Angiosperm: roots :: Phaeophyceae:a)Substratumb)Holdfastc)Prop rootd)R...
Angiosperm: Roots and Phaeophyceae: Holdfast
Angiosperms and Phaeophyceae are two different types of plants. Angiosperms are flowering plants that have roots, stems, and leaves, while Phaeophyceae are brown algae that grow in marine environments.
Roots are an essential part of angiosperms. They anchor the plant in the soil, absorb water and nutrients, and store food.
Similarly, holdfast is an essential structure for Phaeophyceae. It is a specialized structure that helps them attach to rocks, shells, or other substrates in the marine environment.
Holdfasts are made up of a complex network of branching structures that can grip onto surfaces with great force. They also secrete a sticky substance that helps to anchor them to the substrate.
Overall, roots and holdfasts serve a similar purpose in their respective plants, which is to anchor the plant to its environment and help it absorb nutrients.
Angiosperm: roots :: Phaeophyceae:a)Substratumb)Holdfastc)Prop rootd)R...
Phaeophyceae is brown algae the thallus is differentiated into a stalk like structure called stipe and holdfast so answer iS Holdfast