Syllabus for CBSE Class 7:English:
- Reading: Comprehension passages, poems, stories, etc.
- Writing: Paragraph writing, story writing, letter writing, etc.
- Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, articles, correct usage, etc.
- Literature: Prose and poetry from the textbook, comprehension and analysis.
- पठन: गद्यांश, कविताएँ, कहानियाँ आदि का अध्ययन
- लेखन: निबंध लेखन, कहानी लेखन, पत्र लेखन आदि
- व्याकरण: वर्ण, शब्द, वाक्य, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, विशेषण, विराम चिह्न आदि का अध्ययन
- साहित्य: पाठ्यपुस्तक में से गद्यांश और कविताएँ, उनका समझना और विश्लेषण करना
- Number system: Integers, fractions, decimals, etc.
- Algebra: Basic operations, expressions, equations, etc.
- Geometry: Lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.
- Mensuration: Perimeter, area, volume, etc.
- Data handling: Bar graphs, pie charts, etc.
- Nutrition in plants and animals
- Weather, climate, and adaptations of animals to climate
- Respiration in organisms
- Motion and time
- Electric current and its effects
- Light and reflections
- Water: A precious resource
- Forests: Our lifeline
Social Science:
- Our environment
- Inside our Earth
- Our changing Earth
- Air
- Water
- Natural vegetation and wildlife
- Human environment: Settlement, transport, and communication
- Human environment interactions: The tropical and the subtropical region
Computer Science:
- Introduction to computers
- Fundamentals of computer operations
- Microsoft Office tools
- Internet and email
- Computer security and ethical use
Physical Education:
- Sports and games
- Physical fitness exercises
- Yoga and meditation
- Track and field events
Art and Craft:
- Drawing and painting
- Craftwork using various materials
- Origami
- Collage making
- Vocal music
- Basics of Indian classical music
- Folk music
- Playing musical instruments like keyboard or harmonium
Note: This syllabus is a general overview and may vary slightly depending on the