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Passage II
An organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4 gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. C on further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E (C8H8O2) as one of the product.
Which of the following statement regarding B is correct?
  • a)
    B is an optically inactive substance
  • b)
    B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of A
  • c)
    B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of A
  • d)
    A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of B
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?
Verified Answer
Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve ...

The compound A shown above satisfy the given criteria.
Shown above, B has a chiral carbon hence, optically active. Moreover, the chiral carbon is not involved in reaction from A to B, configuration would be retained in B.
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Most Upvoted Answer
Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve ...

The compound A shown above satisfy the given criteria.
Shown above, B has a chiral carbon hence, optically active. Moreover, the chiral carbon is not involved in reaction from A to B, configuration would be retained in B.
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Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? for JEE 2025 is part of JEE preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the JEE exam syllabus. Information about Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for JEE 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for JEE. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for JEE Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Passage IIAn organic compound A(C9H10O) is chiral and does not evolve any gas on treatment with Na-metal but on hydrolysis with dil. H2SO4gives B (C9H12O2) which on further treatment with alkaline solution of iodine does not give an yellow precipitate. Also A on treatment with excess of conc. HBr gives C (C9H11OBr) as the major product. Con further treatment with C2H5ONa/C2H5OH followed by acidification of product gives D (an isomer of A). D on ozonolysis followed by work-up with dimethyl sulphide gives E(C8H8O2) as one of the product.Q.Which of the following statement regarding Bis correct?a)B is an optically inactive substanceb)B is an optically active substance with same configuration as that of Ac)B is an optically active substance with opposite configuration to that of Ad)A pure enantiomer of A will produce, on hydrolysis reaction, a racemic mixture of BCorrect answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice JEE tests.
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