Which hormone has anti insulin effect :-a)Cortisolb)Oxytocinc)Aldoster...
Hormones that work against the action of insulin, raising blood glucose levels in response to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The main counterregulatory hormones are glucagon, epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), cortisol, and growth hormone.
Which hormone has anti insulin effect :-a)Cortisolb)Oxytocinc)Aldoster...
Growth hormone is often said to have anti-insulin activity, because it supresses the abilities of insulin to stimulate uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver. Somewhat paradoxically, administration of growth hormone stimulates insulin secretion, leading to hyperinsulinemia........... ......Glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis which leads to the production of glucose from protein; its release is caused, for one, by hypoglycemia. True insulin antagonists are listed in this abstract: growth hormone, cortisol, catecholamine, DOPA are considered to be hormones