Consider the following instructions:1. LOCK2. STD3. HLT4. CLIWhich of...
Processor Control Instructions
● These instructions control the functioning of the available hardware (programmer accessible hardware) inside the processor chip.
● These are categorized into two types: Flag manipulation instructions and Machine control instructions.
● The flag manipulation instructions directly modify some of the flags of the 8086 flag register.
● The machine control instructions control the bus usage and execution.
● The various flag manipulation instructions are CLC, CMC, STC, CLD, STD, CLI, STI
● The various machine control instructions are WAIT, HLT, NOP, ESC, LOCK
Machine control instructions in 8086 microprocessor:
WAIT: Wait for Test input pin to go low or an interrupt signal
HLT: Halt processing
NOP: No Operation
ESC: Escape
LOCK: Assert Bus Lock Signal