The process of removal of anther from the flower bud before it dehisce...
Emasculation is the process of removing the anther from the flower bud before it dehisces. This process is done to prevent self-pollination and to facilitate controlled pollination. Emasculation is commonly done in plant breeding and hybridization experiments.
Steps involved in emasculation:
1. Selection of flower bud: The flower bud should be selected before it starts to open, and the anther should not have dehisced.
2. Sterilization: The instruments used for emasculation should be sterilized to prevent any contamination.
3. Removal of petals and sepals: The petals and sepals should be carefully removed to expose the reproductive organs.
4. Removal of anthers: The anthers should be carefully removed using forceps or a scalpel. It is important to remove the anthers without damaging the pistil.
5. Bagging: After emasculation, the flower should be covered with a bag to prevent any unwanted pollination.
6. Controlled pollination: Once the flower is emasculated, it can be pollinated with the desired pollen.
Emasculation is an important technique used in the production of hybrid seeds and in the creation of new plant varieties. The process is also used in genetic engineering experiments, where the anther is removed to prevent the production of pollen that may contain unwanted genes.
The process of removal of anther from the flower bud before it dehisce...
Emasculation is the removal of anther in a bisexual flower to prevent self pollination. in this process female reproductive part is not involved. this technique is used by plant breeder to obtain the desired variety by a crossing plant with desired pollen grain.