Explain the difficulties the constituent assembly faced in making of t...
Our India was a vast country with lot of religion and cast this cause a lot of problems to constitution assembly because they have to make few rules which will accept by all and also the majority people were Hindus and minority are Muslim and Christian the constitution assembly have to provide reservations for low cast like sc and st these all things created a huge problem and also the political system and the rights of the people The main thing is in our India there we don't have a clear constitution which is favorable to public so the constitution assembly study all the constitution around the world and make the best constitution they choose the best things from every constitution and mahe our constitution our India constitution is the largest hand written constitution in the world
Explain the difficulties the constituent assembly faced in making of t...
Difficulties Faced by the Constituent Assembly in Making of the Constitution
The Constituent Assembly of a country faces numerous challenges and obstacles while drafting a constitution. These difficulties were also encountered by the Indian Constituent Assembly during the making of the Indian Constitution. Some of the key challenges faced by the Constituent Assembly of India are as follows:
A Diverse and Multicultural Society:
- India is a vast country with diverse cultures, languages, religions, and regional aspirations. Ensuring that the constitution reflects the aspirations and interests of all sections of society was a significant challenge.
- The Constituent Assembly had to strike a delicate balance between accommodating the demands of various communities while maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation.
Conflicting Interests and Ideologies:
- The Constituent Assembly comprised members from a wide range of political parties, ideologies, and interest groups. These members had differing opinions on various matters concerning the constitution.
- The Assembly had to engage in intense debates and negotiations to reconcile these conflicting interests and ideologies, which often resulted in delays and disagreements.
Complexity of Constitutional Provisions:
- Drafting a comprehensive and detailed constitution is a complex task. The Constituent Assembly faced challenges in formulating provisions that would address the diverse needs of the nation while ensuring clarity and coherence.
- The Assembly had to consider various legal, political, and social aspects to create a constitution that would provide a strong framework for the governance of the country.
Representation of Marginalized Groups:
- The Constituent Assembly was aware of the need to represent the interests of marginalized groups such as women, Dalits, and tribal communities, who have historically been marginalized in Indian society.
- Ensuring their adequate representation and addressing their specific concerns within the constitution required additional efforts and sensitivity from the Assembly members.
External Influences:
- The Constituent Assembly was also influenced by external factors such as global events, constitutional frameworks of other countries, and the pressure to meet the expectations of the international community.
- Balancing these external influences with the unique circumstances and requirements of India was a challenge faced by the Assembly.
Lack of Precedent:
- The Constituent Assembly had the daunting task of creating a constitution from scratch, without any existing precedent in the Indian context.
- This lack of precedents made the task more challenging as the Assembly had to establish new constitutional principles and institutions, ensuring they were suitable for the Indian democracy.
In conclusion, the Constituent Assembly of India faced several difficulties in making of the constitution due to the diverse society, conflicting interests, complex provisions, representation of marginalized groups, external influences, and the absence of a precedent. Despite these challenges, the Assembly successfully navigated through the obstacles and created a remarkable constitution that has guided the nation for over seven decades.