Full form of COMPUTER
A computer is an electronic device that is designed to perform various operations and tasks at a high speed and accuracy. The term "computer" is derived from the Latin word "computare," which means "to calculate." The computer is widely used in various fields, including education, business, healthcare, and entertainment.
Full form of COMPUTER
The full form of COMPUTER is:
C - CommonlyO - OperatedM - MachineP - ParticularlyU - Used forT - Technical andE - EducationalR - ResearchExplanation of the full form
Commonly Operated Machine: A computer is a machine that is commonly operated by users to perform various tasks and operations.
Particularly Used for: A computer is particularly used for various purposes, including communication, data processing, entertainment, education, and research.
Technical and Educational: A computer is a technical device that requires specialized knowledge and skills to operate. It is also widely used in education to enhance learning and teaching.
Research: A computer is an important tool for research as it can perform complex calculations and simulations to help scientists and researchers in their work.
In conclusion, the full form of COMPUTER is "Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical and Educational Research." The computer is an important device that is widely used in various fields, and it has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.