The LCM of 3 and 11 is 33. Thus, the number of numbers we find in the first 33 numbers will be the number of numbers that are there in every consecutive set 33 numbers.
Multiples of 3 less than 33 that have odd remainders when divided by 11 : 3,9,12,18,27
In the next set of 33 numbers, the numbers that satisfy the conditions are : 36,42,45,51,60 ie 33+3,33+9,33+12,33+18,33+27 respectively.
Below 1000, there will be
which means there will be 30 such sets.
From 33x30 to 1000, ie from 990 to 1000, there are only 2 more numbers that satisfy the conditions ie 993 and 999.
To find sum of all the numbers, first we find the sum of the first series of numbers ie all numbers below 33 that satisfy the condition.
1 =3+9+12+18+27=69
The sum of the second series of numbers S
2 = (3+33)+(9+33)+(12+33)+(18+33)+(27+33) = 69 + (5 * 33) = 69+165
Similarly, the sum of the third series of numbers S
3 =69+(165×2)
Thus, sum of the n
th series of numbers S
n =69+[165×(n−1)]
Thus, total sum of the series till the 30
th set of numbers S=(69×30)+[165×(1+2+3.....29)]
We should remember that this series does not take into consideration the last 2 numbers.
Therefore the actual sum S' = 73845 + 993 + 999 = 75837