If the difference between mean and mode is 69, then the difference bet...
Mean, Mode, and Median
Mean, mode, and median are three important measures of central tendency in statistics. The mean is the average of a set of numbers, the mode is the number that appears most frequently in a set, and the median is the middle number when the numbers are arranged in order.
Difference between Mean and Mode
When the difference between the mean and mode is given as 69, it means that the average of the numbers in the data set is 69 units away from the number that appears most frequently. This indicates that the data set is skewed towards one side.
Difference between Mean and Median
The difference between the mean and median can help us understand the symmetry of the data set. If the data set is symmetrically distributed, the mean and median will be close to each other. However, if the data set is skewed, the mean and median will be further apart.
If the mean is greater than the median, it suggests that the data set is positively skewed, with outliers pulling the mean upwards. On the other hand, if the mean is less than the median, it indicates a negatively skewed data set, with outliers pulling the mean downwards.
Therefore, the difference between the mean and median can give us insights into the shape of the data distribution and the presence of outliers.