Circulation | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC PDF Download

Heart Physiology Simplified

  • Heart as a Pump:
    • The heart is a central organ in the circulatory system.
    • It acts as a muscular pump to ensure continuous blood circulation.
  • Heart Structure:
    • Cone-shaped and muscular.
    • Comprises four chambers: right and left atria, right and left ventricles.
  • Blood Circulation:
    • Right atrium receives venous blood, directs it to the right ventricle.
    • Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
    • Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.
    • Left ventricle pumps oxygen-rich blood into the body's circulation through the aorta.
  • Cardiac Skeleton:
    • Non-contractile structures binding the heart's muscular parts.
    • Composed of dense connective tissue, located around large vessels at the heart's base.
  • Chamber Walls and Pressures:
    • Atria have thin walls, low intra-atrial pressures.
    • Left ventricular wall is thicker than the right, with higher ventricular pressures.
    • Muscle fibers in ventricles have unique organization influencing contraction.
  • Valves and Blood Flow:
    • Tricuspid valve in the right atrium-ventricle connection.
    • Mitral valve in the left atrium-ventricle connection.
    • Pulmonary valve and Aortic valve regulate blood flow from ventricles to lungs and body.

Cardiac Cycle Simplified

  • Definition:
    • The cardiac cycle spans from atrial depolarization initiation to the next atrial depolarization.
    • Divided into systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation) periods.
  • Systole (Contraction): Three phases during intraventricular pressure recordings:
    • Isovolumetric ventricular contraction.
    • Rapid ventricular ejection.
    • Reduced ventricular ejection.
  • Diastole (Relaxation):
    • Four phases during intraventricular pressure recordings:
    • Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation.
    • Rapid ventricular filling.
    • Slow ventricular filling (diastasis).
    • Ventricular filling assisted by atrial contraction.
  • Cycle Measurement:
    • Starts from ventricular contraction to the beginning of the next.
    • Includes electric, acoustic, pressure, flow, and volume changes.
  • Phases:
    • Two principal phases: ventricular contraction and ventricular relaxation.
    • Contraction phase is slightly affected by heart rate changes.
    • Relaxation phase shortens during cardiac acceleration.
  • Beat Initiation:
    • Sinoatrial node, a pacemaker in the right atrium, determines the beat interval.
    • Cardiac cycle initiated by depolarization waves in the atrium, seen as the P wave in ECG.
  • Events During Cycle:
    • Atrial contraction begins with the P wave, leading to A-V valve opening and blood ejection.
    • Atrial systole has a pressure rise known as the 'a' wave.
    • Ventricular or cardiac systole is from A-V valve closure to semilunar valve closure.
    • Ventricular or cardiac diastole is from semilunar valve closure to A-V valve closure in the next cycle.

Heart Sounds Simplified

  • Generation of Sounds:
    • Normal heart contractions create vibrations.
    • Placing ear or stethoscope on the chest captures audible heart sounds.
  • Types of Heart Sounds:
    • Each heartbeat produces two main sounds: lub-dub.
    • Additional sounds may occur: third and fourth heart sounds.
  • Timing and Causes:
    • First Sound (lub):
      • Occurs as ventricular systole begins.
      • Caused by closure of atrioventricular (A-V) valves.
    • Second Sound (dub):
      • Occurs at the end of ventricular systole.
      • Caused by closure of semilunar valves.
    • Third Sound (S):
      • Occurs early in ventricular diastole.
      • Associated with rapid ventricular filling.
    • Fourth Sound (S):
      • Precedes the second sound (dub).
      • Associated with atrial systole.
  • Characteristics: First sound is longer and lower pitched than the second sound.
  • Categorization of Sounds:
    • Heart sounds can be normal or abnormal.
    • Normal sounds: lub-dub, third and fourth heart sounds.
    • Abnormal sounds categorized as transients or murmurs.
    • Transients: brief sounds during the cardiac cycle.
    • Murmurs: prolonged vibrations during silent intervals in the cardiac cycle.

[Question: 968286]

Heart Beats and Blood Pressure

  • Influence on Blood Pressure:
    • Heartbeat affects blood pressure regulation.
    • Three factors influencing blood pressure: peripheral resistance, artery elasticity, and volume of flow.
  • Systole and Diastole:
    • Systole (Heart Contraction):
      • Arterial pressure increases.
      • Blood rapidly enters arteries, exceeding drainage rate through arterioles.
      • Arterial pressure rises.
    • Diastole (Heart Relaxation):
      • Arterial pressure decreases.
      • Blood passes through arterioles into capillaries.
      • Arterial pressure falls.
  • Heart Rate Impact:
    • Increased heart rate raises blood pressure.
    • Decreased heart rate lowers blood pressure.
    • The effect depends on constant factors like peripheral resistance, artery elasticity, and flow volume.
    • Opposing variations in rate and amplitude may nullify each other, causing no change in blood pressure.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Simplified

  • Purpose:
    • ECG records electrical potential differences during heart depolarization and repolarization.
  • Factors Influencing ECG: Requires information on:
    • Geometry of heart's resting and active boundary.
    • Heart position in the thorax and body volume.
    • Electrode position on the body surface.
  • P Wave and A-V Conduction Time:
    • During atrial depolarization, the small P wave appears.
    • PQ interval, from P wave onset to QRS complex onset, represents A-V conduction time.
    • Includes conduction over A-V node, atria, and Purkinje fibers.

Heart Excitation and Work Simplified

Heart Excitation

  • Excitation Path:
    • Starts from left ventricular endocardium, moves through the interventricular septum to the right.
    • Generates a small positive or negative wave.
    • Large depolarization fronts in hearts of certain animals like dogs, cats, primates, and rodents.
    • In ruminants, horses, swine, and birds, depolarization traverses the base of the interventricular septum from apex to base.
  • Ventricular Depolarization:
    • For animals like dogs and cats, apico-basilar activity in the basilar third of the interventricular septum.
    • Results in a relatively high magnitude deflection.
  • Ventricular Repolarization:
    • T wave represents ventricular repolarization.
    • Low magnitude and rate of voltage change.

Work, Power, and Efficiency

  • Pressure-Volume Work:
    • Product of ejected blood volume and resistance against which it is ejected.
    • Calculated using mean arterial pressure.
  • Velocity Imparting Work:
    • Estimated as half the product of average velocity squared and the mass of blood.
  • Total Work:
    • Sum of pressure-volume work and velocity imparting work.
    • Formula: W = PΔV + 1/2 * M * v².

Heart's Work and Efficiency Unveiled

  • Kinetic Energy Expenditure:
    • Usually less than 5 percent of the heart's work equation.
    • Might rise to 20 percent under unusual conditioning.
  • Pressure-Volume Work:
    • Left ventricle's work = Stroke volume (2 ml/kg) * Mean systemic arterial pressure (approx. 100 mm Hg) = 200 mm Hg ml/kg.
    • Right ventricle's work ≈ One-sixth of the left ventricle's, as it ejects against lower pulmonary arterial pressure (approx. 15 mm Hg).
    • Combined work of both ventricles = 7/6 times the left ventricle's work, around 230 units.
  • Work Expression:
    • Often expressed as 7/8 * stroke volume * mean arterial pressure.
    • Units are considered dimensionally correct in gram centimeter.
  • Efficiency Calculation:
    • Efficiency estimated by dividing thermal equivalent of useful work by potential work available from oxygen consumed.
    • Heart considered approximately 20 percent efficient as a mechanical pump.
  • Power of the Heart:
    • Work per unit of time is power.
    • Stroke power, representing contraction vigor, is calculated by dividing stroke work by the duration of isotonic ejection.

Ions' Impact on Heart Function

  • Resting Membrane Potential:
    • Dependent on Nn, K, and C1 ion distribution and permeability across the cell membrane.
    • Action potential characterized by depolarization and repolarization.
  • Ion Effects on Heart:
    • Potassium and sodium (to a lesser extent) have a depressing effect and favor diastole.
    • Calcium promotes systole; heart poisoning with calcium ions leads to systolic arrest or calcium rigor.
    • Studied by perfusing isolated hearts with ion-containing fluid.

Cardiac Muscle Metabolism

  • Syncytial Function:
    • Cardiac muscle cells function syncytially.
    • Nodal and Purkinje cells, specialized for action potential, lack contractile properties.
    • Nodal cells in sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes; Purkinje cells in ventricular septum (Bundle of His).
  • Pacemaker - Sinoatrial Node:
    • Sinoatrial node acts as the pacemaker, initiating spontaneous rhythmic contractions.
    • Action potentials generated here, transmitted across the Bundle of His.
    • Heart's ability for spontaneous depolarization waves termed chronotropism.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG):
    • Records electrical charge alternations in various body parts due to heart's electrical activity.
    • Essential for assessing heart health.
  • Cardiac Output:
    • Volume of blood each ventricle ejects.
    • Expressed as stroke volume (ml/beat) or minute volume (ml/min).
    • Corrected for body weight (ml/kg/min) or body surface area as cardiac index (ml or Veq m/min).

[Question: 968288]

Nervous and Chemical Control of the Heart

Regulatory Mechanisms

  • Extrinsic Regulation:
    • Involves external factors like nerves and hormones.
    • Sympathetic activation increases heart force and rate, while parasympathetic activation has the opposite effect.
    • Agents affecting contraction without altering fiber strain are termed inotropes.
  • Intrinsic Regulation:
    • Involves autoregulation without external influence.
    • Heterometric: Alters force by changing fiber length.
    • Homeometric: Alters force without changing fiber length.

Autonomic Nervous System

  • Sympathetic Activation:
    • Increases heart force and rate.
    • Originates from the hypothalamus, releasing norepinephrine via adrenal medulla.
    • Augments nerves play a role in heart rate control.
  • Parasympathetic Activation:
    • Cardioinhibitory fibers in vagus nerves.
    • Preganglionic fibers with a negative chronotropic effect (slows heart rate).
    • Directly depresses atrial contraction (negative inotropic effect).

Effect of Temperature and Stress on the Heart

  • Temperature Impact:
    • Regulated by homeostasis, ensuring balance in high or low temperatures.
    • Physiological and pathological cardiovascular responses to stress involve complex reflex mechanisms.
    • Neural reflexes in the central nervous system (CNS) can be modified based on stimuli and environmental factors.
  • Stress on the Heart:
    • Cardiovascular reactions to stimuli like fear, anxiety, hypoxia, and temperature changes.
    • Neural systems adapt cardiovascular function to specific circumstances and stimuli.
    • Discreteness and differentiation of the nervous system are evident in responses like blushing, blood flow redistribution, and cardiac arrhythmias.
    • Intense or sustained adaptation reactions may indicate signs of disease.

Blood Pressure and Hypertension

  • Blood Pressure Overview:
    • Force exerted on blood vessel walls, usually measured in mm Hg.
    • Pressure gradient exists from aorta to the right atrium, influencing blood flow.
    • Arterioles are the main site of resistance in the systemic circuit.
  • Blood Pressure Measurements:
    • Pressure in arteries fluctuates during the cardiac cycle.
    • Systolic pressure is the peak, diastolic is the minimum, and pulse pressure is the difference between them.
    • Mean arterial pressure is an intermediate value, closer to diastolic pressure.
    • Two methods: direct (using catheter) and indirect (using a cuff and sphygmomanometer).
  • Hypertension:
    • Persistently high blood pressure leading to heart disease.
    • Three types: essential hypertension, malignant hypertension, and hypertension associated with organic diseases (nephritis, arteriosclerosis).

Influences on Blood Pressure

  • Factors Affecting Blood Pressure:
    • Heartbeat, peripheral resistance, arterial elasticity, and blood flow volume play roles in blood pressure regulation.
  • Osmotic Regulation:
    • About two-thirds of body weight is water, distributed between intracellular and extracellular fluids.
    • Hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures, influenced by plasma proteins, sodium, and potassium, govern water distribution.
    • Oncotic pressure, a result of plasma proteins, restrains fluid movement from plasma to interstitial fluid.
  • Na (Sodium) Regulation:
    • Na concentration controls 90% of osmotic pressure, influencing body fluid osmolality.
    • Osmo Na receptors, antidiuretic hormone, thirst mechanism, and aldosterone help regulate Na-dependent osmolality.
    • Various mechanisms involving dissolved solutes work to maintain total body fluid and osmolality.
  • Arterial Pulse:
    • Pulse is the wave of expansion and elongation originating at the aorta's root due to varying aortic pressure during each heart beat.
    • The pulse travels through the arterial system and disappears at arterioles.
    • Left ventricular contraction forces blood into the aorta. Two ways accommodate the discharged blood: moving the entire blood mass forward or stretching arterial walls to accommodate new blood.

Vasomotor Regulation of Circulation

  • Arterial Pulse:
    • The pulsating expansion and recoil of arterial walls transmit pulse waves, originating at the aorta and moving through the arteries.
    • Pulse reflects the distension and recoil of arterial walls.
  • Vasomotor Regulation:
    • Deals with maintaining the caliber (diameter) of smaller blood vessels and ensuring blood supply to body tissues.
    • Involves various influences like nervous and chemical factors that alter blood vessel caliber.
    • Aims to regulate blood flow through tissues, control peripheral resistance, maintain blood pressure, and shift blood supply based on organ demands.
  • Neural Control:
    • Vasomotor or arteriomotor nerves play a crucial role.
    • Two types: vasoconstrictor (narrows vessels) and vasodilator (widens vessels).
    • Vasomotor centers in the brain, originating nerves along the spinal cord, regulate vessel diameter.
  • Vasoconstrictor Center:
    • Bilateral center between the pons and upper spinal cord.
    • Constrictor fibers descend in the spinal cord's lateral funiculus.
    • Tonus (baseline activity) is influenced by factors like increased carbon dioxide and continuous afferent impulses.
    • Subsidiary vasoconstrictor centers in the spinal cord under higher centers' control.
  • Vasodilator Center:
    • Located bilaterally near vasoconstrictor centers.
    • Primarily involved in generalized vasodilation.
    • Stimulation leads to reciprocal inhibition of constrictor centers, causing a blood pressure drop.
  • Vasomotor Reflexes:
    • Pressor reflex raises blood pressure, responding to reflex stimulation.
    • Depressor reflex lowers blood pressure in response to a decrease.
    • Other reflexes from the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, cutaneous areas, chemoreceptors, and intestines affect vasomotor centers.
  • Nerve Origin and Function:
    • Vasoconstrictor nerves from vasomotor center supply head, neck, limbs, lungs, coronary arteries, abdominal and pelvic organs, and hindlimbs.
    • Vasodilator nerves include cholinergic (parasympathetic) and adrenergic (sympathetic) fibers.
    • Sympathetic vasodilator fibers from the motor cortex have cholinergic and adrenergic components.

Circulatory Shock: Causes and Characteristics

Definition of Shock

  • Circulatory shock is a condition marked by a severe lack of blood perfusion to tissues, often following injury.
  • It results in low blood pressure, widespread tissue hypoperfusion, and oxygen deficiency.

Types of Shock

  • Hypovolemic Shock: Caused by a significant loss of blood (more than 30% of total blood volume), as seen in trauma or severe dehydration.
  • Cardiogenic Shock: Resulting from heart-related issues, such as a heart attack (myocardial infarction).
  • Septic Shock: Triggered by severe infections, activating various pressor mechanisms.
  • Traumatic Shock: Occurs due to local loss of plasma in injured areas.
  • Anaphylactic Shock: Arises from severe allergic reactions, causing peripheral circulatory failure.
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Clinical Signs of Shock

  • Cold Skin: Exposed areas feel cold due to blood vessel constriction.
  • Pale and Cyanotic Mucous Membranes: Visible membranes lack color due to reduced blood flow.
  • Rapid Breathing: Increased breathing rate.
  • Small, High-Pitched Pulse: Pulse is small in amplitude and elevated in rate.
  • Dilated Pupils: Enlarged pupils, sometimes with lacrimation.
  • Body Temperature Drop: A decrease in body temperature is observed.

Causes and Therapeutic Approaches

  • Septic Shock: Initiated by acute septicemia, may involve hypovolemia.
  • Cardiogenic Shock: Linked to myocardial infarction (heart attack).
  • Hemorrhagic Shock: Irreversible or reversible hypovolemic shock due to significant bleeding.
  • Traumatic Shock: Resulting from localized loss of plasma in injured areas.
  • Anaphylactic Shock: Caused by severe allergic reactions.


  • Treatment varies based on the type of shock.
  • Septic Shock: Requires surgical drainage and antibacterial therapy.
  • Cardiogenic Shock: May involve the use of medications like digitalis.
  • Anaphylactic Shock: Treatment often includes epinephrine.
  • Hemorrhagic Shock: Involves volume replacement.

[Question: 968287]

Coronary and Pulmonary Circulation Simplified

Coronary Circulation

  • Heart Muscle Blood Supply:
    • The heart muscle receives blood through two vessels: the right coronary artery and the left coronary artery.
    • Blood circulation begins at the coronary orifices in the aorta, connecting to the ventricular muscle.
  • Arterial Network:
    • Arteries branch into numerous capillaries within the heart muscle, ensuring sufficient blood supply.
    • Capillaries eventually reunite to form coronary veins.
  • Venous System:
    • Two main parts: a superficial network and a deep vein system.
    • The coronary sinus, part of the superficial system, drains most of the left heart, while anterior cardiac veins drain the right heart.
    • The deep system includes arterioluminal, arteriocapillary, and Thebesian systems, draining directly into heart chambers.
  • Communication with Aorta:
    • Orifices in the aorta allow continuous communication during both heart contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole).
    • In some animals, the left coronary artery is more critical, while in mammals, including humans, the right coronary artery is more developed.

Pulmonary Circulation

  • Blood Flow to Lungs:
    • Pulmonary circulation involves blood flow between the heart and the lungs.
  • Right Side of the Heart:
    • Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the right atrium.
    • It then moves to the right ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs via the pulmonary artery.
  • Gas Exchange in Lungs:
    • In the lungs, oxygen is taken in, and carbon dioxide is released.
  • Left Side of the Heart:
    • Oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.
    • From the left atrium, it goes to the left ventricle, which pumps it out to the rest of the body.

Blood-Brain Barrier Simplified

  • Specialized Barrier:
    • The central nervous system (CNS) has limited fluid.
    • A unique structure, the blood-brain barrier (BBB), controls the movement of substances between the blood and CNS cells.
  • BBB Location:
    • Astrocytes, a type of glial cell in the CNS, house the BBB.
    • Capillaries in the CNS are covered with astrocyte processes.
  • Material Transport:
    • Materials move from capillaries to the CNS interstitial space.
    • Some substances directly reach nerves, while others enter astrocyte processes.
    • Astrocytes transport materials to neurons through their processes.
  • Selective Entrance:
    • Astrocytic cells act as a medium for material transport from blood to CNS neurons.
    • Selectivity is maintained, allowing lipid-soluble substances to pass rapidly, while water-soluble materials are mostly restricted to the CNS extracellular space.
  • Functional Importance:
    • BBB creates a functional barrier between blood and brain.
    • Crucial for nutrient utilization by the brain, drug effectiveness, and protection against the harmful effects of viruses and toxins on brain tissue.
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Cerebrospinal Fluid Simplified

  • Complete CNS Coverage:
    • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounds the brain and spinal cord, acting as a protective cushion.
  • Functions:
    • Cushions and supports the central nervous system.
    • Provides essential nutrients.
    • Acts as a drainage system for metabolic waste products from the CNS.
  • Formation:
    • Produced by choroid plexuses in the brain's ventricles.
    • Different from blood plasma due to selective permeability.
    • Ultrafiltrate of blood, with lower protein concentrations.
  • Composition:
    • Watery and thin, resembling a 'neural urine.'
    • Low protein content; higher sodium, chloride, and magnesium; lower potassium, calcium, urea, and glucose compared to plasma.
    • Similar pH to plasma; usually lacks cellular elements.
  • Cushioning Role:
    • Fills spinal cord canal, brain ventricles, and subarachnoid space, providing a cushion for the brain and spinal cord.
    • Balances changes in blood volume within the cranium to maintain constant cranial content.
  • Chemical Composition in Cattle (mg/100 ml):
    • Calcium: 5.1-6.3
    • Chloride: 650-725
    • Potassium: 11.2-13.8
    • Total Protein: 16-33
    • Creatinine: 1.4
    • Non-protein Nitrogen: 16
    • Urea Nitrogen: 10.8
    • Glucose: 35-70
  • Pressure and Production:
    • Normal pressure: 110-175 mm of H2O.
    • Continuously produced at a rate of 0.1-0.3 ml per minute.
    • Average CSF volume in humans: 60-80 ml.

Bird Circulation Simplified

  • Heart Position:
    • The heart in birds is situated in the cranial part of the body cavity, beneath the sternum, within the pericardium.
  • Heart Structure:
    • Avian hearts closely resemble mammalian hearts.
    • Notable difference: Thick muscular fold in the right atrioventricular valve, distinct from mammals.
  • Blood Flow:
    • Venous blood returns to the right atrium via three vena cavae.
    • Oxygenated blood from lungs returns through a single pulmonary vein.
    • Left ventricle powers high-pressure systemic circulation, thicker than the right ventricle.
    • Normally, two coronary arteries exist, with the right one dominant.
  • Veins and Blood Return:
    • Four major veins return blood from the myocardium to the right atrium.
    • Dorsal cardiac vein is the largest.
    • Left cardiac vein is the second largest.
    • Additional routes for venous blood return have been described.
  • Node System:
    • Sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, atrioventricular bundle, and branches in birds resemble mammalian systems.
    • Some birds may have a third node (truncobialbar).
  • Blood Distribution:
    • Blood volume remains constant but varies in distribution based on tissue metabolic activity.
    • Left side acts as the "Pressure Pump," handling pressure changes.
    • Right side functions as the "Volume Pump," handling variable blood volumes.
  • Blood Pressure:
    • Blood pressure varies with age, sex, breed, and health state.
    • Average: 168 mm Hg (systolic), 136 mm Hg (diastolic), with a pulse pressure of about 30 mm Hg.
  • Heartbeat Frequency:
    • Adult fowl heartbeat ranges from 350 to 450 beats per minute.
  • Cardiac Output:
    • Varies among bird species; in chickens, it's about 250 to 280 ml per minute.

Major Arteries and Veins in Birds Simplified

Major Arteries

  • Aorta: Main artery originating from the heart.
  • Coronary Arteries: Left and right coronary arteries supplying the heart muscle.
  • Brachiocephalic Trunks: Supplying blood to various parts including flight muscles, wings, and thoracic spaces.
  • Subclavian Artery: Branching from the ascending aorta, supplies pectoral and brachial arteries.
  • Internal Thoracic Artery: Supplies cranial body cavity and ventral intercostal spaces.
  • Common Carotid Artery: Short artery supplying structures in the head and neck.
  • Vertebral and Vagus Arteries: Supplying structures in the neck, forming anastomoses with the occipital artery.
  • Internal Carotid Artery: Continuing from the common carotid, terminates in external ophthalmic and cerebral carotid arteries.
  • Intercarotid Anastomoses: Avian counterpart of mammalian circle of Willis, providing collateral blood supply to the brain.

Descending Aorta

  • Branching into left and right pulmonary arteries, supplying various body parts along its course.
  • Cranial Aorta Structure: Different from caudal aorta, efficiently resisting over-dilation and preventing atherosclerosis.
  • Caudal Aorta: Becomes less elastic, more muscular, and prone to atherosclerosis after the cranial mesenteric artery.


  • Generally parallel to arteries.
  • Alimentary Canal Drainage: Drains into hepatic portal and renal portal systems.
  • Hepatic Veins: Connect to the posterior vena cava, a short distance below the heart.
  • Structure: Veins have similar layers as arteries but greater innervation, with nerves penetrating the entire thickness.

Cardiac Features

  • Atrial Subendocardial Purkinje Fibre System: Present in the avian heart.
  • Purkinje Fibre System of Muscular A-V Valve: Present in the muscular right atrioventricular valve.

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In coronary circulation, which vessels branch into numerous capillaries within the heart muscle?
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FAQs on Circulation - Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

1. What is the cardiac cycle and how does it work?
Ans. The cardiac cycle refers to the sequence of events that occur during one complete heartbeat. It involves the contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) of the heart chambers. During systole, the ventricles contract and pump blood out of the heart, while during diastole, the ventricles relax and fill with blood. This process ensures continuous blood circulation throughout the body.
2. What are the main heart sounds and what do they signify?
Ans. The main heart sounds are "lub" and "dub," also known as S1 and S2. The "lub" sound occurs during ventricular systole when the atrioventricular valves close, signifying the beginning of systole. The "dub" sound occurs during ventricular diastole when the semilunar valves close, signifying the end of systole. These sounds indicate the proper functioning of the heart valves.
3. How does blood pressure relate to heartbeats?
Ans. Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries. It is directly influenced by the contractions of the heart, or heartbeats. During systole, when the ventricles contract and pump blood, blood pressure increases. During diastole, when the ventricles relax and fill with blood, blood pressure decreases. The rhythmic nature of heartbeats ensures the continuous flow of blood and maintains blood pressure.
4. What is an electrocardiogram (ECG) and how does it work?
Ans. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a medical test that records the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is commonly used to diagnose heart conditions. During an ECG, electrodes are placed on the skin to detect the electrical signals produced by the heart. These signals are then amplified and displayed as a graph, showing the different phases of the cardiac cycle, the heart rate, and any abnormalities in the heart's electrical activity.
5. How is the heart controlled by the nervous and chemical systems?
Ans. The heart is controlled by both the nervous and chemical systems. The autonomic nervous system, specifically the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, regulates heart rate and contraction strength. The sympathetic division increases heart rate and contraction strength, while the parasympathetic division decreases them. Additionally, chemical signals such as hormones, like adrenaline, can also influence heart rate and contraction strength. These control systems ensure the heart functions in response to the body's needs.

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