How much time should I allocate for revision of the Law Optional subje...
The amount of time one should allocate for revision of the Law Optional subject for UPSC exams can vary depending on various factors such as the individual's familiarity with the subject, their study schedule, and the time remaining until the exam. However, a general guideline can be followed to ensure an effective and comprehensive revision.
Assessing Familiarity with the Subject
Before determining the time allocation for revision, it is essential to assess one's familiarity with the Law Optional subject. If you have a strong foundation and have consistently studied the subject throughout your preparation, you may require less time for revision. On the other hand, if you have relatively less exposure to the subject, it is advisable to allocate more time for revision.
Evaluating Study Schedule
Evaluate your study schedule to determine the amount of time you can dedicate to revision on a daily or weekly basis. It is important to strike a balance between revision and other subjects or topics that need equal attention. Allocate time slots for revision based on your availability and commitment.
Time Remaining until the Exam
Consider the time remaining until the exam when allocating time for revision. If the exam is a few months away, you might have more time to revise and cover the entire syllabus in detail. However, if the exam is approaching soon, you may need to prioritize topics based on their weightage and importance.
Recommended Time Allocation
Considering the above factors, a recommended time allocation for revision of the Law Optional subject could be as follows:
1. Strong Foundation: If you have a strong foundation in the subject and have consistently studied it, allocate around 2-3 hours per day for revision. This will help you revise the entire syllabus within a reasonable timeframe.
2. Moderate Familiarity: If you have moderate familiarity with the subject, allocate around 4-5 hours per day for revision. This will allow you to revise the important topics in greater detail and cover any gaps in your understanding.
3. Limited Exposure: If you have limited exposure to the subject, consider allocating 6-7 hours per day for revision. This will provide sufficient time to grasp the concepts, study relevant cases, and revise key topics thoroughly.
In conclusion, the time allocation for revision of the Law Optional subject for UPSC exams depends on various factors such as familiarity with the subject, study schedule, and time remaining until the exam. By assessing these factors, one can allocate an appropriate amount of time to ensure effective revision and maximize their chances of success in the exam.