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UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes) PDF Download

Section 'A'

Q.1. Answer the following in about 150 words each:     ( 10*5=50)

(a) Describe Phreatic Eruptions and their Consequences.

Phreatic eruptions, also known as steam-blast eruptions, are a type of volcanic eruption that occurs when water comes into contact with hot rocks or magma, causing the water to rapidly turn into steam and expand. This expansion leads to an explosion that ejects rock fragments, ash, and steam into the atmosphere. Unlike other volcanic eruptions, phreatic eruptions do not involve the extrusion of fresh magma, as they are primarily driven by the interaction of water and heat.

Some examples of phreatic eruptions include the following:

1. The 2014 eruption of Mount Ontake in Japan: This eruption resulted in the deaths of 63 people, most of whom were hikers. The eruption produced a pyroclastic flow, which is a fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter, and released a large amount of ash and rock fragments into the atmosphere.
2. The 2018 eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii: While most of the activity during this eruption was characterized as magmatic, a series of phreatic eruptions occurred at the summit, causing the release of ash and steam.
3. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington: Although the primary eruption was a plinian eruption, phreatic eruptions took place in the initial stages of the event, contributing to the build-up of pressure that led to the massive explosion. 

Consequences of phreatic eruptions include:
1. Danger to human life: The sudden and often unpredictable nature of phreatic eruptions can put people living near the volcano at risk. In some cases, like the Mount Ontake eruption, hikers and tourists may be caught off guard by the sudden explosion, leading to fatalities.
2. Release of volcanic gases and ash: Phreatic eruptions can release significant amounts of volcanic ash and gases into the atmosphere, which can pose a hazard to air travel, as well as cause respiratory problems for people living nearby.
3. Lahars and mudflows: The rapid melting of snow and ice during a phreatic eruption can lead to lahars, which are fast-moving mudflows that can cause significant damage to infrastructure and pose a danger to people living downstream from the volcano.
4. Impact on the environment: The ash and gases released during a phreatic eruption can have negative effects on the environment, including the contamination of water sources, damage to vegetation, and disruption of local ecosystems.
5. Economic disruption: Phreatic eruptions can lead to the closure of airports, disruption of transportation networks, and damage to infrastructure, which can have significant economic consequences for regions affected by the eruption.

(b) Explain the techniques to calculate potential evapotranspiration suggested by Thornthwaite.

Thornthwaite's method of calculating potential evapotranspiration (PET) is a widely used approach in climatology and hydrology. It is based on the concept that the primary factors influencing evapotranspiration are temperature, day length, and the amount of available energy in the form of solar radiation. The Thornthwaite method involves the following steps:
1. Calculate the monthly mean temperature: The first step involves calculating the mean temperature for each month. This is done by averaging the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded for each day in the month. The mean temperature for the month (Tm) is then used in the subsequent calculations.
2. Calculate the monthly heat index: The heat index (I) is a measure of the amount of heat available for evapotranspiration. It is calculated using the following formula:
I = sum( (Tm/5)^1.514 ) for each month
where Tm is the mean temperature for the month in degrees Celsius.
3. Calculate the annual heat index: The annual heat index (Ia) is the sum of the monthly heat indices for the entire year.
4. Determine the exponent (α): The exponent (α) is used to adjust the potential evapotranspiration rate based on the annual heat index. It is calculated using the following formula:
α = (6.75 x 10^(-7)) x Ia^3 - (7.71 x 10^(-5)) x Ia^2 + (1.792 x 10^(-2)) x Ia + 0.49239
5. Calculate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) for each month: The potential evapotranspiration for each month is calculated using the following formula:
PET = 1.6 x [(10 x Tm/Ia)^α] x N
where N is the number of days in the month and Ia is the annual heat index.

The Thornthwaite method has been widely applied in various geographical contexts. For example, it has been used to estimate PET in arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa, where water resources are scarce and evapotranspiration plays a significant role in the hydrological cycle. It has also been applied in studies of climate change impacts on water resources, as it can help to assess changes in evapotranspiration rates under different climate scenarios.
However, the Thornthwaite method has some limitations. It does not consider factors such as wind speed, humidity, and vegetation cover, which can also influence evapotranspiration rates. Therefore, it may not be as accurate in regions where these factors play a significant role, and alternative methods such as the Penman-Monteith equation may be more appropriate. Nevertheless, Thornthwaite's method remains a valuable tool for estimating potential evapotranspiration in many geographical contexts.

(c) How are sandspits and Tombolos formed?

Sandspits and tombolos are coastal landforms resulting from the deposition of sediments by longshore drift and wave action. They are formed through complex interactions between waves, currents, and coastal geomorphology.

1. Sandspits: A sandspit is a long, narrow accumulation of sand, gravel, or other sediments that extends from the shoreline into the open water, usually in the direction of the longshore drift. Sandspits are formed by the deposition of sediments being carried along the coast by longshore drift, a process where waves and currents transport sand and other materials along the shoreline.
The formation of a sandspit begins when a change in the coastline, such as a headland or an estuary entrance, interrupts the longshore drift. As the longshore current meets the obstruction, its velocity decreases, and it loses its ability to carry the sediment load. This causes the sediments to be deposited, gradually building up a long, narrow landform projecting into the water. Over time, as more sediments are added, the sandspit continues to grow in length and may eventually join with another landmass or curve back towards the coast, enclosing a body of water to form a lagoon or a salt marsh.
Example: The Farewell Spit in New Zealand is a classic example of a sandspit. It stretches for over 26 kilometers into the sea, making it one of the longest sandspits in the world. UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)                                                                             2. Tombolos: A tombolo is a coastal landform that connects an island, or a part of the mainland, to the mainland or a larger island by a narrow strip of sand, gravel, or other sediments, known as a sandbar. Tombolos are formed when longshore drift deposits sediments in a way that connects the two landmasses.
The formation of a tombolo typically occurs when an offshore island or a submerged landmass, such as a sea stack or a reef, interrupts the longshore drift. The presence of the island causes the waves to refract or bend around it, leading to a decrease in wave energy and sediment-carrying capacity on the leeward side of the island. As a result, sediments are deposited in the shallow water between the island and the mainland, eventually creating a narrow strip of land that connects the two.
Example: The Chesil Beach in Dorset, England, is an example of a tombolo. It connects the Isle of Portland to the mainland and stretches for approximately 29 kilometers.

In conclusion, sandspits and tombolos are coastal landforms created by the deposition of sediments due to the interaction of longshore drift, wave action, and coastal geomorphology. While sandspits are long, narrow extensions of sand from the shoreline into the open water, tombolos are narrow strips of land that connect an island to the mainland or another island. Examples of these landforms can be found in various coastal regions around the world.

(d) Amensalism is a Biotic factor that determines the geographical limits of species. Explain.

Amensalism is a biotic interaction between two species in which one species is inhibited, harmed, or negatively affected, while the other species remains unaffected. This type of interaction can limit the geographical distribution of a species, as the presence of the amensal species can create unfavorable conditions for the other species to thrive. This plays a crucial role in determining the geographical limits of species.
Geographical limits of a species refer to the boundaries beyond which a particular species cannot survive, grow, or reproduce. These limits are determined by various factors such as climate, topography, soil, and biotic factors such as competition, predation, and amensalism.

Amensalism can determine the geographical limits of species in several ways:

1. Resource competition: One example of amensalism is when one species outcompetes another for resources such as food, water, or space, making it difficult for the affected species to survive or reproduce. For instance, the presence of large trees in a forest can lead to the growth of a dense canopy, blocking sunlight for smaller trees and plants, which then struggle to survive.
2. Allelopathy: In this type of amensalism, one species releases biochemical substances known as allelochemicals that can inhibit or harm the growth, reproduction, and development of nearby species. For example, the release of allelochemicals by the roots of the Black Walnut tree (Juglans nigra) can suppress the growth of nearby plants, limiting their geographical distribution.
3. Physical inhibition: Some species can physically inhibit the growth or movement of other species, either directly or indirectly. For example, the presence of a dense growth of kelp in a marine ecosystem can limit the mobility and distribution of certain fish species that are unable to navigate through the dense kelp beds.
4. Predation and parasitism: Amensalism can also occur when one species preys upon or parasitizes another species, indirectly affecting the geographical distribution of the prey or host species. For example, the presence of certain predators, such as wolves, can limit the distribution of their prey species, such as deer, in a particular area.

In conclusion, amensalism is a biotic factor that can significantly influence the geographical limits of species. By inhibiting or harming one species while remaining unaffected themselves, amensal species can create unfavorable conditions for the growth, survival, and reproduction of other species, ultimately shaping the distribution patterns of these affected species across the landscape.

(e) How do mountaineers constitute a threat to Mount Everest?

Mountaineers constitute a threat to Mount Everest in several ways:

1. Environmental degradation: The increasing number of mountaineers and tourists visiting Mount Everest has led to a significant amount of environmental degradation in the region. The accumulation of waste, including human excrement, food packaging, climbing gear, and other debris, has earned Everest the nickname of the "world's highest garbage dump." The waste not only pollutes the mountain but also poses a risk to the fragile ecosystem and the wildlife that inhabits the area.
Example: In 2019, a clean-up expedition removed 11 tons of garbage and four dead bodies from Mount Everest, highlighting the extent of the pollution problem.

2. Glacier melting and climate change: Mountaineers contribute to climate change indirectly by using fossil fuels to reach the Everest region and directly by leaving behind waste, which can accelerate glacier melting. Black carbon particles from cookstoves and the burning of fossil fuels can settle on the snow and ice, reducing their albedo (reflectivity) and causing them to absorb more sunlight. This, in turn, accelerates the melting of glaciers, which can result in more frequent and severe natural disasters such as floods and landslides. UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)
Example: In 2015, a study found that black carbon from mountaineering activities contributed to the accelerated melting of the Khumbu Glacier near Mount Everest.

3. Overcrowding and safety concerns: The increasing popularity of climbing Mount Everest has led to overcrowding on the mountain, particularly during the narrow window of favorable weather conditions. Overcrowding causes climbers to spend more time in the dangerous "death zone" above 8,000 meters, where the human body cannot acclimate to the low oxygen levels. This increases the risk of fatalities due to altitude sickness, exhaustion, and exposure to extreme cold.
Example: In 2019, a record number of 891 climbers reached the summit of Everest, leading to long queues and increased risks for climbers. Eleven climbers died during the season, with some deaths attributed to overcrowding.

4. Erosion and trail degradation: The foot traffic from mountaineers and trekkers causes erosion and degradation of trails in the Everest region. This not only increases the risk of landslides and avalanches but also affects the quality of the trails for future visitors and local communities.
Example: The popular Everest Base Camp trek has become increasingly difficult to navigate due to erosion and trail degradation caused by the sheer number of trekkers and mountaineers.

5. Cultural impacts: Mountaineering and tourism in the Everest region have led to significant cultural changes among the local Sherpa communities. While the influx of visitors has provided economic opportunities, it has also led to the loss of traditional ways of life and the commercialization of the Sherpa culture.
Example: The traditional Sherpa practice of mountaineering as a spiritual journey has been overshadowed by the commercialization of guided climbs and expeditions.

In conclusion, mountaineers pose a threat to Mount Everest by contributing to environmental degradation, climate change, overcrowding, erosion, and cultural impacts. Addressing these issues requires responsible and sustainable mountaineering practices, as well as cooperation between climbers, local communities, and governments to preserve the fragile ecosystem and cultural heritage of the region.

Q.2. (a) Why is it necessary to conserve the genetic diversity of species? Do protected areas serve any useful purpose in this context?

Conservation of genetic diversity of species is necessary for several reasons:
1. Ensuring ecosystem stability: Genetic diversity within species allows them to adapt and respond to various environmental changes, diseases, and other threats, ensuring the stability and resilience of ecosystems they inhabit. For example, a genetically diverse forest ecosystem would be better equipped to withstand diseases or pests compared to a genetically uniform one.
2. Food security: Genetic diversity in crops and livestock is essential for food security and agricultural sustainability. A diverse gene pool provides essential traits for resistance to diseases, pests, and extreme weather conditions, which aids in maintaining crop yields and livestock health. For example, the Irish potato famine in the 1840s was a result of the lack of genetic diversity in potato crops, making them vulnerable to a specific disease.
3. Medical advancements: Genetically diverse species can provide valuable resources for new medicines and treatments. For example, the genetic diversity in plants has resulted in numerous life-saving pharmaceuticals, such as the cancer-fighting drug Taxol, derived from the bark of Pacific Yew trees.
4. Cultural and economic significance: Many species have cultural, spiritual, or economic significance to human societies. Conserving genetic diversity ensures the continued existence of these species and their associated values. For example, the genetic diversity in fish species is important for the livelihoods of many coastal communities that depend on fishing.

Protected areas serve essential purposes in conserving genetic diversity:
1. Habitat preservation: Protected areas provide the necessary habitats for diverse species to thrive. They conserve the ecological processes required for species' survival, such as breeding, feeding, and migration. For example, the establishment of marine protected areas helps to maintain the genetic diversity of fish populations by providing safe breeding grounds.
2. Mitigating threats: Protected areas often restrict human activities that can negatively impact species' genetic diversity, such as habitat destruction, overharvesting, pollution, and introduction of invasive species. For example, the protection of the Amazon rainforest has helped conserve the genetic diversity of its unique and diverse flora and fauna.
3. Insurance against extinction: Protected areas serve as insurance against species extinction by ensuring the survival of genetically diverse populations. In the case of rare or endangered species, protected areas can act as genetic reservoirs, allowing for the potential recovery of these species in the future. For example, the creation of protected areas for the critically endangered black rhinoceros has contributed to a slow but steady increase in their population.
4. Research and monitoring: Protected areas provide opportunities for research and monitoring of species and their genetic diversity. This knowledge can inform conservation strategies and management practices to ensure the long-term survival of diverse species. For example, research in protected areas has led to the discovery of new plant species with potential medicinal applications.

In conclusion, conserving genetic diversity is crucial for maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems, ensuring food security, advancing medical research, and preserving cultural and economic values. Protected areas play a vital role in conserving genetic diversity by providing habitats for species, mitigating threats, acting as insurance against extinction, and facilitating research and monitoring.

(b) Compare and Contrast different types of plate boundaries.     (150 words, 15 marks)

Plate boundaries are the edges where two or more tectonic plates meet and interact with each other. These interactions result in various geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain formations. There are three primary types of plate boundaries: convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.

Convergent boundaries occur when two tectonic plates move towards each other, resulting in the collision or subduction of one plate beneath the other. This process leads to the formation of mountain ranges, volcanic arcs, and deep ocean trenches. For example, the Himalayas are formed due to the convergence of the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Another example is the Andes mountain range in South America, which is formed due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate.

Divergent boundaries are characterized by the separation of two tectonic plates, allowing molten rock (magma) to rise from the mantle and create new crust. This process leads to the formation of mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a prime example of a divergent boundary, where the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate are moving away from each other. Similarly, the East African Rift Valley is formed due to the divergence of the African Plate and the Arabian Plate.                                                                                                                        UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)

Transform boundaries, also known as conservative boundaries, occur when two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally without the creation or destruction of the lithosphere. This type of boundary is associated with earthquakes and fault zones. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary, where the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate are moving parallel to each other.

In conclusion, plate boundaries play a significant role in shaping the Earth's surface and are responsible for various geological phenomena. Convergent boundaries lead to the formation of mountains and volcanic arcs, while divergent boundaries create mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys. On the other hand, transform boundaries are associated with earthquakes and fault zones.

(c) Explain the nature of Urban Climate and its impact on Global Environmental Change. ( 150 words, 15 marks)

Urban climate refers to the atmospheric conditions and weather patterns that are specific to urban areas. These conditions are influenced by factors such as urban geometry, building materials, anthropogenic heat emissions, and pollution, which lead to distinct microclimates in urban environments. Some of the major characteristics of urban climate include higher temperatures (urban heat island effect), reduced wind speeds, increased humidity, and altered precipitation patterns.

The urban heat island effect, for example, is a phenomenon where urban areas experience significantly higher temperatures than their rural surroundings, primarily due to the vast amounts of impervious surfaces such as concrete and asphalt that absorb and re-emit heat. This effect can exacerbate heatwaves and increase energy demand for cooling, thus contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

Urban climate significantly impacts global environmental change through various pathways. For instance, higher energy consumption in cities contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn intensify global warming. Additionally, urbanization leads to the loss of natural landscapes and ecosystems, which play a critical role in carbon sequestration and climate regulation.

Furthermore, altered precipitation patterns in urban areas can result in increased flooding and erosion, causing harm to both the built and natural environment. Air pollution from vehicular emissions and industrial activities not only deteriorates air quality but also contributes to the formation of urban smog, which can have adverse effects on human health and the environment.

To mitigate the negative impacts of urban climate on global environmental change, it is essential to promote sustainable urban development practices such as incorporating green spaces, adopting energy-efficient building designs, and investing in public transportation systems. These measures can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance local climate resilience, and contribute to global environmental sustainability.

Q.3. (a) Discuss in detail the Tri-cellular Model of Atmospheric Circulation.     (250 words, 20 marks).

The Tri-cellular Model of Atmospheric Circulation is a simplified conceptual model that describes the global circulation of air masses on Earth. This model is based on the understanding that the Earth's atmosphere circulates in a series of three interconnected cells that transport heat and moisture from the equator to the poles and back again. These cells are known as the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell, and the Polar cell. The model helps us understand the global distribution of pressure belts, prevailing wind systems, and weather patterns. UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)

(a) Hadley Cell: The Hadley cell is the first and most prominent cell in the Tri-cellular Model, extending from the equator to around 30° latitude, both north and south. The process begins with intense solar heating at the equator, which causes air to expand and rise. This creates a low-pressure zone at the surface known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). As the warm, moist air rises, it cools and condenses, forming clouds and releasing latent heat, resulting in heavy rainfall, characteristic of equatorial regions.
At around 30° latitude, the now cool and dry air descends back towards the surface, creating a high-pressure zone called the Subtropical High-Pressure Belt. This sinking air warms and absorbs moisture, resulting in arid and semi-arid climates found in subtropical regions, such as the Sahara Desert in Africa and the Australian Outback. The surface winds in this cell are called the Trade Winds, which blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.
(b) Ferrel Cell: The Ferrel cell lies between 30° and 60° latitude in both hemispheres. This cell is characterized by the interaction between the high-pressure zone at 30° latitude and the low-pressure zone at 60° latitude. In the Ferrel cell, surface winds flow poleward from the Subtropical High-Pressure Belt, picking up moisture as they move towards the higher latitudes. These winds are known as the Westerlies and are responsible for the temperate and wet climates found in mid-latitude regions such as Western Europe and the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
As the air reaches around 60° latitude, it converges with cold air moving equatorward from the Polar cell, causing the air to rise and form the Subpolar Low-Pressure Belt. This convergence results in the formation of the mid-latitude cyclones that bring rain and snow to these regions.

(c) Polar Cell: The Polar cell is the smallest and weakest of the three cells, extending from 60° latitude to the poles in both hemispheres. Cold, dense air at the poles creates a high-pressure zone called the Polar High-Pressure Belt. The surface winds in this cell, known as the Polar Easterlies, blow away from the poles and converge with the Westerlies from the Ferrel cell at around 60° latitude.

As the cold polar air meets the warmer air from the Ferrel cell, the warmer air rises, forming the Subpolar Low-Pressure Belt. This rising air cools and condenses, creating precipitation and contributing to the formation of mid-latitude cyclones. The remaining cold air continues to move equatorward, eventually sinking and returning to the poles to complete the circulation.

In summary, the Tri-cellular Model of Atmospheric Circulation explains the global distribution of pressure belts, prevailing wind systems, and climate patterns by describing the interactions between the Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar cells. This model, although simplified, serves as a useful tool for understanding the basic mechanisms that drive Earth's atmospheric circulation.

(b) How are soil acidity and alkalinity related to soil fertility?     ( 150 words, 15 marks)

Soil acidity and alkalinity are critical factors that influence soil fertility, as they directly affect the availability of nutrients for plant growth and the overall soil structure. The pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14, is used to measure soil acidity and alkalinity, with 7 being neutral. A pH below 7 indicates acidic soil, while a pH above 7 indicates alkaline soil.

1. Nutrient availability: Soil pH affects the availability of various nutrients in the soil. In acidic soils, nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium can become less available for plant uptake due to increased fixation and precipitation. Additionally, micronutrients like iron, manganese, and zinc can become excessively available, leading to toxicity in plants. In alkaline soils, the availability of phosphorus, iron, manganese, and zinc decreases, while calcium, magnesium, and potassium are more readily available. However, overabundance of these nutrients can also lead to plant toxicity. The optimal pH range for most plants is between 6 and 7, as this range provides an adequate availability of essential nutrients.
2. Soil microorganisms: Soil acidity and alkalinity also influence the microbial activity in the soil, which plays an essential role in nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. Acidic soils can inhibit the growth of certain beneficial microbes, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, while promoting the growth of harmful microbes, like fungi, that cause plant diseases. Alkaline soils can reduce the overall microbial activity, leading to a slower decomposition of organic matter and nutrient release.
3. Soil structure: Soil pH also affects the soil structure, which influences water infiltration, aeration, and root penetration. Acidic soils tend to have poor soil structure, as the high concentration of hydrogen ions leads to a breakdown of soil aggregates and increased soil compaction. Alkaline soils, on the other hand, tend to have a better soil structure, as the high concentration of calcium and magnesium ions promotes aggregation and improves soil stability.
4. Toxic elements: Extreme soil pH levels can lead to the release of toxic elements, such as aluminum and manganese in acidic soils, and boron and sodium in alkaline soils. These toxic elements can limit plant growth and affect the overall soil fertility.
(a) In the acidic soils of the Eastern Himalayas, the tea plantations thrive due to their preference for acidic conditions. However, the acidic nature of these soils often leads to low productivity in other crops due to nutrient deficiencies and toxic elements.
(b) The black cotton soils in the Deccan Plateau region of India are alkaline and rich in calcium and magnesium, supporting the growth of crops like cotton and sugarcane. However, the alkalinity of these soils can lead to micronutrient deficiencies, affecting the overall fertility.

In conclusion, soil acidity and alkalinity significantly impact soil fertility by affecting the availability of nutrients, microbial activity, soil structure, and the presence of toxic elements. Managing soil pH is essential for maintaining optimal soil fertility and promoting healthy plant growth. This can be achieved through various practices, such as liming to raise soil pH in acidic soils, applying sulfur or acid-forming fertilizers to lower soil pH in alkaline soils, and incorporating organic matter to improve soil structure and nutrient availability.

(c) "The web of life is seamless and the consequences of disruption to one part of the ecosystem ripple throughout the whole." 

The statement highlights the interconnected nature of ecosystems and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the delicate balance that exists within them. Ecosystems are complex, interwoven networks of living organisms and their environments, where each component relies on the others for survival, growth, and reproduction. When one part of the ecosystem is disrupted, it can have cascading effects on the rest of the system, with potentially severe consequences for the health and stability of the entire ecosystem.
The concept of the web of life is based on the idea that all living organisms are connected in a complex network of relationships, where they interact with each other and their environment. This web of life, or the ecosystem, is an intricate system where each organism plays a specific role in maintaining the balance and ensuring the survival of the system as a whole.
However, when one part of the ecosystem is disrupted or damaged, it can lead to a ripple effect that impacts the entire system. This is because the health and functioning of each component within an ecosystem are interdependent, and changes in one part can have far-reaching consequences for the whole.
For example, consider the case of deforestation in a tropical rainforest. When large areas of forest are cleared for agriculture, logging, or other human activities, the balance of the ecosystem is disrupted. The loss of trees can lead to soil erosion, as roots that once held the soil together are removed. This can cause landslides and flooding, which can further damage the ecosystem and harm the plants and animals that rely on the forest for habitat and food.
As another example, the introduction of an invasive species into a new ecosystem can cause significant disruption. Invasive species can out-compete native species for resources, leading to a decline in biodiversity and the potential loss of keystone species that play crucial roles in maintaining the ecosystem's balance. For instance, the introduction of the Nile perch into Lake Victoria in Africa led to the extinction of several native fish species and disrupted the lake's entire ecosystem.
Additionally, pollution and climate change can have significant impacts on ecosystems. For example, increased ocean temperatures and acidification caused by climate change can lead to the bleaching of coral reefs, which are essential for supporting a diverse range of marine life. The loss of coral reefs can have devastating impacts on the entire marine ecosystem, affecting the food chain, and disrupting the balance of life in the ocean.

In conclusion, the web of life is a seamless and interconnected network that relies on the balance and functioning of all its components. When one part of the ecosystem is disrupted, the consequences can ripple throughout the entire system, affecting the health and stability of the whole. This highlights the importance of conserving and protecting ecosystems, as the consequences of disruption can be far-reaching and potentially irreversible.

Q.4. (a). Discuss the methods of measuring the intensity and magnitude of earthquakes. How are seismic zones demarcated?     ( 250 words, 20 marks)

There are two primary ways of measuring the intensity and magnitude of earthquakes: the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale and the Richter Magnitude Scale.

The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is a subjective measure of the intensity of an earthquake based on observed effects on people, structures, and the natural environment. It consists of 12 levels, ranging from I (not felt) to XII (total destruction). The MMI scale takes into account factors such as distance from the epicenter, local geological conditions, and construction practices, which affect the intensity of ground shaking. For example, the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California had a maximum intensity of IX, causing severe damage to buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure.

The Richter Magnitude Scale, developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter, is an objective measure of the size of an earthquake based on the amplitude of seismic waves recorded on a seismograph. The scale is logarithmic, with each whole number increase representing a tenfold increase in amplitude and a release of approximately 31.6 times more energy. For example, the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile had a magnitude of 9.5, making it the largest earthquake ever recorded, while the 1906 San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude of 7.9.

Seismic zones are demarcated based on the frequency and intensity of earthquakes in a particular region. This is done by analyzing historical earthquake data, studying the distribution of active faults, and understanding the regional tectonic setting. Seismic zoning maps are then created to classify areas based on the likelihood of experiencing a certain level of ground shaking within a specified time period, such as 50 or 100 years. These maps are useful for developing building codes, land-use planning, and emergency preparedness.          UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)

For example, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has divided the country into four seismic zones: Zone 0 (lowest hazard), Zone 1 (moderate hazard), Zone 2 (high hazard), and Zone 3 (highest hazard). The highest hazard zones are located along the active tectonic boundaries, such as the San Andreas Fault in California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest. Similarly, India is divided into four seismic zones: Zone II (low-intensity zone), Zone III (moderate-intensity zone), Zone IV (high-intensity zone), and Zone V (very high-intensity zone). The Himalayan region, which experiences frequent earthquakes, falls under Zone IV and V.

(b) The impact of floods on life and property can be most effectively reduced by hazard mapping. Comment.     ( 150 words, 15 marks)

Hazard mapping is a crucial tool in disaster management that helps in identifying and assessing the geographical areas that are most vulnerable to natural disasters like floods. It is a process of collecting, analyzing, and displaying information related to the nature, frequency, and potential consequences of various hazards. The primary objective of hazard mapping is to create awareness among the stakeholders and help them in making informed decisions to reduce the impact of floods on life and property.

The impact of floods on life and property can be effectively reduced by hazard mapping in multiple ways:
1. Identifying vulnerable areas: Hazard mapping helps in identifying the areas that are most susceptible to flooding, based on factors like topography, soil type, land use, and historical flood data. This information can be used to prioritize the areas that require immediate attention and resources for flood mitigation measures.
Example: The flood hazard maps developed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) of India have identified several flood-prone areas in the country, allowing the government to focus its resources on these specific regions.
2. Land-use planning and zoning: Hazard maps can be used as a basis for land-use planning and zoning regulations, which can help in minimizing the exposure of life and property to flood risks. By restricting construction and development in flood-prone areas, the vulnerability of these regions can be significantly reduced.
Example: After the devastating 2011 floods in Thailand, hazard maps were used to update the land-use plans and zoning regulations to prevent future flood damage.

3. Early warning systems and preparedness: Hazard maps can serve as a basis for developing early warning systems and emergency preparedness plans. By understanding the flood-prone areas and the potential magnitude of flooding, appropriate warning systems can be put in place to alert the communities at risk.
Example: The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) uses hazard maps to provide early flood warnings to the European countries, allowing them to take necessary precautions and evacuate people in time to minimize the impact on life and property.

4. Infrastructure planning and protection: Hazard mapping can inform the planning and design of infrastructure projects, ensuring they are resilient to flood risks. This can include flood-resistant construction techniques, elevating critical infrastructure, and incorporating natural defenses like wetlands and floodplains.
Example: In the Netherlands, the Room for the River program uses hazard maps to identify areas where infrastructure can be adapted or relocated to reduce flood risk while also promoting sustainable development.

5. Insurance and risk reduction: Hazard maps can be used by insurance companies to assess the flood risk of a particular area, which can help in determining the insurance premiums and encouraging property owners to invest in flood mitigation measures.
Example: In the United States, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides flood hazard maps that are used by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to offer insurance coverage to property owners in flood-prone areas.

In conclusion, hazard mapping plays a crucial role in reducing the impact of floods on life and property. It allows for better identification and understanding of flood-prone areas, which can then be used to guide land-use planning, infrastructure development, early warning systems, and insurance policies. By implementing these strategies, the risks associated with floods can be significantly reduced, ultimately saving lives and minimizing property damage.

(c) How are ocean waves formed? Distinguish between a wave of oscillation and a wave of translation. (150 words, 15 marks)

Ocean waves are formed due to the interaction between wind and the surface of the ocean. When wind blows across the ocean, it exerts frictional force on the water, which transfers energy from the wind to the water, creating a disturbance in the form of waves. The size and strength of the waves depend on the speed of the wind, the duration it blows, and the fetch (the distance over which the wind blows across the water). UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)

There are two main types of ocean waves: waves of oscillation and waves of translation.
1. Waves of Oscillation:
These waves are also known as deep-water waves or progressive waves. In these waves, the water particles move in circular or elliptical paths but do not advance in a horizontal direction. Waves of oscillation occur when the water depth is greater than half the wavelength of the wave. As the wave moves forward, the water particles move up and down in a circular motion, returning to their original position after the wave has passed.
Example: Swells are a good example of oscillatory waves. They are formed by distant storms and travel across the ocean basins, maintaining their energy over long distances. When swells reach the coastline, they can generate large and powerful breaking waves.

2. Waves of Translation:
These waves are also known as shallow-water waves or surging waves. Waves of translation occur when the water depth is less than half the wavelength of the wave. In these waves, the water particles move forward with the wave, causing a mass transfer of water. As the wave approaches the shore and the water depth decreases, the wave's velocity decreases, and its height increases, creating a breaking wave.
Example: Tsunamis are an example of waves of translation. They are formed by underwater disturbances, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, which cause a large displacement of water. As tsunamis travel towards the shore, their speed decreases, and their height increases, causing devastating effects when they reach the coast.

In summary, ocean waves are formed due to the interaction between wind and the surface of the ocean. Waves of oscillation involve water particles moving in circular paths without horizontal movement, while waves of translation involve the forward movement of water particles. Swells are an example of oscillatory waves, and tsunamis are an example of translatory waves.

The document UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) | Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes) is a part of the UPSC Course Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes).
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FAQs on UPSC Mains Answer PYQ 2019: Geography Paper 1 (Section- A) - Geography Optional for UPSC (Notes)

1. What is the format of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 in the 2019 exam?
Ans. The UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 in the 2019 exam was divided into two sections - Section A and Section B. This question specifically refers to Section A. Section A of the Geography Paper 1 consisted of a total of 8 questions, out of which candidates had to answer 5 questions. The questions were of descriptive nature and carried equal marks. The questions covered various topics related to physical geography, climatology, geomorphology, and environmental geography.
2. What are some important topics covered in Section A of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1?
Ans. Section A of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 covered a wide range of topics related to physical geography. Some of the important topics included geomorphology, climatology, oceanography, biogeography, environmental geography, and geographical thought. These topics required candidates to have a sound understanding of the concepts and their applications.
3. How many questions were required to be answered in Section A of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 in the 2019 exam?
Ans. In the 2019 UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1, candidates were required to answer a total of 5 questions from Section A. Out of the 8 questions provided, candidates had the flexibility to choose any 5 questions to answer. It was important for candidates to carefully analyze the questions and prioritize their answers based on their knowledge and understanding of the topics.
4. What were the key areas of focus in the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 Section A?
Ans. The key areas of focus in the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1 Section A included the study of landforms, climate patterns, oceanography, biogeography, and environmental geography. These areas required candidates to have a comprehensive understanding of the physical processes and their impact on the Earth's surface. Candidates were expected to demonstrate their knowledge by providing detailed explanations and examples in their answers.
5. How should candidates prepare for Section A of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1?
Ans. To prepare for Section A of the UPSC Mains Geography Paper 1, candidates should focus on building a strong foundation in physical geography. They should thoroughly study topics such as geomorphology, climatology, oceanography, biogeography, and environmental geography. It is important to understand the key concepts, theories, and processes related to these areas. Candidates should also practice answering descriptive questions and writing concise yet informative answers. Additionally, referring to previous year question papers and mock tests can help candidates familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and improve their time management skills.
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