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Autotroph : An organism that sythesize its required nutrients from simple
and inorganic substance; Example—plants, blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
Heterotroph : An organism that cannot synthesise its own nutrients and
depend on others. Example—Bacteria, protists, members of animalia.
Biological nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into
organic compounds by living organisms.
Chlorosis : Yellowing of leaves due to loss of chlorophyll.
Nitrification : Conversion of ammonia (NH
) into nitrite and then to nitrate.
Denitrification : A process of conversion of nitrate into nitrous oxide and
nitrogen gas (N
Leg-hemoglobin : Pinkish pigment found in the root nodules of legumes.
It acts as oxygen scavenger and protects the nitrogenase enzyme from oxidation.
Flux : The movement of ions is called flux. Influx is inward movement of
ions into the cells and efflux is the outward movement of ions.
Inhibition of cell division : Deficiency of N, K, S. and Mo.
Necrosis : Death of tissues particularly leaf tissue due to deficiency of Ca,
Mg, Cu, K.
Delayed Flowering : due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Mineral Nutrition : Plants require mineral elements for their growth and
development. The utilization of various absorbed ions by a plant for growth and
development is called mineral nutrition of the plant.
Hydroponics : Soil-less culture of plants, where roots are immersed
in nutrient solution (without soil) is called hydroponics. The result obtained
from hydroponics may be used to determine deficiency symptoms of essential
Page 2
Autotroph : An organism that sythesize its required nutrients from simple
and inorganic substance; Example—plants, blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
Heterotroph : An organism that cannot synthesise its own nutrients and
depend on others. Example—Bacteria, protists, members of animalia.
Biological nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into
organic compounds by living organisms.
Chlorosis : Yellowing of leaves due to loss of chlorophyll.
Nitrification : Conversion of ammonia (NH
) into nitrite and then to nitrate.
Denitrification : A process of conversion of nitrate into nitrous oxide and
nitrogen gas (N
Leg-hemoglobin : Pinkish pigment found in the root nodules of legumes.
It acts as oxygen scavenger and protects the nitrogenase enzyme from oxidation.
Flux : The movement of ions is called flux. Influx is inward movement of
ions into the cells and efflux is the outward movement of ions.
Inhibition of cell division : Deficiency of N, K, S. and Mo.
Necrosis : Death of tissues particularly leaf tissue due to deficiency of Ca,
Mg, Cu, K.
Delayed Flowering : due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Mineral Nutrition : Plants require mineral elements for their growth and
development. The utilization of various absorbed ions by a plant for growth and
development is called mineral nutrition of the plant.
Hydroponics : Soil-less culture of plants, where roots are immersed
in nutrient solution (without soil) is called hydroponics. The result obtained
from hydroponics may be used to determine deficiency symptoms of essential
or NH
Active Transport : Absorption occuring at the expense of metabolic energy.
Passive Transport : Absorption of minerals with concentration gradient by
the process of diffusion without the expense of metabolic energy.
Essential Elements
Macronutnents Micro-nutrients
Macronutrients are present in plant Micro-nutrients are needed in very
tissues in concentrations of more low amounts : less than 10 m mole
than 10 m mole Kg
of dry matter. Kg
– 1
C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, B, Cl, Ni
In addition to the 17 essential elements, Na, Si, Co and Si are required by
some higher plants.
Criteria for essentiality :
1. The element must be necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction.
2. Requirement must be specific and not replaceable by another element.
3. The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.
Role of Minerals Elements in Plants
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Nitrogen (N) Mainly as some Constituent of Stunted growth
as proteins, nucleic Chlorosis,
acids, vitamins and dormancy of
hormones. causal buds.
Phosphorus (P) Phosphate ions Constituent of cell Poor growth of
membrane. Required plant.
for the synthesis
of nucleic acids, Leaves dull green,
nucleotides, ATP delay in seed
NAD and NADP germination purple
for phosphory- or red spots on
lation reactions. leaves, premature
leaf fall.
Page 3
Autotroph : An organism that sythesize its required nutrients from simple
and inorganic substance; Example—plants, blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
Heterotroph : An organism that cannot synthesise its own nutrients and
depend on others. Example—Bacteria, protists, members of animalia.
Biological nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into
organic compounds by living organisms.
Chlorosis : Yellowing of leaves due to loss of chlorophyll.
Nitrification : Conversion of ammonia (NH
) into nitrite and then to nitrate.
Denitrification : A process of conversion of nitrate into nitrous oxide and
nitrogen gas (N
Leg-hemoglobin : Pinkish pigment found in the root nodules of legumes.
It acts as oxygen scavenger and protects the nitrogenase enzyme from oxidation.
Flux : The movement of ions is called flux. Influx is inward movement of
ions into the cells and efflux is the outward movement of ions.
Inhibition of cell division : Deficiency of N, K, S. and Mo.
Necrosis : Death of tissues particularly leaf tissue due to deficiency of Ca,
Mg, Cu, K.
Delayed Flowering : due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Mineral Nutrition : Plants require mineral elements for their growth and
development. The utilization of various absorbed ions by a plant for growth and
development is called mineral nutrition of the plant.
Hydroponics : Soil-less culture of plants, where roots are immersed
in nutrient solution (without soil) is called hydroponics. The result obtained
from hydroponics may be used to determine deficiency symptoms of essential
or NH
Active Transport : Absorption occuring at the expense of metabolic energy.
Passive Transport : Absorption of minerals with concentration gradient by
the process of diffusion without the expense of metabolic energy.
Essential Elements
Macronutnents Micro-nutrients
Macronutrients are present in plant Micro-nutrients are needed in very
tissues in concentrations of more low amounts : less than 10 m mole
than 10 m mole Kg
of dry matter. Kg
– 1
C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, B, Cl, Ni
In addition to the 17 essential elements, Na, Si, Co and Si are required by
some higher plants.
Criteria for essentiality :
1. The element must be necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction.
2. Requirement must be specific and not replaceable by another element.
3. The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.
Role of Minerals Elements in Plants
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Nitrogen (N) Mainly as some Constituent of Stunted growth
as proteins, nucleic Chlorosis,
acids, vitamins and dormancy of
hormones. causal buds.
Phosphorus (P) Phosphate ions Constituent of cell Poor growth of
membrane. Required plant.
for the synthesis
of nucleic acids, Leaves dull green,
nucleotides, ATP delay in seed
NAD and NADP germination purple
for phosphory- or red spots on
lation reactions. leaves, premature
leaf fall.
Potasium (K) K
Helps to maintain an Stunted growth;
anion-cation balance yellow leaves
in cells. Involved in edges of
protein synthesis, in leaves; mottled
opening and closing appearance of
of stomata; activation leaves. Premature
of enzymes; mainte- death.
nance of turgidity of
Calcium (Ca) Ca
Required in formation Stunted growth,
of mitotic spindle; chlorosis of young
involved in normal leaves.
functioning of cell
membranes; activates
certain enzymes; as
calcium pectate in
middle lamella of the
cell wall.
Magnesium (Mg) Mg
Activates enzymes in Chlorosis between
phosphate metabolism, the leaf veins
constituent of narcosis purple
chlorophyll; maintains colours spots on
ribosome structure. older leave
Sulphur (S) Constituent of two Chlorosis of
amino-acids-Crysteine younger leaves,
and methionine and stunted growth
proteins, coenzymes,
vitamins and
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Iron (Fe) Fe
Constituent of Chlorosis of
Ferredoxin and leaves
cytochrome; needed
for synthesis of
Manganese (Mn) Mn
Activates certain Chlorosis, grey
enzymes involved spots on leaves.
in photosynthesis,
respiration and nitrogen
Page 4
Autotroph : An organism that sythesize its required nutrients from simple
and inorganic substance; Example—plants, blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
Heterotroph : An organism that cannot synthesise its own nutrients and
depend on others. Example—Bacteria, protists, members of animalia.
Biological nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into
organic compounds by living organisms.
Chlorosis : Yellowing of leaves due to loss of chlorophyll.
Nitrification : Conversion of ammonia (NH
) into nitrite and then to nitrate.
Denitrification : A process of conversion of nitrate into nitrous oxide and
nitrogen gas (N
Leg-hemoglobin : Pinkish pigment found in the root nodules of legumes.
It acts as oxygen scavenger and protects the nitrogenase enzyme from oxidation.
Flux : The movement of ions is called flux. Influx is inward movement of
ions into the cells and efflux is the outward movement of ions.
Inhibition of cell division : Deficiency of N, K, S. and Mo.
Necrosis : Death of tissues particularly leaf tissue due to deficiency of Ca,
Mg, Cu, K.
Delayed Flowering : due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Mineral Nutrition : Plants require mineral elements for their growth and
development. The utilization of various absorbed ions by a plant for growth and
development is called mineral nutrition of the plant.
Hydroponics : Soil-less culture of plants, where roots are immersed
in nutrient solution (without soil) is called hydroponics. The result obtained
from hydroponics may be used to determine deficiency symptoms of essential
or NH
Active Transport : Absorption occuring at the expense of metabolic energy.
Passive Transport : Absorption of minerals with concentration gradient by
the process of diffusion without the expense of metabolic energy.
Essential Elements
Macronutnents Micro-nutrients
Macronutrients are present in plant Micro-nutrients are needed in very
tissues in concentrations of more low amounts : less than 10 m mole
than 10 m mole Kg
of dry matter. Kg
– 1
C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, B, Cl, Ni
In addition to the 17 essential elements, Na, Si, Co and Si are required by
some higher plants.
Criteria for essentiality :
1. The element must be necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction.
2. Requirement must be specific and not replaceable by another element.
3. The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.
Role of Minerals Elements in Plants
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Nitrogen (N) Mainly as some Constituent of Stunted growth
as proteins, nucleic Chlorosis,
acids, vitamins and dormancy of
hormones. causal buds.
Phosphorus (P) Phosphate ions Constituent of cell Poor growth of
membrane. Required plant.
for the synthesis
of nucleic acids, Leaves dull green,
nucleotides, ATP delay in seed
NAD and NADP germination purple
for phosphory- or red spots on
lation reactions. leaves, premature
leaf fall.
Potasium (K) K
Helps to maintain an Stunted growth;
anion-cation balance yellow leaves
in cells. Involved in edges of
protein synthesis, in leaves; mottled
opening and closing appearance of
of stomata; activation leaves. Premature
of enzymes; mainte- death.
nance of turgidity of
Calcium (Ca) Ca
Required in formation Stunted growth,
of mitotic spindle; chlorosis of young
involved in normal leaves.
functioning of cell
membranes; activates
certain enzymes; as
calcium pectate in
middle lamella of the
cell wall.
Magnesium (Mg) Mg
Activates enzymes in Chlorosis between
phosphate metabolism, the leaf veins
constituent of narcosis purple
chlorophyll; maintains colours spots on
ribosome structure. older leave
Sulphur (S) Constituent of two Chlorosis of
amino-acids-Crysteine younger leaves,
and methionine and stunted growth
proteins, coenzymes,
vitamins and
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Iron (Fe) Fe
Constituent of Chlorosis of
Ferredoxin and leaves
cytochrome; needed
for synthesis of
Manganese (Mn) Mn
Activates certain Chlorosis, grey
enzymes involved spots on leaves.
in photosynthesis,
respiration and nitrogen
Zinc (Zn) Zn
Activates various Malformation of
enzymes like leaves
carboxylases. Required
for synthesis of auxins.
Copper (Cu) Cu
Activates certain Stunted growth,
enzymes. Essential for inter-veinal
overall metabolism chlorosis in leaves.
Necrosis of the tip
of young leaves,
die back of shoot.
Boron (B) BO
, B
Required for uptake Death of stem
of water and Ca, for and root apex,
membrane functioning, loss of a foical
pollen germination, cell dominance,
elongation carbohydrate abscission of
translocation. flowers, small size
of fruits
Molybdenum (molybdate ions) Activates certain Nitrogen
(Mo) metabolism. deficiency inter-
veinal chlorosis
retardation of
Chlorine (Cl) Cl
Maintains solute Wilted leaves;
concentration along stunted root
with Na+ & K+; maintain growth and
anion-cation balance reduced fruiting.
in cells; essential for
oxygen evolution in
Critical Concentration : The concentration of the essential element below
which plant growth is retarted. The element is said to be deficient when present
below the critical concentration.
Deficiency symptoms : Chlorosis, stunted growth, premature fall of leaves
and buds and inhibition of cell division.
Toxicity of micronutrient : Any mineral ion concentration in tissues that
reduces the dry weight of tissues by 10% is considered toxic. Toxicity of one
element may lead to deficiency of other element since the former may inhibit the
uptake of latter., e.g., Mn competes with Fe, Mg for uptake and also inhibits Ca
translocation to shoot apex. Therefore Mn toxicity symptoms are actually same
as deficiency symptoms of Fe, Mg and Ca.
Page 5
Autotroph : An organism that sythesize its required nutrients from simple
and inorganic substance; Example—plants, blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
Heterotroph : An organism that cannot synthesise its own nutrients and
depend on others. Example—Bacteria, protists, members of animalia.
Biological nitrogen fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into
organic compounds by living organisms.
Chlorosis : Yellowing of leaves due to loss of chlorophyll.
Nitrification : Conversion of ammonia (NH
) into nitrite and then to nitrate.
Denitrification : A process of conversion of nitrate into nitrous oxide and
nitrogen gas (N
Leg-hemoglobin : Pinkish pigment found in the root nodules of legumes.
It acts as oxygen scavenger and protects the nitrogenase enzyme from oxidation.
Flux : The movement of ions is called flux. Influx is inward movement of
ions into the cells and efflux is the outward movement of ions.
Inhibition of cell division : Deficiency of N, K, S. and Mo.
Necrosis : Death of tissues particularly leaf tissue due to deficiency of Ca,
Mg, Cu, K.
Delayed Flowering : due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Mineral Nutrition : Plants require mineral elements for their growth and
development. The utilization of various absorbed ions by a plant for growth and
development is called mineral nutrition of the plant.
Hydroponics : Soil-less culture of plants, where roots are immersed
in nutrient solution (without soil) is called hydroponics. The result obtained
from hydroponics may be used to determine deficiency symptoms of essential
or NH
Active Transport : Absorption occuring at the expense of metabolic energy.
Passive Transport : Absorption of minerals with concentration gradient by
the process of diffusion without the expense of metabolic energy.
Essential Elements
Macronutnents Micro-nutrients
Macronutrients are present in plant Micro-nutrients are needed in very
tissues in concentrations of more low amounts : less than 10 m mole
than 10 m mole Kg
of dry matter. Kg
– 1
C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, B, Cl, Ni
In addition to the 17 essential elements, Na, Si, Co and Si are required by
some higher plants.
Criteria for essentiality :
1. The element must be necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction.
2. Requirement must be specific and not replaceable by another element.
3. The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.
Role of Minerals Elements in Plants
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Nitrogen (N) Mainly as some Constituent of Stunted growth
as proteins, nucleic Chlorosis,
acids, vitamins and dormancy of
hormones. causal buds.
Phosphorus (P) Phosphate ions Constituent of cell Poor growth of
membrane. Required plant.
for the synthesis
of nucleic acids, Leaves dull green,
nucleotides, ATP delay in seed
NAD and NADP germination purple
for phosphory- or red spots on
lation reactions. leaves, premature
leaf fall.
Potasium (K) K
Helps to maintain an Stunted growth;
anion-cation balance yellow leaves
in cells. Involved in edges of
protein synthesis, in leaves; mottled
opening and closing appearance of
of stomata; activation leaves. Premature
of enzymes; mainte- death.
nance of turgidity of
Calcium (Ca) Ca
Required in formation Stunted growth,
of mitotic spindle; chlorosis of young
involved in normal leaves.
functioning of cell
membranes; activates
certain enzymes; as
calcium pectate in
middle lamella of the
cell wall.
Magnesium (Mg) Mg
Activates enzymes in Chlorosis between
phosphate metabolism, the leaf veins
constituent of narcosis purple
chlorophyll; maintains colours spots on
ribosome structure. older leave
Sulphur (S) Constituent of two Chlorosis of
amino-acids-Crysteine younger leaves,
and methionine and stunted growth
proteins, coenzymes,
vitamins and
Element Obtained as Functions Deficiency
Iron (Fe) Fe
Constituent of Chlorosis of
Ferredoxin and leaves
cytochrome; needed
for synthesis of
Manganese (Mn) Mn
Activates certain Chlorosis, grey
enzymes involved spots on leaves.
in photosynthesis,
respiration and nitrogen
Zinc (Zn) Zn
Activates various Malformation of
enzymes like leaves
carboxylases. Required
for synthesis of auxins.
Copper (Cu) Cu
Activates certain Stunted growth,
enzymes. Essential for inter-veinal
overall metabolism chlorosis in leaves.
Necrosis of the tip
of young leaves,
die back of shoot.
Boron (B) BO
, B
Required for uptake Death of stem
of water and Ca, for and root apex,
membrane functioning, loss of a foical
pollen germination, cell dominance,
elongation carbohydrate abscission of
translocation. flowers, small size
of fruits
Molybdenum (molybdate ions) Activates certain Nitrogen
(Mo) metabolism. deficiency inter-
veinal chlorosis
retardation of
Chlorine (Cl) Cl
Maintains solute Wilted leaves;
concentration along stunted root
with Na+ & K+; maintain growth and
anion-cation balance reduced fruiting.
in cells; essential for
oxygen evolution in
Critical Concentration : The concentration of the essential element below
which plant growth is retarted. The element is said to be deficient when present
below the critical concentration.
Deficiency symptoms : Chlorosis, stunted growth, premature fall of leaves
and buds and inhibition of cell division.
Toxicity of micronutrient : Any mineral ion concentration in tissues that
reduces the dry weight of tissues by 10% is considered toxic. Toxicity of one
element may lead to deficiency of other element since the former may inhibit the
uptake of latter., e.g., Mn competes with Fe, Mg for uptake and also inhibits Ca
translocation to shoot apex. Therefore Mn toxicity symptoms are actually same
as deficiency symptoms of Fe, Mg and Ca.
Role of microbes in nitrogen cycle :
? Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Rhodospirillum; Fix atmospheric nitrogen
? Nitrosomonas and/or Nitrococcus :—Conversion of ammonia to nitrite
? Nitrobacter : Conversion of nitrite into nitrate.
? Pseudomonas and Thiobacillus : reduce nitrate into nitrogen.
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen fixation—The process of conversion of Nitrogen (N
) into
ammonia (NH
Ammonification—The process of decomposition of organic nitrogen of
plants and animals (proteins) into ammonia.
Nitrification—The ammonia so formed may volatilise and re-enter the
atmosphere, or some of the ammonia may be converted first into nitrite and then
into nitrate by soil bacteria
3 2 2 2
2NH +3O 2NO +2H O+2H ??????? ?
22 3
2NO +O 2NO ?????? ?
DeadPlantsandAnimals NH
3 Bacteria
??????? ? Protien in
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