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Sedimentary Facies and Provenance | Geology Optional Notes for UPSC PDF Download

Definition of Sedimentary Environment

  • An area on the Earth's surface where sediments are deposited and can be physically, chemically, and biologically separated from adjacent terrains.

Types of Sedimentary Environments

Erosional Environments

  • Areas where sediments are eroded away.
  • Not likely to be preserved in the stratigraphic record.

Depositional Environments

Areas where sediments are deposited and preserved in the stratigraphic record.

Equilibrial Environments

  • Non-depositional environments occurring on land and sea.
  • Transportation is the dominant mechanism.

Identification of Ancient Sedimentary Environments

  • Ancient environments are identified by comparing them with modern counterparts.

  • Analysis involves studying sedimentary products in rocks from ancient and modern settings.

Challenges in Reconstruction

  • Inconsistencies and variations in depositional associations over time complicate reconstruction.

Major Criteria for Recognizing Sedimentary Environments

Physical Characteristics

  • Bedding features, formation contacts, sedimentary structures, and directional properties.

Chemical Analysis

  • Rock composition, major mineral constituents, and authigenic minerals.
  • Evidence of solution or nodule accumulation.

Biological Characteristics

  • Organic materials, such as floral and faunal assemblages.
  • Crucial for environmental interpretation.

Ancient Sedimentary Environments

  • Characterized by genetically related successions of sedimentary rocks.
  • Deposits record environmental changes over time and space.
  • Unique sedimentary structures are specific to certain environments.

Primary Structures and Depositional Facies

  • Reveal mechanisms of rock formation.
  • Categorized into depositional facies based on primary structures.
  • Depositional facies represent the outcomes of processes in specific environments.

Facies Analysis

Definition of Facies

  • Term introduced by Gressly in 1838, derived from the Latin word for "aspect" or "appearance."
  • Defined as "a body of rock with specified characteristics" (Reading, 1986).
  • Described as "a body of rock characterized by a particular combination of lithology, physical and biological structures" (Walker, 1993).

Key Aspects of Facies

  • Sedimentary facies are unique, with no two being identical.

Applied in various contexts

  • Observational (e.g., sandstone facies).
  • Genetic (e.g., turbidite facies).
  • Environmental (e.g., fluvial facies).
  • Tectonic (e.g., post-orogenic facies).

Facies Descriptions

  • Emphasize uniqueness within geologic settings.
  • Subfacies account for minor variations.
  • Analysis of facies groups, their temporal distribution, and spatial arrangement is essential for understanding depositional environments.

Facies Associations and Interpretations

Facies Associations

  • Groups of genetically related facies with environmental significance.
  • Fundamental in understanding sedimentation dynamics and depositional environments.

Facies Succession

  • Vertical or lateral changes in facies properties.
  • Examples: Coarsening upward indicating progressive changes in grain size and flow energy.

Paleogeographic Interpretations

  • Facies associations predict geographic distribution of facies in the past.
  • Fossil evidence aids in reconstructing paleogeography.

Significance of Facies Associations

  • Provide insights into past environments and sedimentary dynamics.
  • Crucial for depositional and paleogeographic interpretations.

Facies Analysis in Geology

Key Concepts

  • Fossils in facies remain undamaged during diagenesis, aiding environmental interpretation.

Walther's Law of the Correlation of Facies

  • Gradational transitions indicate genetic relationships.
  • Sharp/erosional contacts suggest unrelated facies.

Facies Analysis Process

  • Systematic classification of rocks based on sedimentation processes.
  • Essential for paleogeography and basin analysis.
  • Idealized facies models combine ancient and modern sedimentary rock features.

Facies Models


  • Simplified representation of a sedimentary environment.
  • Highlights typical distribution of facies over time and space.


  • Summarize general attributes of sedimentary environments.
  • Derive universally applicable models.
  • Provide a framework for studying new areas.

Classification of Sedimentary Environments

Continental Environments

  • Examples: Fluvial, alluvial fan, eolian, lacustrine, and glacial environments.

Transitional Environments

  • Examples: Deltaic, estuarine, beach, barrier island & lagoonal, tidal flat environments.

Marine Environments

  • Examples: Reef, continental shelf, and continental slope environments.

Key Characteristics of Sedimentary Environments

1. Continental Environments
Alluvial Fan & Fluvial

  • Rocks: Breccia, conglomerate, arkose.


  • Rocks: Sandstone, siltstone, shale, coal.
  • Features: Brown/red colors, varying grain shapes.


  • Rocks: Sandstone, siltstone, shale, occasional coal.
  • Features: Fining upward deposits.

2. Transitional Environments

Desert (Dunes):

  • Rocks: Quartz arenite (sandstone).


  • Rocks: Siltstone, shale, limestone, gypsum.

Tidal Flat:

  • Rocks: Terrigenous, carbonate, evaporites.
  • Features: Tracks, trails, burrows, stromatolites.

Marine Environments:

  • Continental Slope and Shelf Rise: Rocks: Sandstone, litharenite, siltstone, shale, limestone.
  • Abyssal Plain: Rocks: Shale, chert, micrite, chalk, diatomite.

Sedimentary Structures


  • Well-sorted sediment: Uniform grain size.
  • Poorly sorted sediment: Wide range of grain sizes.

Inorganic Structures

  • Laminations, graded bedding, cross-bedding.

Organic/Biogenic Structures

  • Fossils, tracks, burrows, marine shells.


  • Features: Cross-bedding, laminations, marks.

Corals and Marine Shells

  • Biogenic structures preserved in sedimentary rocks.
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