
Layering is a method of vegetative propagation in which a branch or stem of a parent plant is induced to form roots while still attached to the parent plant. This method is commonly used to propagate plants that do not root easily from cuttings or do not produce viable seeds. Layering allows the new plant to be genetically identical to the parent plant, ensuring that desirable characteristics are maintained.
**Types of Layering:**
1. **Simple Layering:** In simple layering, a low-growing branch is bent down and partially buried in the soil. The portion of the branch that is buried will develop roots, while the rest of the branch continues to grow above the ground.
2. **Tip Layering:** Tip layering involves bending the tip of a branch down to the ground and burying it in the soil. The buried portion of the branch develops roots, and the tip continues to grow upward.
3. **Serpentine Layering:** Serpentine layering is a method used for plants with long, flexible branches. The branch is partially buried in the soil, then bent and buried again at intervals along its length. Each buried portion develops roots, resulting in multiple new plants.
4. **Air Layering:** Air layering is a technique used for plants with woody stems. A ring of bark is removed from the stem, and the exposed area is covered with moist sphagnum moss or other suitable rooting medium. The covered section is then wrapped in plastic to maintain moisture. Roots will form in the covered area, and once they have developed, the new plant can be separated from the parent plant.
**Examples of Plants Propagated by Layering:**
1. **Blackberries (Rubus spp.):** Blackberries are commonly propagated by tip layering. The tips of the branches are bent down and buried in the soil, where they develop roots and form new plants.
2. **Strawberries (Fragaria spp.):** Strawberries can be propagated by a method called "runners," which is a type of layering. Runners are long, thin stems that extend from the parent plant and root at the nodes, producing new plants.
3. **Raspberries (Rubus idaeus):** Raspberries can be propagated by tip layering. The tips of the branches are bent down and buried in the soil, where they develop roots and form new plants.
4. **Wisteria (Wisteria spp.):** Wisteria can be propagated by air layering. A section of the stem is girdled and covered with moist rooting medium, resulting in the development of roots.
5. **Ficus (Ficus spp.):** Ficus plants, such as the popular Ficus benjamina, can be propagated by air layering. A stem section is girdled and covered with rooting medium, leading to the formation of roots.
In conclusion, layering is a useful vegetative propagation method that allows for the easy propagation of plants that are difficult to root from cuttings or do not produce viable seeds. It is a reliable way to create new plants that are genetically identical to the parent plant, ensuring the preservation of desirable traits.