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UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Agriculture Paper 1 (Section- B) | Agriculture Optional Notes for UPSC PDF Download

Section - B

Q5: Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Leaf colour chart and its use for nitrogen management in rice crop.
The Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) is a valuable tool used in agriculture, particularly in rice cultivation, for efficient nitrogen management. Nitrogen is a crucial nutrient for plant growth, and its proper management is essential to optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts such as nitrogen runoff. The LCC provides a simple and cost-effective method for assessing the nitrogen status of rice crops, helping farmers make informed decisions about nitrogen fertilizer application. In this discussion, we will explore the use of the Leaf Colour Chart for nitrogen management in rice crops.

Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) and Its Use in Nitrogen Management:

  • Principle of the LCC: The LCC is based on the principle that the leaf colour of a rice plant reflects its nitrogen status. As the rice plant experiences nitrogen deficiency, the leaves become progressively lighter in colour.
  • LCC Categories: The LCC typically consists of several color-coded squares or charts, each representing a different level of leaf greenness or nitrogen status. These categories range from dark green (indicating sufficient nitrogen) to light green or yellow (indicating nitrogen deficiency).
  • Field Application: Farmers or field technicians take a representative sample of rice leaves from the field and compare their colour to the LCC chart. The chart square that best matches the leaf colour is used to assess the nitrogen status of the crop.
  • Nitrogen Fertilizer Adjustment: Based on the LCC assessment, farmers can make informed decisions regarding nitrogen fertilizer application. If the leaves match a category indicating nitrogen deficiency, additional nitrogen fertilizer may be required. If the leaves are in the dark green category, nitrogen application may be reduced to avoid excessive use.
  • Timing of Nitrogen Application: The LCC can also help in determining the timing of nitrogen application. If deficiency is detected during specific growth stages, targeted nitrogen application can be applied to address the deficiency.

Advantages of Using the Leaf Colour Chart:

  • Cost-Effective: The LCC is a low-cost tool that doesn't require expensive equipment or laboratory analysis.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Farmers can assess nitrogen status in real time, allowing for timely adjustments in nitrogen management.
  • Improved Nitrogen Use Efficiency: By matching nitrogen application to crop needs, the LCC helps improve nitrogen use efficiency, reducing waste and environmental impacts.

Examples of LCC Use in Rice Cultivation:

  • India: In India, the use of the LCC has become widespread in rice-growing regions like Punjab and Haryana. Farmers use LCCs to fine-tune their nitrogen fertilizer application, resulting in increased yields and reduced nitrogen runoff.
  • Vietnam: Vietnamese rice farmers have adopted the LCC as a practical tool to manage nitrogen in their fields. This has contributed to more sustainable rice production practices.

The Leaf Colour Chart is a valuable tool for nitrogen management in rice cultivation. It enables farmers to assess the nitrogen status of their crops quickly and make informed decisions about nitrogen fertilizer application. By optimizing nitrogen use through the LCC, farmers can achieve higher yields, reduce production costs, and minimize environmental impacts, contributing to sustainable rice production and food security.

(b) Agronomic manipulation for preventing soil erosion. 
Soil erosion is a significant environmental concern that can lead to the loss of fertile topsoil, reduced agricultural productivity, and adverse effects on water quality. Agronomic practices play a crucial role in preventing soil erosion by enhancing soil structure, reducing runoff, and promoting vegetation cover. In this discussion, we will explore agronomic manipulation strategies for preventing soil erosion, highlighting their effectiveness and importance in sustainable agriculture.

Agronomic Manipulation for Preventing Soil Erosion:

  • Cover Cropping: Planting cover crops such as legumes, grasses, and clovers between cash crops helps protect the soil from erosion. These cover crops reduce runoff, improve soil structure, and provide ground cover that shields the soil from raindrop impact.
  • Crop Rotation: Implementing diverse crop rotations can help prevent soil erosion. Different crops have varying root structures and nutrient requirements, which can enhance soil stability and fertility. For example, deep-rooted crops like corn can help bind the soil and reduce erosion.
  • No-Till Farming: No-till or reduced tillage practices leave crop residues on the field surface, reducing soil exposure to erosive forces. This approach also improves soil organic matter content, enhancing its ability to resist erosion.
  • Contour Farming: Contour farming involves planting crops along the contour lines of sloping land. This practice reduces water runoff and allows for better water infiltration, minimizing erosion on slopes.
  • Terracing: Terracing involves creating level steps or terraces on steep slopes. These terraces trap rainwater, reducing its speed and erosive force. Terracing is particularly effective in hilly or mountainous regions.
  • Strip Cropping: Strip cropping alternates rows of erosion-prone crops with rows of erosion-resistant crops. For example, alternating corn with grass strips can reduce soil erosion by intercepting runoff and protecting the soil.
  • Grassed Waterways: Grassed waterways are strategically designed channels planted with grass or other vegetation. They slow down and filter runoff, reducing its erosive potential as it moves through the landscape.

Examples of Agronomic Practices in Soil Erosion Prevention:

  • United States: In the U.S., the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) encourages farmers to plant erosion-reducing grasses and trees on vulnerable cropland, preventing soil erosion and enhancing wildlife habitat.
  • China: China has implemented large-scale terracing projects in regions like the Loess Plateau to combat severe soil erosion. These terraces help stabilize the soil and conserve water resources.

Agronomic manipulation is a crucial component of soil erosion prevention in agriculture. By adopting practices such as cover cropping, crop rotation, no-till farming, contour farming, and terracing, farmers can protect their soil from erosion, improve soil health, and promote sustainable land management. These practices not only conserve valuable topsoil but also contribute to enhanced crop yields, reduced environmental impacts, and long-term agricultural sustainability.

(c) Soil health card.
A Soil Health Card (SHC) is a document that provides information about the health and nutrient content of a specific soil sample. Soil health cards are instrumental tools in modern agriculture, helping farmers make informed decisions regarding crop management, nutrient application, and soil conservation practices. They aim to improve soil fertility, enhance crop yields, and promote sustainable farming practices. In this discussion, we will explore the key features, benefits, and examples of soil health cards.

Key Features of Soil Health Cards:

  • Soil Analysis Data: Soil health cards contain information on various soil parameters, including nutrient content (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), pH levels, organic matter content, and micro-nutrient status. This data is typically obtained through laboratory analysis of soil samples.
  • Crop-Specific Recommendations: Based on the soil analysis, the card provides specific recommendations for crop cultivation, including appropriate fertilizer application rates and nutrient management practices.
  • Nutrient Deficiency Identification: Soil health cards help identify nutrient deficiencies or excesses in the soil, allowing farmers to rectify these issues through targeted nutrient application.
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: The cards may include recommendations for sustainable farming practices such as crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of organic matter to improve soil health.
  • Periodic Updates: Soil health cards are typically issued periodically (e.g., annually or biennially) to account for changes in soil conditions and to provide updated recommendations.

Benefits of Soil Health Cards:

  • Improved Crop Yields: By providing tailored recommendations for nutrient management, soil health cards help farmers optimize fertilizer use, resulting in improved crop yields and quality.
  • Cost Savings: Farmers can avoid overuse of fertilizers and reduce production costs by following the recommended nutrient application rates, leading to improved profitability.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Soil health cards promote sustainable farming practices that enhance soil fertility, reduce soil erosion, and minimize the environmental impact of agriculture.
  • Preservation of Soil Health: Regular soil testing and monitoring through soil health cards contribute to the long-term preservation and improvement of soil health.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Farmers can make informed decisions about crop selection and management based on soil analysis data, ultimately leading to more successful and resilient farming practices.

Examples of Soil Health Card Programs:

  • India: The Government of India launched the Soil Health Card Scheme in 2015 as part of its mission to promote soil health and sustainable agriculture. Under this program, soil samples are collected from farmers' fields, analyzed in accredited laboratories, and soil health cards are provided to farmers with nutrient recommendations.
  • United States: Various states in the U.S. offer soil testing and nutrient management programs to farmers. For example, the University of Illinois Extension provides soil testing services and recommendations to help Illinois farmers make informed nutrient management decisions.

Soil health cards are valuable tools that bridge the gap between soil science and practical farming. They empower farmers with knowledge about their soil's nutrient status and provide recommendations to enhance soil health and crop productivity. By promoting sustainable farming practices and efficient nutrient management, soil health cards contribute to the overall well-being of agricultural systems and help ensure food security for the future.

(d) Biodrainage and its limitations.
Biodrainage is an eco-friendly and sustainable technique used to manage excess water in agricultural fields and improve soil and water quality. Unlike conventional drainage systems that rely on pipes and ditches, biodrainage employs vegetation, particularly deep-rooted plants, to naturally remove excess water from the soil. While biodrainage offers several benefits, it also has limitations that need to be considered. In this discussion, we will explore the concept of biodrainage, its advantages, and its limitations.

Advantages of Biodrainage:

  • Natural Water Removal: Biodrainage harnesses the natural water-absorbing capabilities of deep-rooted plants. These plants can effectively lower the water table by taking up excess moisture through transpiration and evapotranspiration processes.
  • Soil Improvement: The presence of deep-rooted vegetation enhances soil structure and aeration. Biodrainage can help reduce soil compaction and improve overall soil health.
  • Water Quality Improvement: As plants take up excess water, they also filter out contaminants and nutrients. Biodrainage can help mitigate the loss of nutrients like nitrates and phosphates from fields, thus improving water quality.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Biodrainage is an eco-friendly approach that minimizes the need for energy-intensive drainage systems. It also supports biodiversity by providing habitat and food for various species.

Limitations of Biodrainage:

  • Plant Selection: The effectiveness of biodrainage depends on the choice of plant species. Not all plants are suitable for this purpose, and selecting the wrong species can limit the success of the system.
  • Slow Implementation: Biodrainage may take time to establish and become fully effective. In contrast, conventional drainage systems can be quickly installed and provide immediate results.
  • Climate Dependence: Biodrainage effectiveness can vary with climate conditions. In arid regions, for instance, the rate of water uptake by plants may not be sufficient to address excess moisture.
  • Maintenance: Biodrainage systems require ongoing maintenance, including regular pruning and management of vegetation. If neglected, the system's effectiveness can decline.
  • Land Use: Biodrainage may not be suitable for all types of land use. For example, in intensive crop production systems, the space occupied by deep-rooted vegetation may reduce the area available for cultivation.

Examples of Biodrainage:

  • Willow Biodrainage in Sweden: Willow trees (Salix spp.) with deep roots are used in biodrainage systems in Sweden to lower the water table in waterlogged areas. These trees take up excess water and can also be harvested for biomass.
  • Constructed Wetlands: Constructed wetlands are a form of biodrainage where native wetland plants are used to naturally treat wastewater and remove excess nutrients. This approach is commonly used in wastewater treatment facilities.

Biodrainage is a sustainable and eco-friendly approach for managing excess water in agricultural fields while improving soil and water quality. However, its limitations, such as plant selection, climate dependence, and maintenance requirements, need to be carefully considered when implementing the system. When appropriately designed and managed, biodrainage can provide valuable benefits for both agriculture and the environment, contributing to sustainable land and water management.

(e) e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) and its advantages. 
The National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is an innovative digital platform in India that was launched to facilitate the electronic trading of agricultural commodities. e-NAM aims to create a unified national market for agricultural produce, connecting agricultural markets (mandis) across the country through a common online platform. It was introduced to improve transparency, reduce market inefficiencies, and provide farmers with better access to a wider market. In this discussion, we will explore the advantages of e-NAM.

Advantages of e-NAM (National Agriculture Market):

  • Wider Market Access: e-NAM connects farmers to a nationwide network of agricultural markets, allowing them to access buyers from different regions and potentially secure better prices for their produce.
  • Price Transparency: The platform provides real-time information on commodity prices, helping farmers make informed decisions about when and where to sell their produce. This transparency reduces information asymmetry and the risk of price exploitation.
  • Reduction in Middlemen: e-NAM eliminates many intermediaries in the agricultural supply chain. This reduces the number of commission agents and traders, ensuring that a higher share of the profits goes to the farmers.
  • Efficient Market Operations: The platform streamlines the trading process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming. Farmers can list their produce online, receive bids, and complete transactions with ease.
  • Quality Assurance: e-NAM allows for quality testing and certification of agricultural produce. Buyers can be confident about the quality of the goods they purchase, which can lead to higher prices for superior-quality produce.
  • Reduced Post-Harvest Losses: By connecting farmers to distant markets, e-NAM reduces the need for distress sales and post-harvest losses. Farmers can sell their produce quickly and efficiently, minimizing wastage.
  • Financial Inclusion: The platform enables farmers to access digital payments and financial services, reducing their dependence on cash transactions and providing them with a more secure and convenient way to receive payments.
  • Market Competition: e-NAM fosters competition among buyers, resulting in competitive bidding and better prices for farmers. This encourages buyers to offer fair market rates.
  • Promotion of Online Trading: e-NAM encourages the adoption of online trading practices in agriculture, promoting digital literacy and modernization in the sector.

Examples of e-NAM Success:

  • Madhya Pradesh: The state of Madhya Pradesh has been a pioneer in implementing e-NAM. It has witnessed significant growth in the number of mandis integrated into the platform, leading to increased farmer participation and improved price realization.
  • Haryana: In Haryana, e-NAM has been instrumental in reducing the exploitation of farmers by middlemen. The platform has enhanced transparency and competition, resulting in better prices for farmers.

e-NAM, the National Agriculture Market, has emerged as a transformative tool in India's agricultural landscape. It addresses longstanding issues such as price opacity, middlemen exploitation, and market inefficiencies, while simultaneously promoting modernization and digitalization in agriculture. As e-NAM continues to expand its reach and adoption across the country, it holds the potential to significantly improve the livelihoods of Indian farmers and contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the agricultural sector.

Q6: Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Describe contract farming in India and its relevance in present scenario.
Contract farming is a system of agricultural production where farmers enter into agreements with agribusiness firms or buyers to cultivate specific crops or raise livestock. These contracts typically outline the terms and conditions, including crop varieties, production practices, quality standards, and prices. Contract farming has gained prominence in India in recent years as a mechanism to address various challenges in the agricultural sector. In this discussion, we will describe contract farming in India and its relevance in the present scenario.

Contract Farming in India:

  • Types of Crops: Contract farming in India covers a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, oilseeds, and spices. It is especially prevalent in horticultural crops, where quality and consistency are crucial.
  • Key Players: The primary players in contract farming are farmers and agribusiness firms, food processing companies, exporters, and retail chains. These companies provide seeds, technology, extension services, and assured markets to contract farmers.
  • Legal Framework: India does not have a specific national law governing contract farming. Instead, contract farming agreements are regulated by state-level laws and policies. Some states, like Gujarat and Maharashtra, have progressive contract farming acts in place.
  • Quality Standards: Contract farming often involves adherence to specific quality standards, certifications, and traceability systems to meet the demands of export markets and modern retail.

Relevance in the Present Scenario:

  • Market Access: Contract farming provides farmers with a guaranteed market for their produce, reducing the uncertainty associated with traditional open market sales. This is particularly relevant in today's globalized and competitive agricultural markets.
  • Technology Adoption: Agribusiness firms often provide farmers with access to modern agricultural technologies, including improved seeds, crop protection, and efficient farming practices. This leads to increased productivity and profitability.
  • Risk Mitigation: Contract farming can help mitigate production and price risks for farmers. Agreements often specify fixed prices or price formulas, reducing the impact of price fluctuations.
  • Quality Assurance: Contract farming emphasizes quality standards, which are essential for export markets and domestic consumers who demand safe and high-quality produce.
  • Crop Diversification: Contract farming encourages the cultivation of high-value and export-oriented crops, promoting crop diversification and reducing the dependency on traditional crops.
  • Income Generation: For small and marginal farmers, contract farming can be a source of stable income and livelihood improvement. It offers an opportunity to escape the cycle of debt and poverty.

Examples of Contract Farming Initiatives:

  • Tamil Nadu Banana Cultivation: In Tamil Nadu, contract farming has been successful in banana cultivation. Agribusiness companies provide farmers with technical support, disease management, and access to markets, leading to increased banana production and export.
  • PepsiCo's Potato Contract Farming: PepsiCo's contract farming initiative in India involves potato cultivation for its snack production. This initiative has provided farmers with technical assistance, high-quality seeds, and assured markets.

Contract farming in India is increasingly relevant in the present scenario due to its potential to address the challenges faced by farmers, enhance productivity, and meet the demands of modern markets. However, to ensure its success, it is essential to have clear legal frameworks, transparent agreements, and mechanisms to resolve disputes. Contract farming can play a significant role in improving the income and livelihoods of farmers while contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the agricultural sector in India.

(b) Differentiate between saline and sodic soils. Give an account of agro-techniques for management of these soils. 
Saline and sodic soils are two common types of problematic soils in agriculture, characterized by high levels of salts that can adversely affect plant growth. While they share some similarities, they have distinct differences in terms of salt composition and management strategies. In this discussion, we will differentiate between saline and sodic soils and provide an account of agro-techniques for their management.

Differentiation between Saline and Sodic Soils:

  • Saline Soils:
    • Salt Composition: Saline soils contain soluble salts such as sodium chloride (common table salt), calcium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate.
    • EC (Electrical Conductivity): Saline soils typically have high electrical conductivity due to the presence of soluble salts.
    • pH: Saline soils can have a wide range of pH levels, from acidic to alkaline.
    • Plant Toxicity: Salinity affects plants primarily through osmotic stress, which restricts water uptake by plant roots. Some salt-tolerant crops can still grow in moderately saline conditions.
  • Sodic Soils:
    • Salt Composition: Sodic soils are characterized by high levels of sodium (Na+ ions) but have relatively low levels of soluble salts.
    • EC (Electrical Conductivity): Sodic soils have a lower electrical conductivity compared to saline soils.
    • pH: Sodic soils are typically alkaline, with a pH greater than 8.5.
    • Plant Toxicity: Sodium toxicity is the primary concern in sodic soils. High sodium levels can displace essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium in plant roots, leading to nutrient imbalances and poor plant growth.

Agro-Techniques for Management of Saline Soils:

  • Leaching: Leaching involves applying excess water to flush out soluble salts from the root zone. Proper drainage systems are essential for effective leaching.
  • Gypsum Application: Gypsum (calcium sulfate) can be applied to saline soils to replace sodium ions with calcium ions, reducing soil salinity and improving soil structure.
  • Selection of Salt-Tolerant Crops: Choosing salt-tolerant crop varieties can help mitigate the impact of saline soils. Examples include barley, quinoa, and certain varieties of rice and wheat.
  • Improving Soil Organic Matter: Adding organic matter to saline soils can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity, making it more suitable for crop cultivation.

Agro-Techniques for Management of Sodic Soils:

  • Calcium Application: Applying calcium sources such as gypsum or lime can help displace sodium ions and improve soil structure. This process is known as soil amendment.
  • Leaching: Similar to saline soils, leaching can be employed to remove excess sodium from sodic soils. However, proper drainage is critical to prevent waterlogging.
  • Amendment with Organic Matter: Incorporating organic matter, such as compost or organic mulch, can improve sodic soil structure and enhance nutrient availability.
  • Selecting Sodium-Tolerant Crops: Some crop varieties, such as barley and certain grasses, are more tolerant of sodic soils and can be cultivated successfully.


  • Indus Basin, Pakistan: In the Indus Basin, where saline soils are prevalent due to high evaporation rates, farmers practice leaching and gypsum application to manage salinity and grow crops like wheat and cotton.
  • Central Valley, California, USA: Sodic soils are common in parts of California's Central Valley. Farmers use gypsum and calcium-containing soil amendments to address sodium issues and improve soil quality for fruit and vegetable production.

Saline and sodic soils differ in their salt composition, electrical conductivity, and pH levels. Proper management techniques, including leaching, gypsum or calcium application, and organic matter incorporation, are essential to mitigate the negative impacts of these problematic soils and make them suitable for crop cultivation. The choice of management strategy depends on the specific soil conditions and crop requirements.

(c) What do you mean by carbon-sequestration ? Give the role of cropping systems for improving c-sequestration. 
Carbon sequestration refers to the process by which carbon dioxide (CO2) is captured from the atmosphere and stored in various natural reservoirs or artificial systems, preventing its release into the atmosphere. This process is critical for mitigating the effects of climate change, as elevated atmospheric CO2 levels contribute to global warming. Cropping systems play a significant role in carbon sequestration as they can either increase or decrease the carbon content in soil and vegetation. In this discussion, we will define carbon sequestration and outline the role of cropping systems in improving it.

Carbon Sequestration:
Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to mitigate climate change. It involves the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and its long-term storage in vegetation, soils, or geological formations. The main objectives of carbon sequestration are to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and enhance the carbon content in natural and managed ecosystems.

Role of Cropping Systems in Improving Carbon Sequestration:

  • Increase in Soil Organic Carbon (SOC): Cropping systems can enhance carbon sequestration by increasing the soil organic carbon content. Practices such as no-till farming, cover cropping, and organic farming promote the accumulation of organic matter in soils, which is rich in carbon.
  • Reduced Erosion and Soil Disturbance: Implementing erosion control measures and reduced soil disturbance practices can prevent the loss of topsoil, which contains a significant amount of carbon. This retained soil organic carbon contributes to sequestration.
  • Crop Residue Management: Proper management of crop residues, such as leaving them on the field or using them as mulch, can increase carbon inputs to the soil and promote carbon storage.
  • Agroforestry and Perennial Crops: Incorporating trees into cropping systems, as in agroforestry, and using perennial crops can increase carbon sequestration. Trees have deep root systems that enhance carbon storage in the soil.
  • Reduced Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides: The judicious use of fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the carbon footprint of cropping systems. Excessive fertilizer use can release nitrous oxide (a potent greenhouse gas), while organic farming methods often lead to increased carbon sequestration.
  • Crop Rotation and Diversification: Crop rotation and diversification improve soil health and can increase carbon inputs to the soil through the incorporation of different types of organic matter.


  • Conservation Agriculture in Brazil: Brazil has adopted conservation agriculture practices such as no-till farming, cover cropping, and crop rotation in its soybean and maize production. These practices have led to increased carbon sequestration in Brazilian agricultural soils.
  • Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems in India: In India's rice-wheat cropping systems, the adoption of zero-till wheat cultivation after rice harvest has improved soil organic carbon content and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon sequestration is a vital process for mitigating climate change, and cropping systems play a pivotal role in enhancing it. Practices such as increasing soil organic carbon, reducing erosion, managing crop residues, and adopting agroforestry can significantly contribute to carbon sequestration efforts. Promoting sustainable and carbon-friendly agricultural practices is essential for achieving climate resilience and food security while mitigating the impacts of global warming.

Q7: Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Give an elaborate account of agronomic measures of watershed management.
Watershed management is a holistic approach to conserving and managing water resources within a specific geographical area. It involves a combination of strategies and practices to sustainably manage soil, water, and vegetation. Agronomic measures are an essential component of watershed management, focusing on agricultural practices that promote water conservation, reduce soil erosion, and enhance overall watershed health. In this discussion, we will provide an elaborate account of agronomic measures for watershed management.

Agronomic Measures for Watershed Management:

  • Contour Farming: Contour farming involves planting crops along the contour lines of sloping land. This practice reduces water runoff, encourages water infiltration, and minimizes soil erosion. Contour farming can be highly effective in hilly or sloping landscapes.
  • Terracing: Terracing is the construction of level steps or terraces on steep slopes. These terraces help slow down the flow of water, reducing soil erosion and allowing water to infiltrate the soil. Terracing is widely used in mountainous regions to conserve soil and water.
  • Cover Cropping: Cover crops are planted between main crops to provide ground cover during fallow periods. They protect the soil from erosion, improve soil health, and reduce the impact of heavy rainfall. Examples of cover crops include legumes, grasses, and clovers.
  • Crop Rotation: Crop rotation involves growing different crops in sequence on the same piece of land. This practice disrupts the life cycles of pests and diseases, improves soil fertility, and reduces the risk of soil erosion.
  • Strip Cropping: Strip cropping alternates rows of erosion-prone crops with rows of erosion-resistant crops. For example, alternating corn with grass strips can reduce soil erosion by intercepting runoff and protecting the soil.
  • Agroforestry: Agroforestry systems integrate trees, shrubs, or other perennial plants with crops or livestock. The deep-rooted trees and vegetation stabilize the soil, reduce runoff, and enhance water infiltration.
  • No-Till Farming: No-till or reduced tillage practices leave crop residues on the field surface, reducing soil exposure to erosive forces. This approach also improves soil organic matter content, enhancing its ability to resist erosion.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM focuses on sustainable pest management strategies that minimize the use of chemical pesticides. By reducing the environmental impact of pest control, IPM helps maintain watershed health.
  • Buffer Strips: Buffer strips are strips of perennial vegetation planted along water bodies, such as streams and rivers. They filter runoff, trap sediments, and reduce the transport of pollutants into water bodies.


  • Watershed Management in India: The Watershed Development Program in India has successfully implemented agronomic measures like contour farming, terracing, and agroforestry to conserve water, reduce soil erosion, and improve livelihoods in rainfed areas.
  • USDA Conservation Programs: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers various conservation programs that promote agronomic measures for watershed management. Farmers are incentivized to adopt practices like cover cropping, no-till farming, and crop rotation to conserve soil and water.

Agronomic measures are crucial components of watershed management, contributing to the conservation of soil and water resources while promoting sustainable agricultural practices. By implementing these measures, communities can enhance their watershed health, reduce the impact of erosion and runoff, and improve agricultural productivity, ultimately ensuring the long-term sustainability of their lands and water resources.

(b) What is the present status of pulse production in India? Narrate the constraints and strategies for increasing the pulse production.
Pulses are an essential source of protein in the Indian diet and play a vital role in ensuring food security. However, the production of pulses in India has faced several challenges over the years, impacting their availability and affordability. In this discussion, we will present the current status of pulse production in India, identify the constraints, and outline strategies to increase pulse production.

Present Status of Pulse Production in India:

  • Production Trends: India is the largest producer of pulses globally, with significant contributions from states like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan. However, the production of pulses has been inconsistent, with fluctuations in yields due to factors like weather conditions and pest infestations.
  • Yield Gap: India's average yield of pulses per hectare remains significantly lower than the global average. This yield gap is attributed to several factors, including suboptimal agronomic practices, limited access to improved varieties, and low adoption of modern technologies.
  • Demand and Supply Gap: Despite being a major producer, India faces a substantial demand-supply gap in pulses. The growing population's dietary preferences and the nutritional significance of pulses contribute to the persistent shortage.
  • Import Dependency: To meet domestic demand, India has become dependent on pulse imports, leading to increased import bills. While imports help bridge the supply gap, they can also affect domestic farmers' incomes.

Constraints in Increasing Pulse Production:

  • Climate Variability: Erratic weather patterns, including droughts and unseasonal rainfall, can significantly impact pulse production.
  • Low Productivity: The yield potential of pulses remains largely untapped due to the limited adoption of improved crop varieties, insufficient input use, and inadequate mechanization.
  • Pest and Disease Pressure: Pests and diseases, such as pod borer and fusarium wilt, pose significant threats to pulse crops, leading to yield losses.
  • Fragmented Land Holdings: Small and fragmented landholdings in India make it challenging to adopt modern farming practices and mechanization.
  • Market Prices: Volatile market prices for pulses can discourage farmers from investing in pulse cultivation, as they may not receive remunerative prices for their produce.

Strategies for Increasing Pulse Production:

  • Research and Development: Invest in research to develop high-yielding and climate-resilient pulse varieties. Promote the use of certified seeds and modern agronomic practices.
  • Integrated Pest Management: Implement integrated pest management strategies to control pests and diseases effectively while reducing pesticide use.
  • Water Management: Encourage water-efficient technologies like drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting to address water scarcity issues in pulse-growing regions.
  • Extension Services: Strengthen agricultural extension services to educate farmers about best practices, crop management, and market linkages.
  • Market Reforms: Ensure minimum support prices (MSPs) and create market linkages to provide farmers with remunerative prices for their pulses.
  • Crop Diversification: Promote crop diversification by integrating pulses into crop rotation systems, which can improve soil health and break pest and disease cycles.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between government agencies, private sector companies, and farmer cooperatives to enhance the adoption of modern technologies and improve market access.


  • Pulses Revolution in Madhya Pradesh: Madhya Pradesh has made significant strides in pulse production by promoting research-based practices, increasing the use of improved varieties, and providing farmers with market access through initiatives like the Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana.
  • Andhra Pradesh's Zero-Budget Natural Farming: Andhra Pradesh has implemented zero-budget natural farming, which includes the cultivation of pulses using organic and sustainable practices, reducing input costs and improving soil health.

The current status of pulse production in India faces challenges in terms of productivity and demand-supply balance. To address these constraints and increase pulse production, a multi-pronged approach is required, encompassing research and development, technological adoption, market reforms, and sustainable farming practices. By implementing these strategies, India can bridge the demand-supply gap, enhance food security, and improve the livelihoods of pulse farmers.

(c) Give the contributions of Self-help Groups for rural livelihood security.
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have emerged as a powerful instrument for promoting rural livelihood security in many countries, including India. SHGs are typically small, informal associations of rural women who come together to save, borrow, and generate income through various livelihood activities. These groups play a pivotal role in empowering women, reducing poverty, and enhancing the overall well-being of rural communities. In this discussion, we will highlight the significant contributions of Self-Help Groups to rural livelihood security.

Contributions of Self-Help Groups for Rural Livelihood Security:

  • Economic Empowerment: SHGs promote economic self-sufficiency by facilitating savings and credit activities. Members pool their savings, which are then used for providing small loans to members at reasonable interest rates. This access to credit enables women to invest in income-generating activities like farming, livestock rearing, and small businesses.
  • Income Generation: SHGs enable members to collectively engage in various income-generating activities. These can include microenterprises, handicrafts, dairy farming, poultry, and agriculture. The income generated from these activities helps improve household incomes and livelihoods.
  • Skill Development: SHGs often provide skill development and training opportunities to their members. These trainings empower women with new skills, enhancing their employability and income-earning potential. For instance, women may learn tailoring, food processing, or sustainable farming practices.
  • Savings and Financial Inclusion: Through regular savings and access to credit, SHGs promote financial inclusion among rural women who might otherwise be excluded from formal banking systems. This helps build a safety net for emergencies and planned investments.
  • Women Empowerment: SHGs empower women by providing them with a platform for collective decision-making and leadership roles. Women develop confidence, gain social recognition, and become more assertive in their families and communities.
  • Access to Government Schemes: SHGs often act as conduits for accessing government schemes and programs related to rural development, health, education, and sanitation. They serve as important intermediaries in disseminating information and delivering services to members.
  • Social Support and Networking: SHGs foster a sense of belonging and social support among members. They provide a forum for sharing experiences, discussing problems, and collectively finding solutions. Networking within SHGs can lead to increased access to resources and opportunities.
  • Rural Development: SHGs contribute to rural development by undertaking community initiatives such as building infrastructure, promoting sanitation, and supporting education and health programs.


  • Kudumbashree in Kerala, India: Kudumbashree is one of India's largest women's empowerment programs, which operates through SHGs. It has played a significant role in poverty reduction, livelihood enhancement, and social empowerment of women in Kerala.
  • Grameen Bank in Bangladesh: The Grameen Bank, founded by Muhammad Yunus, is a pioneering microcredit institution that works extensively with SHGs in Bangladesh. It has empowered millions of women by providing them with access to credit and financial services.

Self-Help Groups have emerged as powerful agents of change in rural areas, contributing significantly to livelihood security, poverty reduction, and women's empowerment. Their ability to foster economic activities, build financial inclusion, provide social support, and drive rural development makes them a critical component of efforts to enhance the overall well-being of rural communities. The success of SHGs underscores the importance of empowering women and promoting community-based approaches to development.

Q8: Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) What are the reasons for low availability of phosphorus nutrient ? Give an account of agronomic practices to improve the phosphorus-use efficiency. 
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is critical for various metabolic processes, including energy transfer, DNA synthesis, and root development. However, the low availability of phosphorus in soils is a common problem in agriculture, limiting crop productivity. In this discussion, we will explore the reasons for the low availability of phosphorus and agronomic practices to improve phosphorus-use efficiency.

Reasons for Low Availability of Phosphorus Nutrient:

  • Phosphorus Fixation: Phosphorus can become tightly bound to soil particles, making it unavailable for plant uptake. This fixation is more pronounced in acidic soils with high aluminum and iron content.
  • Chemical Precipitation: Phosphorus can form insoluble compounds with calcium, iron, or aluminum in alkaline soils, reducing its availability to plants.
  • Low Solubility: Phosphorus exists primarily in insoluble forms in soil, limiting its solubility and availability to plant roots.
  • Microbial Competition: Soil microorganisms can compete with plants for phosphorus, further reducing its availability to crops.
  • Root Inefficiency: Crop roots may not efficiently explore the soil for phosphorus, leading to limited uptake even when phosphorus is present.

Agronomic Practices to Improve Phosphorus-Use Efficiency:

  • Soil Testing and Nutrient Management:
    • Conduct soil tests to determine the phosphorus content and pH levels in the soil.
    • Based on soil test results, apply phosphorus-containing fertilizers judiciously to match crop requirements.
  • Phosphorus Fertilization Techniques:
    • Use banded or localized placement of phosphorus fertilizers to ensure that the nutrient is placed closer to the root zone for efficient uptake.
    • Coating phosphorus fertilizers with materials like polymers or sulfur can reduce fixation and increase nutrient availability.
  • Acidification of Alkaline Soils:
    • In alkaline soils, acidification through the application of elemental sulfur or ammonium-based fertilizers can help solubilize phosphorus and improve its availability.
  • Phosphorus-Solubilizing Microorganisms:
    • Inoculate soils with phosphorus-solubilizing microorganisms like mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria to enhance nutrient mobilization and uptake.
  • Crop Rotation and Diversification:
    • Crop rotation with legumes and non-legumes can improve phosphorus availability through nitrogen fixation and organic matter incorporation.
  • Phosphate Use Efficiency Traits:
    • Breeding crops for phosphate use efficiency can enhance their ability to extract and utilize phosphorus from the soil.
  • Organic Matter Addition:
    • Incorporating organic matter like compost or crop residues into the soil can improve phosphorus availability by reducing fixation and enhancing microbial activity.


  • Conservation Agriculture in Zambia: Conservation agriculture practices, such as minimum tillage and residue retention, have been adopted in Zambia to improve soil organic matter content and phosphorus availability.
  • MycoApply® Mycorrhizal Inoculants: Products like MycoApply® contain beneficial mycorrhizal fungi that enhance nutrient uptake, including phosphorus, in various crops.

The low availability of phosphorus in soils is a significant constraint to crop production, but agronomic practices can improve phosphorus-use efficiency. By addressing soil pH, employing efficient fertilization techniques, using phosphorus-solubilizing microorganisms, and enhancing organic matter content, farmers can optimize phosphorus availability, increase crop yields, and ensure sustainable agriculture. These practices are essential for addressing global food security challenges while minimizing the environmental impact of phosphorus fertilizers.

(b) Give an account of modern communication technologies for agricultural trans formation. 
Modern communication technologies have played a pivotal role in transforming agriculture by providing farmers with access to information, markets, and resources. These technologies have revolutionized farming practices, enabling better decision-making, improved productivity, and sustainable agricultural development. In this discussion, we will provide an account of modern communication technologies that have contributed to agricultural transformation.

Modern Communication Technologies for Agricultural Transformation:

  • Mobile Phones:
    • Information Access: Mobile phones have become a ubiquitous tool for farmers to access agricultural information, weather forecasts, market prices, and crop management tips.
    • Market Linkages: Farmers can use mobile apps to connect with buyers and access real-time market information, enabling them to make informed selling decisions.
    • Extension Services: Extension workers can reach farmers through mobile communication, providing advice and guidance on crop management practices.
  • Internet and Web-Based Platforms:
    • Online Agricultural Portals: Websites and platforms dedicated to agriculture provide farmers with a wealth of information, including market trends, best practices, and research findings.
    • E-Agriculture: E-agriculture initiatives leverage the internet for online training, e-extension services, and knowledge sharing among agricultural stakeholders.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
    • Precision Farming: GIS technology allows farmers to map their fields, monitor soil conditions, and optimize resource use for precision farming.
    • Crop Monitoring: Remote sensing and GIS are used to monitor crop health, detect diseases, and assess yield potential.
  • Satellite Technology:
    • Weather Forecasting: Satellites provide real-time weather data and forecasts, helping farmers plan planting and harvesting activities more effectively.
    • Crop Insurance: Satellite imagery is used to assess crop damage, enabling timely payouts in crop insurance schemes.
  • Drones and UAVs:
    • Crop Surveillance: Drones equipped with cameras or sensors can monitor large agricultural areas, detect pests or diseases, and assess crop health.
    • Precision Application: Drones are used for precision application of fertilizers, pesticides, and water, reducing resource wastage.
  • Blockchain Technology:
    • Traceability and Transparency: Blockchain ensures transparency in the supply chain, allowing consumers to trace the origin and quality of agricultural products.
    • Payment Systems: Blockchain-based payment systems facilitate secure and transparent transactions between farmers and buyers.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI):
    • Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms analyze data to provide predictive insights into crop yield, disease outbreaks, and market trends.
    • Crop Management: AI-driven solutions help farmers make data-driven decisions about planting, irrigation, and pest control.
  • Examples:
    • M-Farm in Kenya: M-Farm is a mobile-based platform that connects Kenyan farmers with market prices, weather forecasts, and buyers, empowering them to make informed decisions.
    • Digital Green in India: Digital Green uses video-based extension services to train farmers and share agricultural best practices, improving yields and livelihoods.

Modern communication technologies have brought about a significant transformation in agriculture by providing farmers with access to critical information, resources, and markets. These technologies enable precision farming, improve productivity, reduce post-harvest losses, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Leveraging these tools effectively can lead to increased food security, enhanced livelihoods, and more resilient farming systems, ultimately contributing to agricultural transformation on a global scale.

(c) What are the components of drip irrigation system ? Enumerate the benefits of drip-fertigation.
Drip irrigation is a water-efficient agricultural irrigation method that delivers water and nutrients directly to the root zone of plants through a network of tubing, pipes, valves, and emitters. This technology has become increasingly popular due to its ability to conserve water, improve crop yields, and enhance resource use efficiency. In this discussion, we will enumerate the components of a drip irrigation system and highlight the benefits of drip-fertigation, which combines drip irrigation with the precise application of fertilizers.

Components of a Drip Irrigation System:

  • Water Source: The primary water source, which can be a well, pond, river, or reservoir, provides the water supply for the drip irrigation system.
  • Pump: A pump is used to pressurize and transport water from the water source to the irrigation system. It ensures that water flows through the system with adequate pressure.
  • Filter: Filters are essential components that remove debris, sediments, and impurities from the water to prevent clogging of emitters and tubing. Common filter types include screen filters and sand filters.
  • Mainline: The mainline is a large-diameter pipe that distributes water from the pump to the field or crop area. It often includes valves for flow control.
  • Submain: Submain pipes are smaller in diameter than the mainline and distribute water within the field. They connect to the lateral lines and may include pressure regulators to maintain consistent pressure.
  • Lateral Lines: Lateral lines are small-diameter pipes that carry water from the submain to the crop rows. Emitters are attached to these lines at specific intervals.
  • Emitters: Emitters, such as drippers, micro-sprinklers, or bubblers, deliver water directly to the root zone of each plant. They control the flow rate and distribution of water.
  • Pressure Regulators: Pressure regulators maintain constant pressure in the system, ensuring that all emitters deliver a consistent amount of water.
  • Valves: Valves are used to control the flow of water within the system, allowing for on/off and flow rate adjustments. They may be manual or automated.
  • Filtration and Fertigation Equipment: Drip-fertigation systems include equipment for injecting and mixing fertilizers or nutrients into the irrigation water. This equipment ensures precise nutrient application to plants through the drip system.

Benefits of Drip-Fertigation:

  • Water Efficiency: Drip-fertigation minimizes water wastage by delivering water directly to the root zone, reducing evaporation and runoff.
  • Improved Nutrient Management: It allows for precise and controlled application of fertilizers, ensuring that plants receive the right nutrients at the right time, enhancing nutrient use efficiency.
  • Increased Crop Yield and Quality: Drip-fertigation promotes healthy root development, leading to improved crop yields and higher-quality produce.
  • Reduced Weed Growth: Since water and nutrients are targeted directly to the crop, weed growth is minimized, reducing competition for resources.
  • Labor and Time Savings: Drip-fertigation reduces the need for manual watering and fertilization, saving labor and time, especially in large-scale agriculture.
  • Environmental Sustainability: By reducing water and fertilizer use, drip-fertigation contributes to sustainable agriculture and helps protect natural water resources.
  • Precision Farming: It supports precision agriculture practices by allowing farmers to adjust nutrient and water application based on crop needs and soil conditions.


  • Israel's Drip Irrigation Success: Israel, facing water scarcity, has extensively adopted drip irrigation and drip-fertigation to maximize crop production with limited water resources.
  • California's Almond Orchards: Almond growers in California use drip-fertigation to efficiently irrigate and fertilize almond orchards, improving water use efficiency and yields.

Drip-fertigation is a technologically advanced irrigation method that combines the benefits of drip irrigation with precise nutrient management. Its components work together to conserve water, enhance nutrient use efficiency, increase crop yields, and promote sustainable agriculture. As water resources become scarcer, drip-fertigation plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and environmental sustainability in agriculture.

The document UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Agriculture Paper 1 (Section- B) | Agriculture Optional Notes for UPSC is a part of the UPSC Course Agriculture Optional Notes for UPSC.
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