What is the difference between involuntary and reflex action(any six)?
All reflex actions are involuntary in nature but all involutary actions are not reflexes. For example - The beating of heart and peristalsis are involuntary actions, but not reflex action.
Reflex actions ar very quick but all involutary actions may not be quick.
Reflex actions are usually at the level of spinal cord whereas the involuntary actions generallly involve brain too
Reflex actions are done to meet emergencies where as an involuntary action is not done for emergencies, but to fulfill a critical life process as circulation of blood, movement of food in food pipe, etc.
A reflex action may be conditioned as in the case of salivation response by a dog on just hearing the bell in Pavlov's expt. but an involuntary action would not be generally influenced by external conditioning.
What is the difference between involuntary and reflex action(any six)?
Involuntary vs Reflex Action
Involuntary and reflex actions are both types of actions performed by the human body in response to various stimuli. However, there are several differences between these two types of actions.
1. Definition:
- Involuntary action: Involuntary actions are actions that occur without conscious control or awareness. These actions are regulated by the autonomic nervous system and are not under direct control of the individual.
- Reflex action: Reflex actions are rapid, automatic responses to specific stimuli. They are innate and do not require conscious thought or decision-making. Reflex actions are controlled by the spinal cord and involve the activation of specific neural pathways.
2. Control:
- Involuntary action: Involuntary actions are not under conscious control. They are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which controls bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing.
- Reflex action: Reflex actions are also not under conscious control, but they are controlled by the spinal cord. These actions bypass the brain and involve a direct connection between sensory neurons and motor neurons in the spinal cord.
3. Conscious Awareness:
- Involuntary action: Involuntary actions usually occur without conscious awareness. For example, the beating of the heart or the digestion of food happens automatically without our conscious control or perception.
- Reflex action: Reflex actions can occur with or without conscious awareness. Some reflexes, such as the knee-jerk reflex, are easily noticeable, while others may happen without us being aware of them, like the pupillary reflex.
4. Complexity:
- Involuntary action: Involuntary actions are often complex and involve multiple physiological processes. They can be influenced by various factors such as hormones, emotions, and external stimuli.
- Reflex action: Reflex actions are simple and involve a specific stimulus-response pathway. They are generally fixed and do not change in response to different factors.
5. Speed:
- Involuntary action: Involuntary actions can be fast or slow depending on the specific process. For example, the dilation of pupils in response to low light can occur relatively quickly, while digestion is a slower involuntary process.
- Reflex action: Reflex actions are typically very fast. They occur almost instantaneously in response to a stimulus, without any conscious delay.
6. Examples:
- Involuntary action: Examples of involuntary actions include breathing, heart rate regulation, digestion, hormone secretion, and blood pressure control.
- Reflex action: Examples of reflex actions include the pupillary reflex (constriction of pupils in bright light), the withdrawal reflex (pulling away from a painful stimulus), and the cough reflex (coughing in response to irritation in the airways).
In summary, involuntary actions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and occur without conscious control, while reflex actions are rapid and automatic responses to specific stimuli controlled by the spinal cord.