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why is India called a subcontinent
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why is India called a subcontinent
India is called a subcontinent due to its unique geological, cultural, and political features that differentiate it from other countries. Here are the details:

Geological factors

India is a large landmass that is separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalayan mountains. This separation has created a distinct subcontinent with a diverse range of flora and fauna. India's geography is characterized by a wide range of landforms such as plains, plateaus, mountains, and rivers, making it a unique geological entity.

Cultural factors

India has a rich history and diverse cultural heritage that sets it apart from other countries. India is home to many different religions, languages, and traditions. The country's cultural diversity is reflected in its food, music, art, and architecture. India's cultural richness has made it a popular tourist destination.

Political factors

India is also referred to as a subcontinent because of its size and political power. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area and the second-most populous country after China. It has a federal democratic government and a diverse economy. India's political power and influence on the global stage make it a significant player in world affairs.


In summary, India is called a subcontinent because of its unique geological, cultural, and political features that differentiate it from other countries. India's size, diversity, and political power have earned it the distinction of being a subcontinent.
Community Answer
why is India called a subcontinent
Because it has large landmass and it has a unique geographical region called penensula covered with water from three side and has one side land.
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why is India called a subcontinent
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why is India called a subcontinent for Class 9 2025 is part of Class 9 preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Class 9 exam syllabus. Information about why is India called a subcontinent covers all topics & solutions for Class 9 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for why is India called a subcontinent.
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