What is the meaning of the bhujangatrasita stance in the Nataraja scul...
The bhujangatrasita stance represents tirobhava, that is kicking away the veil of maya or illusion from the devotee’s mind.
What is the meaning of the bhujangatrasita stance in the Nataraja scul...
The bhujangatrasita stance in the Nataraja sculpture represents kicking away the veil of maya or illusion. Let's explore this in detail:
1. Nataraja Sculpture:
- The Nataraja sculpture is a depiction of Lord Shiva in his cosmic dance form. It is considered one of the most iconic representations of Hindu art.
- The sculpture portrays Lord Shiva as the Lord of Dance, symbolizing the continuous cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe.
2. Bhujangatrasita Stance:
- The bhujangatrasita stance is a specific pose within the Nataraja sculpture. In this pose, Lord Shiva balances himself on his right leg, while the left leg is raised and bent at the knee.
- The raised left leg is shown kicking away the veil of maya or illusion, which represents the ignorance that clouds our understanding of the true nature of reality.
3. Maya or Illusion:
- Maya is a concept in Hindu philosophy that refers to the illusionary nature of the material world. It is believed to be the cause of our ignorance and prevents us from perceiving the true reality.
- The veil of maya is seen as a barrier that prevents individuals from realizing their divine nature and understanding the interconnectedness of all things.
4. Symbolism of the Stance:
- The bhujangatrasita stance symbolizes Lord Shiva's triumph over ignorance and illusion. By kicking away the veil of maya with his raised leg, he signifies the removal of this barrier to knowledge and enlightenment.
- The pose also represents the importance of seeking knowledge and truth, as well as the need to transcend the limitations of the material world.
5. Spiritual Significance:
- The Nataraja sculpture and its bhujangatrasita stance hold deep spiritual significance. It encourages individuals to overcome ignorance and delusion in order to attain spiritual liberation or moksha.
- The sculpture serves as a reminder that the pursuit of true knowledge and the realization of our divine nature are essential for spiritual growth and the understanding of the cosmic order.
In conclusion, the bhujangatrasita stance in the Nataraja sculpture represents Lord Shiva's act of kicking away the veil of maya or illusion. It symbolizes the triumph over ignorance and the importance of seeking knowledge and truth. This stance holds deep spiritual significance, reminding individuals of the need to transcend the limitations of the material world in order to attain spiritual liberation.