What are the function of central government , state government, zilla ...
Functions of the Central Government.-
The Central Government shall be responsible for the-
1. administration and management of the share of Fund allocated to the development and maintenance of the national highways;
2. co-ordination and complete and timely utilisation of all sums allocated out of the Fund;
3. sanction of schemes for State roads of inter-State and economic importance in such manner as may be prescribed;
4. formulation of criteria on the basis of which the specific projects of State roads of inter-State and economic importance are to be approved and financed out of share of State roads;
5. release of funds to the States for specific projects and monitoring of such projects and expenditure incurred thereon;
6. formulation of the criteria for allocation of the funds for such projects which are required to be implemented by the National Highways Authority of India and also for other projects for the development and maintenance of the national highways;
7. allocation of share of funds to each State and Union territory specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution;
8. allocation of –
a. fifty per cent. of the cess on high speed diesel oil for the development of rural roads in such manner as may be prescribed; and
b. the balance amount of fifty per cent. of cess on high speed diesel oil and the entire cess collected on petrol as follows:-
i. an amount equal to fifty-seven and one half per cent. of such sum for the development and maintenance of national highways;
ii. an amount equal to twelve and one half per cent. for the construction of road either under or over the railways by means of a bridge and erection of safety works at unmanned rail-road crossings; and
iii. the balance thirty per cent. on development and maintenance of roads other than national highways and out of this amount, ten per cent. that is three per cent. of the total share of State roads shall be kept as reserve by the Central Government for allocation to States for implementation of State road schemes of inter-State and economic importance to be approved by the Central Government in terms of clauses (iii) and
iv. of this section.
Functions of State government
1 - Regulation of intrastate trade and commerce insures that the state has the authority to impose taxes and laws upon businesses which operate within the boundaries of the state. This is not to be confused with interstate trade and commerce which is subject to federal regulation.
2 - States have the responsibility to oversee education and professional licensure within their borders. State licensing boards regulate professionals such as teachers, doctors, nurses, contractors, and cosmetologists, who must be licensed in order to practice within the boundaries of their states.
3 - State governments provide support and guidelines to city and county governments to make certain that they are operating in accordance to the laws outlined in the state constitution.
Functions of Zilla Parishad
1. The Zilla Parishad maintain District Development fund and utilize for any type of constructive work in District.
2. Implement the programmes as per directives of the State Government.
3. Zilla Parishad looks after safety, health, education, industry and financial aspect of the people living in the district.
4. They render advisory service to their Panchayat Samities.
5. They approve the budgets, plans of the plans of the Panchayat Samities.
6. Zilla Parishad plan for and prepare proposals for all items of developmental activities.
7. They supervise the work of different subjects undertaken by Panchayat Samiti in coordination.
8. They organize for various meetings of the members and officials.
9. They keep up to date records for various programme and documentation with the help of other Departments.
10. It works for the areas where Panchayat Samiti are defunct. The Zilla Parishad of Vice Government in respect of related matter of Rural Development.
Functions of Panchayat Samiti
1. Panchayat samiti has to channels all development programmes which would evoke people involvement and participation within their jurisdiction.
2. They have to exercise the powers for planning, executing and evaluating their programmes.
3. Panchayat Samiti has to secure firm support of the people for which the programme is implemented and continued.
4. The powers are used to make efficient use of local resources for whole taluka.
5. The powers are utilized to sanction the budget, plans and modification or the village level work at various locations.
6. The loans available with Development Department through Banks may be spent and recovered timely.
7. The President and Members of the Panchayat Samiti need to include economical, social and cultural aspects of Development Block.
8. Panchayat Samiti acts as inter-me diary for handing over the activities or official programme sanctioned by the Government at the village level.
9. Block Development Officer has to supervise over all programmes of the Panchayat Samiti and keeps on reporting to the higher authorities. He is supported with Subject Matter Specialists and Ministerial staff at his head quarter.
10. Panchayat Samiti has to reach the grass root level with felt need based programmes to the people. It has to certain the very specific local problems of different nature and the same have to be presented in the form of proposals to higher authority.
Functions of Gram Panchayat
a. Representative Functions:
The Sarpanch, Members and Gram Sevak represent the voice and opinion of the village people on behalf of the Gram Panchayat to the Taluka and Zilla level by attending the meetings or sending the official records.
b. Regulatory and Administrative Functions:
1. This institute solving the disputes of village people as individual or groups.
2. They control the behavior of people of people. Collect their opinion about various programmes.
3. Gram Panchayat implements the official programme given by the authorities.
4. Conduct regular meetings and keeps records for various departments.
5. The measures are enforced for the desired safety and sanitation of the village people.
c. Service or Development Functions:
1. Collection of taxes like house etc.
2. Promotion of educational, health, agriculture and communication facilities.
3. Providing health and drinking water facilities whenever the village people need.
4. Produce authentic documents regarding birth, death or property details of village people.
5. Looks after general welfare and immediate development of village e.g. road, fight, bazaar, community facilities etc.