People located in icy and extremely hot climates survived on what?a)We...
People living in icy and extremely hot climates had to adapt to their harsh environments in order to survive. One of the most important ways they did this was through hunting. Hunting provided them with food, clothing, and other resources necessary for survival. Let's explore this in more detail:
Hunting in Icy Climates:
In icy climates, such as the Arctic, people relied on hunting to survive. They hunted animals such as seals, walruses, caribou, and polar bears. These animals provided them with meat, fat, and hides, which they used for clothing, shelter, and other necessities. They also used animal bones and antlers to make tools and weapons.
Hunting in Hot Climates:
In extremely hot climates, such as the Sahara Desert, people also relied on hunting to survive. They hunted animals such as gazelles, antelopes, and ostriches. These animals provided them with meat, hides, and bones, which they used for food, clothing, and tools. They also gathered fruits, nuts, and other edible plants.
In both icy and extremely hot climates, hunting was a crucial way for people to survive. By hunting and gathering, they were able to adapt to their harsh environments and find the resources they needed to survive. While other activities such as weaving and herding may have played a role in some societies, hunting was a universal necessity for survival in these extreme climates.
People located in icy and extremely hot climates survived on what?a)We...
Yes , it was necessary to hunting animals bcoz in extremely Icey and hot climate agriculture is not possible so they hunted the animals .