Karims surnam e is Khan. Abdul Surname is Pathan. They belong to ........
Karim and Abdul are two individuals with different surnames, Karim's surname is Khan and Abdul's surname is Pathan. Based on this information, we need to determine whether they belong to the same family or different families.
Different surnames:
When two individuals have different surnames, it generally indicates that they belong to different families. Surnames are often inherited and passed down through generations within families, so individuals within the same family tend to have the same or similar surnames. Therefore, in this case, since Karim's surname is Khan and Abdul's surname is Pathan, it can be inferred that they belong to different families.
Surname as an identifier:
Surnames often serve as a way to identify and differentiate individuals within a family or clan. They can provide information about a person's ancestry, cultural background, or regional origin. In many cultures, surnames are an important part of a person's identity and can indicate their lineage or heritage. Therefore, having different surnames suggests that Karim and Abdul come from distinct family backgrounds.
In conclusion, based on the information provided, Karim and Abdul belong to different families. This is inferred from the fact that they have different surnames, with Karim's surname being Khan and Abdul's surname being Pathan. Surnames are often inherited and passed down within families, so individuals with different surnames are usually from different family lineages.
Karims surnam e is Khan. Abdul Surname is Pathan. They belong to ........
Members of same family have same surname, otherwise they belong to different family.