Genetic variability pertains to many advantages and disadvantages, many of the genes maintained by natural selection in a population are disadvantageous to it if their carriers are in homozygous state. The concept of genetic load was given by Haldane (1949) and Muller (1950). It hovers around an idea that the genotypes in a population have a mixture where one is better than the other. Genetic load is the difference between the fitness of an expected optimal genotype with the fitness of observed average genotype in a population. It accompanies with a loss of a portion of individual known as genetic death as there is a probability of an organism failing to reach the reproductive age. This fact is important to study by scientist as the population with too high genetic load will be in danger of going extinct as the organism are unable to survive and reproduce viable offspring. For instance if a gene is deleterious in homozygous state the frequency of homozygotes before and after selection will be as follows
Thus the incurred genetic load by the individuals with aa genotype is sq2 , if there were 100 individuals in the population before selection, 100sq are eliminated because of genetic imperfection.
The value sq2 equals the mutation rate at equilibrium A→a, which is mutation cause by recessive deleterious gene, is equal to the mutation rate. On keeping the mutation rate constant a little difference can be seen in genetic load whether the Darwinian fitness s is small or large. High selection coefficient will lead to rapid elimination of genes (low q) whereas a low selection coefficient will let the gene to remain in the population (high q).
Mutational load
Segregational Load
Sexual reproduction
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