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Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:
1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.
2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • a)
    1 only
  • b)
    2 only
  • c)
    Both 1 and 2
  • d)
    Neither 1 nor 2
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?
Most Upvoted Answer
Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1....
  • Recent Context: A Namibian cheetah gave birth increasing the population amid deaths of Cheetahs at Kuno National Park.
  • Project Cheetah, India's ambitious attempt to introduce African cheetahs in the wild in the country was launched in September 2022.
    • The cheetah was declared extinct in India by 1952, the only large carnivore species that went extinct in Independent India. So, its objective was to establish viable cheetah metapopulation in India that allows cheetahs to perform its functional role as top predator.
  • Under Project Cheetah, a total of 20 animals were relocated from Namibia and South Africa to Kuno National Park (KNP) in two batches under the government's Project Cheetah. The first batch came in September 2022 and the second in February 2023. As of now, 13 of the original 20 are alive. 20 Cheetah were translocated from Namibia and South Africa. Whereas, Sahel region is defined as the North-Central African semi-arid region between the Sahara Desert and savanna regions. It includes the countries of Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal. Hence statement 1 is not correct.
  • Out of 6 criteria for assessing short-term success, the project has already met four criteria namely:50% survival of introduced cheetahs, Establishment of home ranges, Birth of cubs in Kuno, and Revenue to local communities.
  • Implementing Agency of Project Cheetah is National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • Funding of project Cheetah is from Project Tiger as well as Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority (CAMPA).
  • Cheetah is protected under Appendix 1 of CITES. The IUCN status of African cheetah is Vulnerable and Asiatic cheetah is Critically endangered. Till now, there were 15 cheetahs at KNP and the tally now stands at 18.
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Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? for UPSC 2024 is part of UPSC preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus. Information about Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for UPSC 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for UPSC. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for UPSC Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Consider the following statements with reference to Project Cheetah:1. Project Cheetah has led to translocation of 20 cheetahs from the countries of Sahel Region of Africa in Kuno National Park.2. It has been implemented by National Tiger conservation authority.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a)1 onlyb)2 onlyc)Both 1 and 2d)Neither 1 nor 2Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice UPSC tests.
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