Describe the three stages of evolution of atmosphere.?
Evolution of the atmosphere: Nitrogen and oxygen are the major contributor gases to the current structure of the Earth’s atmosphere.
There are three states of development of the present atmosphere: 1) The erosion of the primordial atmospheric gases took place in its first stage. 2) In the second stage, steam and water vapor was emitted from inside the Earth and contributed to the development of the atmosphere. 3) In the end, the structure of the atmosphere was modified by the photosynthesis process of the biosphere. The initial atmosphere in which hydrogen and helium was abundant was removed from the earth due to solar winds. This happened not only on earth but on all terrestrial planets, that is, because of the effect of the solar winds, the primordial atmosphere was either pushed away or eliminated. This was the final stage of the development of the atmosphere.
Describe the three stages of evolution of atmosphere.?
Evolution of Atmosphere
The evolution of the Earth's atmosphere took place in three stages. Each stage was characterized by different gases and atmospheric conditions. These stages are:
Stage 1: The Primary Atmosphere
- The primary atmosphere was formed during the formation of the Earth about 4.6 billion years ago.
- It was mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, which were the most abundant elements in the universe at that time.
- Other gases such as methane, ammonia, water vapor, and carbon dioxide were also present in lesser amounts.
- There was no oxygen in the atmosphere during this stage.
- The primary atmosphere was lost due to the escape of lighter gases like hydrogen and helium into space and the degassing of the Earth's interior.
Stage 2: The Secondary Atmosphere
- The secondary atmosphere was formed about 4 billion years ago.
- It was primarily composed of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
- Small amounts of other gases like ammonia and methane were also present.
- Oxygen was absent in the atmosphere during this stage.
- The secondary atmosphere was a result of volcanic activity, which released gases from the Earth's interior into the atmosphere.
- The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere led to the formation of oceans on the Earth's surface.
Stage 3: The Modern Atmosphere
- The modern atmosphere evolved about 2.5 billion years ago.
- Oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere due to the emergence of photosynthetic organisms such as blue-green algae.
- The oxygen reacted with the methane and other gases in the atmosphere, forming carbon dioxide and water vapor.
- The modern atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and argon (0.93%).
- Trace amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide, neon, helium, and methane are also present.
- The modern atmosphere also contains water vapor, which varies in concentration depending on the location and climate.