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Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. How can public administration ensure a balance between the two. give 4 points for each with relevant example?
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Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. ...
Relationship Between Economic Growth & Human Development
Economic growth refers to the increase in a country's output of goods and services, while human development focuses on improving the quality of life and well-being of individuals. The two are interlinked; economic growth can provide the resources necessary for human development, and a well-developed populace can enhance productivity and innovation, driving further economic growth.
Economic Growth Contributes to Human Development
  • Increased Resources: Economic growth generates additional public revenue, allowing governments to invest in health, education, and infrastructure. For instance, India’s economic reforms in the 1990s led to improved healthcare access.
  • Job Creation: Growth leads to more jobs, reducing poverty and enhancing living standards. The growth of the tech industry in Silicon Valley has created numerous high-paying jobs, boosting the local economy.
  • Enhanced Public Services: Higher GDP enables better funding for essential services. Countries like Sweden use their economic surplus to provide universal healthcare and free education.
  • Investment in Technology: Economic growth encourages R&D investment, resulting in innovations that improve quality of life, exemplified by the rise of renewable energy technologies in Germany.

Public Administration's Role in Balancing Growth and Development
  • Policy Formulation: Public administrators can create policies that prioritize both economic growth and human development, like incorporating social safety nets in economic strategies.
  • Regulatory Framework: Effective regulations can ensure that economic activities do not harm social welfare, as seen in environmental regulations that protect communities while promoting green businesses.
  • Public Participation: Engaging citizens in decision-making ensures that growth strategies address community needs, like participatory budgeting initiatives that empower local populations.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessments of programs can ensure that growth initiatives are also benefiting human development, as done in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals framework.
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Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. How can public administration ensure a balance between the two. give 4 points for each with relevant example?
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Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. How can public administration ensure a balance between the two. give 4 points for each with relevant example? for UPSC 2024 is part of UPSC preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus. Information about Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. How can public administration ensure a balance between the two. give 4 points for each with relevant example? covers all topics & solutions for UPSC 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Explain the relationship between economic growth & human development. How can public administration ensure a balance between the two. give 4 points for each with relevant example?.
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