Which greatest number divides 1742 and 93 and leaves the reminders 4,3...
Factors of 1742 and 93 with Remainders
First, let's find the factors of 1742 and 93, along with the remainders when divided by a number x that we are looking for.
Factors of 1742: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 49, 91, 98, 182, 637, 1742
Remainder when divided by x: 4
Factors of 93: 1, 3, 31, 93
Remainder when divided by x: 3
Finding the Common Factor
Now, we need to find the greatest common factor that divides both 1742 and 93, and leaves the remainders 4 and 3 respectively.
Factors of 1742: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 49, 91, 98, 182, 637, 1742
Factors of 93: 1, 3, 31, 93
The common factors of 1742 and 93 are 1. However, the remainder when divided by 1 is always 0, not 4 and 3.
Since there is no number that can divide 1742 and 93 and leave the remainders 4 and 3 respectively, it seems there might be a misunderstanding or mistake in the question. Please recheck the information provided and try to find a different approach to solve the problem.