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1. Types of Tertiary Activities
There are four types of tertiary activities. They are trade, transport, communication and services. These include provision of services in exchange of payments.
A.Trade and commerce
Trade and commerce is essentially buying and selling of items produced elsewhere. The collection and distribution points where trading takes place are called trading centres. These centres are divided into:
(i) Rural Marketing Centres They are quasi urban and cater to local needs and areas. Most of these have mandis (wholesale markets) and retail markets. In rural areas, there are periodic markets that may be weekly or bi-weekly and people from the nearby areas meet their demands. These markets are held on specified dates and shopkeepers move from one place to another.
(ii) Urban Marketing Centres These markets sell ordinary as well as specialised goods and services, e.g. markets for labor, housing, semi or finished products. Services of educational institutions and professionals like teachers, doctors, lawyers also develop.
B. Retail Trading In this type of trading, goods are directly sold to consumers. This trading is done through fixed establishments or stores, small shops, consumer cooperatives, big departmental stores and chain stores. The chain stores buy commodities in bulk and then hire skilled specialists for executive tasks. Street peddling, handcarts, trucks, door-to-door, mail order, telephone and Internet are examples of non-store retail trading.
C. Wholesale Trading Here bulk buying takes place directly from the manufacturer by numerous intermediary merchants. The merchants/ wholesalers extend credit to retailers.
2.Quaternary Activities
The activities related to knowledge oriented, involving collection, production and dissemination of information come under quaternary activities. They centre around research development and may involve specialised knowledge and technical skills.
Software developers, mutual fund managers, doctors, accounting, brokerage firms are some examples of quaternary activities. They can be outsourced even as these are not tied to resources or affected by the environment or markets. This sector has replaced primary and secondary sector and absorbs half of the population in developed economies.
Quinary Activities
The activities that are highly specific and specialised are placed under it. These include high level decision-makers, administrators, government officials, research scientists, etc. They are also known as gold collar professions.
Outsourcing: -It means contracting out or giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency and to reduce cost. It is termed as off-shoring when work is transferred to overseas location.
Outsourcing provides employment in developing Countries of India, China, Botswana, etc. Information technology, human resources, customer support, call centres, data processing and other IT related services are examples of outsourcing.
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing which involves customer support services, call centres and similar other processes. The developed countries transfer these jobs as overhead costs are much lower making it profitable to get job work carried out.
KPO stands for a Knowledge Process Outsourcing which involves skilled workers and enables companies to create additional business opportunities, e.g. e-leaming, business research, etc.