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All questions of Demographic Structure and Indian Society for Humanities/Arts Exam

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Which stage is that of low population growth in a developed society where both death rate and birth rate have been reduced considerably, and the difference between them is?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Prasenjit Rane answered
Stage of Low Population Growth in a Developed Society

The stage of low population growth in a developed society refers to a demographic transition model that describes the changes in population growth rates as countries go through economic and social development. This stage is characterized by low birth and death rates, resulting in a stable population.

Key Features:

1. Reduced Birth Rates: In this stage, birth rates are significantly lower than in previous stages due to increased access to education, family planning, and economic opportunities.

2. Reduced Death Rates: Death rates also decline due to improved healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition.

3. Stable Population: With low birth and death rates, the population remains relatively stable.

4. Aging Population: Due to low birth rates, the population tends to be older, and there may be concerns about a shrinking workforce.

5. Economic Changes: In this stage, the economy tends to shift from being primarily agricultural to being more industrial and service-oriented.

Stage Number:

The stage of low population growth in a developed society is the third stage in the demographic transition model, which is a theoretical framework that explains the changes in population growth rates over time.


In summary, the stage of low population growth in a developed society is characterized by reduced birth and death rates, a stable population, and an aging population. It is the third stage in the demographic transition model and is associated with economic and social development.

Which year is called the 'Demographic divide' in India ?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Jyoti Yadav answered
1921 census shows negative growth rate due to increase in death rate because of influenza epidemic of 1918 - 19.

Which state has the lowest child sex ratio?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Akshat Sen answered
The state with the lowest child sex ratio is Haryana. The child sex ratio is the number of girls per 1000 boys in the age group of 0-6 years. In Haryana, the child sex ratio has been declining over the years and currently stands at 834 as per the 2011 Census.

Reasons for low child sex ratio in Haryana:

1. Patriarchal society: Haryana has a deeply rooted patriarchal society where male child is preferred over a female child. This can be attributed to the age-old belief that the male child is responsible for carrying the family name and also for performing the last rites of the parents.

2. High prevalence of female foeticide: Despite the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, which prohibits the use of sex determination techniques, female foeticide is still prevalent in Haryana.

3. Preference for son: The preference for a son is so high in Haryana that families often resort to illegal means to ensure the birth of a male child. This includes sex-selective abortions, infanticide, and neglect of female children.

4. Low status of women: Women in Haryana have a low status in society and are often subjected to discrimination and violence. This leads to a lack of access to education and healthcare, which further perpetuates the problem of low child sex ratio.

Steps taken by the government to improve child sex ratio:

1. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: This is a flagship programme of the Government of India launched in 2015, which aims to address the issue of declining child sex ratio and empower girls through education.

2. Strict implementation of PCPNDT Act: The government has taken steps to curb the practice of female foeticide by strictly enforcing the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994.

3. Awareness campaigns: The government has launched various awareness campaigns to sensitize people about the importance of the girl child and the need to eliminate discrimination against women.

In conclusion, Haryana has the lowest child sex ratio in India, which can be attributed to the deeply ingrained patriarchal mindset, the high prevalence of female foeticide, and the low status of women in society. The government has taken steps to address this issue, but a collective effort is required from all sections of society to eliminate discrimination against women and ensure that every child, irrespective of gender, is given an equal opportunity to thrive.

When did the first census take place in India ?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Upasana Chopra answered
(British started it in 1872) then II census was taken place in 1881 after that every 10th year census are done.

The establishment of rule by one country over another is understood as
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Kajal Singh answered
The correct answer is A) Colonialism.


Colonialism refers to the establishment and maintenance of political, economic, and social control by one country over another. It involves the settlement of people from the colonizing country in the colonized territory, with the aim of exploiting its resources and asserting dominance over its indigenous population.

Colonialism typically involves a powerful nation extending its influence and control over a weaker nation or territory, often through military force or economic coercion. The colonizing country establishes political and legal institutions, implements its own laws and regulations, and imposes its cultural and social norms on the colonized population.

To understand why colonialism is the correct answer, let's briefly explore the other options:

B) Feudalism: Feudalism is a medieval social and economic system characterized by a hierarchical structure of lords and vassals, in which land is exchanged for military service and loyalty. While feudalism does involve a form of control by one group over another, it primarily pertains to the relationship between lords and vassals within a single country, rather than the establishment of rule by one country over another.

C) Nationalism: Nationalism is the belief in the inherent value and importance of one's own nation, often accompanied by a desire for self-determination and independence. While nationalism can lead to the establishment of independent states, it does not necessarily involve the subjugation of one country by another.

D) Imperialism: Imperialism refers to the policy or ideology of extending a nation's power and influence over other countries, often through colonization or military force. While imperialism shares some similarities with colonialism, it is a broader concept that encompasses various forms of domination and control, including economic, political, and cultural influence, whereas colonialism specifically refers to the establishment of direct rule by one country over another.

In conclusion, colonialism is the most accurate term to describe the establishment of rule by one country over another, as it specifically refers to the process of colonization and the direct exercise of political, economic, and social control by a colonizing nation.

When was India the first country to announce an official population policy?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Harsh Chawla answered
The correct answer is option D) 1952.

In 1947, India gained independence from British rule and faced numerous challenges, including a rapidly growing population. To address this issue, India became the first country to officially announce a population policy in 1952.

Here is a detailed explanation of India's population policy and its significance:

1. Background:
- India's population was rapidly increasing, posing a significant challenge for the newly independent country.
- The need for a population policy was recognized due to the strain on resources, healthcare, education, and overall development.

2. The establishment of the population policy:
- In 1949, the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) was formed as a non-governmental organization to promote family planning and population control.
- In 1952, the Government of India launched its first official population policy with the establishment of the Family Planning Program.
- The policy aimed to educate and encourage couples to have small families through the use of various contraceptive methods.

3. Objectives of the population policy:
- The primary objective was to stabilize India's population growth by promoting family planning and reducing the birth rate.
- It aimed to improve the overall health and well-being of families by spacing out pregnancies and ensuring access to maternal and child healthcare.
- The policy also focused on empowering women by providing them with knowledge and resources for reproductive choices.

4. Strategies and initiatives:
- The government implemented various strategies to achieve the population policy's objectives, including:
- Promoting the use of contraceptives and family planning methods through awareness campaigns and educational programs.
- Establishing family planning clinics and centers to provide accessible and affordable reproductive healthcare services.
- Training healthcare professionals, volunteers, and accredited social health activists (ASHAs) to disseminate information and provide counseling.
- Collaborating with international organizations and donors to enhance resources and technical support for family planning programs.

5. Impact and outcomes:
- Over the years, India's population policy has had both successes and challenges.
- The policy has contributed to a decline in the total fertility rate, from an estimated 6 in the 1950s to around 2.2 in recent years.
- It has also led to increased awareness and acceptance of family planning methods and reproductive rights.
- However, challenges such as regional disparities, limited access to healthcare in rural areas, and cultural factors have affected the policy's implementation and outcomes.

In conclusion, India became the first country to announce an official population policy in 1952. This policy aimed to stabilize population growth, promote family planning, and improve the overall well-being of families. Despite challenges, the population policy has made significant contributions to promoting reproductive health and rights in India.

When did surat witness a small epidemic of plague?
  • a)
    September 1993
  • b)
    December 1994
  • c)
    April 1993
  • d)
    September 1994 
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Surat, a city in the Indian state of Gujarat, experienced a small outbreak of plague in September 1994. The outbreak was contained and controlled through efforts by the local health authorities, and there have been no reported outbreaks of plague in Surat since then. Plague is a serious bacterial infection that is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is primarily transmitted through the bites of infected fleas, which are carried by rats and other small animals. Plague can also be transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or tissues. Plague symptoms can include fever, chills, weakness, and painful swelling of the lymph nodes. If left untreated, plague can be fatal.

What theory was challenged by theorists who claimed that economic growth could outstrip population growth?
  • a)
    Malthus Theory 
  • b)
    Durkheim Theory
  • c)
    Marx Theory
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Mira Gupta answered
Malthus Theory and its Challenge

Thomas Malthus, an English economist, put forward a theory in 1798 known as the Malthusian theory of population. According to him, population growth would always surpass the growth of resources, leading to famine, disease, and poverty. He argued that population growth occurs exponentially while the resources grow linearly, leading to a crisis that would eventually reduce the population.

However, in the 20th century, some economists challenged Malthus' theory, arguing that economic growth could outstrip population growth. They believed that technological advancements and innovation could lead to increased productivity and resource availability, which could sustain a growing population.

The Challenge to Malthus Theory

The challenge was based on the following arguments:

1. Technological Advancements: The economists argued that technological advancements could help increase productivity, leading to increased resource availability. For instance, the introduction of the Green Revolution led to the production of new crop varieties that increased crop yields, leading to food availability.

2. Innovation: The theorists believed that innovation could lead to the creation of new resources, which could help sustain a growing population. For instance, the development of renewable energy sources reduced the dependency on non-renewable energy sources, leading to increased resource availability.

3. Increased Education and Awareness: The economists argued that increased education and awareness could lead to better family planning, reducing population growth.

4. Economic Growth: The theorists believed that economic growth could lead to increased job opportunities and income, leading to improved living standards, reducing population growth.


In conclusion, the Malthusian theory of population was challenged by the economists who believed that economic growth could outstrip population growth. They argued that technological advancements, innovation, increased education and awareness, and economic growth could help sustain a growing population.

Who calculates age-specific rates?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    SociologistsAns: a
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Demographers calculate age-specific rates.

Demographers are social scientists who study population dynamics, including factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, and age distributions. They use various statistical methods and demographic techniques to analyze and interpret demographic data.

Age-specific rates are measures that provide information about the occurrence of a particular event or phenomenon within specific age groups. These rates are often used in population studies to understand the impact of age on various social, economic, and health outcomes.

Here is a detailed explanation of why demographers are the ones who calculate age-specific rates:

Demographic Analysis:
Demographers specialize in the analysis of demographic data, which includes information about the age composition of a population. They use this data to study population trends, make projections, and understand the social and economic implications of demographic changes.

Age-Specific Rates:
Age-specific rates are calculated by dividing the number of events or occurrences within a specific age group by the total population of that age group. These rates provide a more detailed understanding of how a particular event or phenomenon varies across different age groups.

Understanding Age-Specific Trends:
Demographers are interested in understanding how various factors affect different age groups. For example, they may want to analyze the mortality rates for different age groups to understand the impact of aging on mortality patterns. By calculating age-specific rates, demographers can identify trends and patterns that are specific to certain age groups.

Policy and Planning:
Age-specific rates are essential for policymakers and planners to make informed decisions. For example, understanding the age-specific fertility rates can help governments plan for future population growth and allocate resources for maternal and child health services. Demographers play a crucial role in providing accurate and reliable data on age-specific rates to support evidence-based policy and planning.

Data Collection and Analysis:
Demographers are involved in collecting and analyzing demographic data from various sources, such as population censuses, surveys, and administrative records. They use statistical techniques and demographic models to process and analyze the data, including calculating age-specific rates.

In conclusion, demographers are the experts who calculate age-specific rates. Through their expertise in demographic analysis, data collection, and statistical techniques, they provide valuable insights into how different events and phenomena vary across different age groups. Their work is crucial for understanding population dynamics, informing policy decisions, and planning for the future.

What was the primary form of political organisation in Europe during the latter half of the eighteenth century?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Aniket Khanna answered
Nation-States as the Primary Form of Political Organisation in Europe during the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century

During the latter half of the eighteenth century, the primary form of political organisation in Europe was the Nation-State. This was a period of significant transformation in Europe, which saw the emergence of strong and centralized states that were defined by their distinct national identities. Here are some explanations as to why Nation-States became the primary form of political organisation during this period:

Definition of Nation-States

A Nation-State is a political entity that is defined by its shared cultural, linguistic, and historical characteristics. It is a sovereign state that is governed by a single government and represents a particular nation. Nation-States emerged in Europe during the eighteenth century as a result of various factors such as the rise of nationalism, the decline of feudalism, the spread of Enlightenment ideas, and the need for stronger and centralized states.

Factors that led to the Emergence of Nation-States in Europe

1. Nationalism

Nationalism was a significant factor that contributed to the emergence of Nation-States. It refers to the belief in the importance of national identity and the desire for self-rule. During the eighteenth century, the idea of nationalism gained momentum, and people began to identify more strongly with their national identity. This led to the formation of Nation-States that were based on shared cultural, linguistic, and historical characteristics.

2. Decline of Feudalism

The decline of feudalism also contributed to the emergence of Nation-States. Feudalism was a system of government that was characterized by the decentralization of power and the fragmentation of territories. As feudalism declined, there was a need for stronger and centralized states that could provide stability and security. Nation-States emerged as a solution to this problem as they were able to consolidate power and provide a sense of national unity.

3. Enlightenment Ideas

The spread of Enlightenment ideas also contributed to the emergence of Nation-States. Enlightenment thinkers believed in the importance of reason, individualism, and democracy. These ideas challenged the traditional authority of monarchs and feudal lords and paved the way for the emergence of Nation-States that were based on the principles of democracy and individual freedom.

4. Need for Stronger and Centralized States

Finally, the need for stronger and centralized states also contributed to the emergence of Nation-States. As Europe became more connected through trade and commerce, there was a need for stronger states that could provide security and regulate economic activities. Nation-States emerged as a solution to this problem as they were able to provide a centralized and stable government that could regulate economic activities and provide security to its citizens.


In conclusion, Nation-States emerged as the primary form of political organisation in Europe during the latter half of the eighteenth century. This was a period of significant transformation in Europe, which saw the emergence of strong and centralized states that were defined by their distinct national identities. The factors that led to the emergence of Nation-States included nationalism, the decline of feudalism, the spread of Enlightenment ideas, and the need for stronger and centralized states.

When was the first modern census recorded?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Ruchi Joshi answered
The first modern census was recorded in the year 1790 in the United States.

- A census is a systematic collection of data about a specific population.
- The first known census was conducted in ancient China in 2 AD.
- In the modern era, some European countries began conducting censuses in the 18th century.
- However, the first modern census in the United States was conducted in 1790.
- The purpose of the census was to determine the population of the newly formed country and to apportion seats in the House of Representatives.
- The census was conducted by U.S. marshals, who went door-to-door to collect information from households.
- The questions asked in the census included the name of the head of household, the number of free white males over the age of 16, the number of free white females, the number of other free persons, and the number of slaves.
- The census was completed in 9 months and the results showed that the U.S. population was just over 3.9 million.

In conclusion, the first modern census was recorded in the United States in 1790 and served as a benchmark for future censuses in the country as well as in other parts of the world.

The Department of family planning was set - up in __________.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

From III five year plan onwards, importance was given to family planning measures to stabilize the population growth.

What is an x-ray like diagnostic device based on ultra-sound technology?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Prerna Nair answered

  • An x-ray is a diagnostic device that uses electromagnetic radiation to create images of the internal structures of the body. However, there are other diagnostic devices that use different technologies, such as ultra-sound.

  • Ultra-sound is a type of diagnostic imaging that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the internal structures of the body.

  • A sonogram is a type of ultra-sound diagnostic device that uses sound waves to create images of the internal organs and tissues of the body. It is often used during pregnancy to monitor the development of the fetus, but can also be used to diagnose other conditions such as tumors or cysts.


Therefore, the correct answer to the question is option B, sonogram, as it is an ultrasound-based diagnostic device that creates images of the internal structures of the body, similar to how x-rays create images using electromagnetic radiation.

What state is beginning to acquire an age structure like that of the developed countries?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Anjali Pillai answered
Age Structure of Developed Countries

The age structure of a country refers to the proportion of the population in different age groups. Developed countries are characterized by a higher proportion of older people and a lower proportion of younger people. This is because of factors such as low birth rates, longer life expectancy, and improved healthcare.

Kerala's Age Structure

Kerala is a state in India that is beginning to acquire an age structure like that of the developed countries. Kerala's demographic transition began in the 1970s, and the state has experienced a decline in birth rates and death rates. This has resulted in an increase in life expectancy and a higher proportion of older people in the population.

Factors Contributing to Kerala's Age Structure

The age structure of Kerala can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the state has a high literacy rate, which has led to greater awareness about family planning and health issues. Secondly, Kerala has a high female workforce participation rate, which has resulted in women delaying marriage and childbearing. Thirdly, the state has a high level of healthcare infrastructure, which has improved the overall health of the population.

Impact of Kerala's Age Structure

The aging of Kerala's population has several implications for the state. Firstly, it will lead to an increase in the demand for healthcare services, particularly for geriatric care. Secondly, it will lead to a decline in the workforce participation rate, which could impact the state's economy. Thirdly, it will lead to an increase in the dependency ratio, as the proportion of older people increases relative to the working-age population.


In conclusion, Kerala is a state in India that is beginning to acquire an age structure like that of the developed countries. This can be attributed to factors such as high literacy rates, female workforce participation, and improved healthcare infrastructure. The aging of the population has several implications for the state, which will need to be addressed in the coming years.

Positive checks on population growth can Include:-
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    All are correct
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Positive checks are things that may shorter the average lifespan such as, disease, warfare, famine & poor living condition.

What was the sex ratio in 1961?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Sex ratio refers to the number of females per 1000 males in a population. In 1961, India conducted its first census after independence, and the sex ratio at that time was 941 females per 1000 males.

Factors affecting sex ratio
Several factors can affect the sex ratio of a population. Some of them are:

1. Cultural practices: In certain cultures, there is a preference for male children over female children. This can lead to female infanticide and sex-selective abortions.

2. Economic factors: In some societies, having a son is seen as an economic advantage as he can help with farm work or run the family business. Hence, families may prefer to have male children.

3. Education: Education can play a significant role in improving the sex ratio. Educated individuals are more likely to value gender equality and are less likely to discriminate against female children.

4. Government policies: Governments can implement policies to promote gender equality and reduce discrimination against female children.

Impact of sex ratio on society
The sex ratio of a population can have a significant impact on society. A skewed sex ratio can lead to several issues, such as:

1. Increased violence against women: In societies where there are fewer women, women may be seen as a commodity, leading to an increase in violence against them.

2. Lack of marriage opportunities: A skewed sex ratio can result in a lack of marriage opportunities for men, leading to social unrest.

3. Demographic imbalances: A skewed sex ratio can lead to a demographic imbalance, which can have economic and social consequences.

In conclusion, the sex ratio in India in 1961 was 941 females per 1000 males. The sex ratio is an essential indicator of the status of women in a society and can have significant social and economic consequences. Efforts should be made to promote gender equality and reduce discrimination against women to ensure a balanced sex ratio.

What studies the trends and processes associated with a population, such as changes in population size, patterns of births, deaths, migration, and the structure and composition?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preethi Sen answered
Demography is the study of population trends and processes, including changes in population size, patterns of births, deaths, migration, and the structure and composition of a population.

Demography can provide valuable insights into a range of social, economic, and political issues. By analyzing population data, demographers can identify patterns and trends that can help inform policy decisions and planning in various fields, such as healthcare, education, and urban development.

Understanding population size and changes is essential for effective resource allocation and planning. Demographers use various methods to estimate population size, including census data, surveys, and statistical modeling. This information helps policymakers and planners determine the needs of a population, such as healthcare services, housing, and infrastructure.

Patterns of births, deaths, and migration are also important indicators studied in demography. By examining fertility rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns, demographers can gain insights into the social and economic factors influencing population dynamics. For example, a high birth rate may indicate a young population, while a low birth rate may indicate an aging population. Similarly, high levels of migration can impact population composition and distribution.

The structure and composition of a population are also key areas of study in demography. This includes analyzing age and gender distributions, as well as other demographic characteristics such as ethnicity, education, and income. These factors can provide valuable information about the social and economic characteristics of a population, and help identify disparities and inequalities.

Demography also plays a crucial role in understanding population dynamics in the context of global challenges, such as climate change, urbanization, and migration. By studying population trends and processes, demographers can contribute to the development of evidence-based policies and interventions to address these challenges.

In conclusion, demography is a field of study that focuses on understanding population trends and processes. It provides insights into changes in population size, patterns of births, deaths, migration, and the structure and composition of a population. Demographic analysis is essential for effective planning and policy-making in various social, economic, and political domains.

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